
Devil Fruit Era: My Full Level Armed Color Emission

Ye Chi ventured into a world reminiscent of an urbanized rendition of One Piece! Here, Haki, Six Styles, Swordsman, and Devil Fruit are prevalent. The unique aspect lies in the requirement for everyone to venture into the Devil's Space upon turning eighteen in order to acquire the Devil Fruit ability! With a one-hundred-fold amplification system, Ye Chi commences his journey armed with full-level Armament Haki! He can seamlessly transition from any knife to the formidable Yama in the blink of an eye. His awakening enables him to perceive, discern, and directly connect with the essence of all sounds! Post-amplification, Conqueror's Haki can enshroud the very essence of his attacks! And the tale doesn't conclude there! Upon attaining the Devil Fruit ability, Ye Chi stumbles upon the revelation that the fruit's powers can be further enhanced! Who can withstand the might of a Devil Fruit ability amplified hundreds of times over? It's an unstoppable force!

AARYAN_PATHAK · Anime und Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 12 This Place Today Is Destined To Be Your Burial Place

Wang Youkai seemed to have just seen the world today, and all the inherent concepts in his heart were shattered!

First level, second level, third level!

Why is there such a segmentation in this world? Because the first order is most similar to ordinary people.

Although the first level is stronger than ordinary people, it is not as strong as the second level. It can achieve power out of the body.

Taking Mera-mera Fruit as an example, a first-level Mera-mera Fruit ability user can only have fire abilities at most.

One hundred points of their spiritual power is not enough to support the skill of Waifang Fire Fist.

At the second level, you can release fire fists, muskets, etc.

When you reach the third level and break through 10,000 points of spiritual power, you can have relatively vast spiritual power and develop terrifying skills similar to mysteries.

Mentality corresponds to Devil Fruit's abilities, and physical fitness corresponds to physical skills.

The two are the same, so there is no explanation for physical constitution and physical skills.

(Of course, if you can get the powerful Logia Devil Fruit ability like Mera-mera Fruit at the first level.

The spiritual power it gives can already make people easily break through 100 points of spirit and reach the second level of releasing the fire fist.

Previously, Shark Tooth deduced that Ye Chi did not exceed the first level because he was unable to release his power. )



Seeing Shark Teeth's defeat, the five gangsters ran over in a hurry.


With a muffled groan, Shark Tooth's body trembled violently.

The blood was flowing across the heaving chest, and the sharp teeth kept breathing heavily, and a dazzling streak of Bloodline overflowed out.


Looking at the seriously injured shark tooth, Ye Chi looked at the knife in his hand regretfully.

An ordinary sword is just ordinary, and its base value is too low. Even if it is strengthened a hundred times, it will be useless.

If he could have some of the famous swords in the pirate world, this powerful strike would probably pierce his heart.

People who possess the Zoan Fruit have strong resilience.

But after being seriously injured, it is not easy to recover. At least now, he has no fighting ability.

But it backfired.

The shark tooth wiped away the bloodline from the corner of his mouth, and his left hand covered his tattered chest.

"Boy, I... really underestimated you!"

Shark Tooth slowly stood up from the yellow sand. This was the first time in so many years that he was so embarrassed by a first-order trash!

Facing that resentful look, Ye Chi's eyes became solemn again.

With him like this, could it be possible that he still has a trump card?

Seeing the slight change in the other party's expression, Shark Teeth chuckled!

"What a boy full of fighting talent, but unfortunately, today's place is destined to be your burial place!"

Under Ye Chi's gaze.

Shark Tooth took out a tube of red liquid, raised his head and drank it!

While he was swallowing the liquid, Wan Youkai in the car stammered in horror: "The God of Death, he...he drank the strongest life-restoring potion!"

Life-restoring potion?

Ye Chi's eyes flashed with heaviness.

Sure enough, as Shark Tooth drank the liquid, his almost smashed chest began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"Yitong Pharmaceutical's medicine is really easy to use! Jie Jie Jie!!"

Shark Tooth felt his body regaining its functions. He crushed the medicine tube with one hand and stepped out!

"Life restoration potion, what is it?"

Ye Chi frowned. In this era, someone could actually develop such a medicine that can instantly restore injuries?

Wang Youkai swallowed his saliva and explained to Ye Chi with fear:

"God of Death, that life-restoring potion is Yitong Pharmaceutical's unique secret medicine. Even the entire Xia Federation has not sold a few tubes on the surface, but he..."

Yitong Pharmaceutical is a rising star in the Federation in the past two years.

They use the latest and most powerful high-efficiency pharmaceuticals to completely break the traditional medical model and bring unprecedented medical technology products to the Federation.

Their strong resilience and various magical items that can help cultivators become stronger have allowed them to easily dominate the market.

Within one year, Yitong Pharmaceutical developed into the top pharmaceutical group in the federation.

In less than two years, the forces have penetrated into every branch of the federation, and the black and white factions are fighting for each other.

Shark Tooth was able to get a tube of life-restoring potion from his hand because he secretly solved an important figure for Yitong Pharmaceutical.

This medicine is hush money.

Life-restoring potions like these are commercially available and priceless.

On the general market, there are only some physical recovery potions for sale.

Wang Youkai also didn't expect that a gangster with level 3 strength like Shark Teeth would have such a life-saving potion in his hands!

"He must have done something shameful for that group to have such a potion!"

On the yellow sand, Wang Youkai's angry voice fell.

Shark Tooth's sinister gaze glanced at him, and he immediately felt as if he was being targeted by Lion Majesty.

"Get rid of that noisy trash!"

The shark's teeth opened, and deep words sounded.

Five gangsters responded and immediately surrounded him.

Wang Youkai was shocked, and a purple sword wave slashed through!


The sword energy blasted them, and the five gangsters immediately fell to the ground, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

Looking at the five men who failed to succeed, the veins on the shark-toothed fists were bursting, he gritted his teeth and uttered two words: "Trash!"

Compared to the situation where his men were dying, Shark Tooth was even more secretly frightened by Ye Chi at this moment.

That kid has already used such a powerful move, and now he still has some energy left?

A burst of Emission sword energy was slashed out to eliminate the opponent's useless men.

Ye Chi's current state is no different from usual.

This is the dominance that far exceeds the ordinary density of the body after countless life returns!

Using the Devil Fruit ability requires mental strength; using Haki requires physical support.

Ye Chi is not afraid of the recovered shark tooth, because he can still use Weiguo twice.

However, the next two times will obviously not be as easy as the first time.

"Is this the third level? Did I wipe out all my wealth?"

Ye Chi stood on the roof of the car, a faint sense of ridicule spreading.

Shark Tooth snorted, this kid is really a fighting genius.

I want to say a few words to anger myself, and then expose my flaws...

"You have no chance!"

His chest was still aching, and Shark Tooth clenched the serrated knife viciously!

"Swirling sawtooth!"

With a low cry, he pulled his right arm back in an Ultimate arc, and with a fierce sound of breaking through the air, the serrated knife shot towards Ye Chi in a spinning motion.

The rotating serrated knife was very fast and slashed Ye Chi in half.

Ye Chi calmly leaned back, his eyes level with the blade, and the jagged edge scraped across his face, whizzing past.

Ye Chi twitched his ears and glanced sideways as he landed on the roof of the car.

I saw the serrated knife that was shot spinning out in an arc, approaching again and returning.

And below, the shark teeth are already rushing towards us!

Does he want to attack from both front and back?

Ye Chi's thoughts were racing and his legs were running wildly. He ran on top of several connected cars, trying to get out of the shooting range of the knife.

But the whirling serrated knife was like a tarsal maggot, chasing after him.

"Can't escape..."

At the last moment, Ye Chi jumped up, and the moment he avoided the rotating blade, a shark pierced directly from the ground!

"go to hell!"

The beast-shaped shark teeth and spear-like pointed nose were aimed at Ye Chi's heart, piercing it with one blow!