
Deus Machinerum in Star Wars

Every events and actions influence the future, wether the change change is big or small. What would happen if an ancient civilization ressurect and rebuild itself? This is one of the infinite possibilities in the Star Wars universe. This is the first novel (fanfiction) that I write, also, english is my third language, correction on my grammar and orthography would be welcome. Star Wars belongs to Disney.

Dont_Trust_Atoms · Anime und Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 7

Near Eriadu, a large cargo spaceship exited hyperspace and made it's way towards one of the main spaceport. The ship had a large 'II' written on it's hull, sign of the 'duae' trade company, mainly trading agricultural and machinery products.

No one knew from which planet they came from, they just know that some upstarts registered the company in Coruscant and it grew in size very quickly. Although it's a big company, it isn't one of the largest as the rivals of duae quickly noticed the company and suppressed it, blocking part of it's growth and the possibility of being overtaken very quickly, which could damage their main interest.

Part of the reason why the company grew so fast is the reliability of it's products and price which are quite cheap, although due to the fact that the piece of the machinery are unique of the company, only duae produce spare parts of the sold machinery, at least until another company understands how those different pieces works together.

Landing at the large spaceport orbiting Eriadu, droids aggregated around the ship, taking the products of the ship, mostly it being machinery.

As the ship has been emptied of the sold products and being refueled, it quickly began to depart of the spaceport, after which it entered hyperspace going toward Tatooine.


At Aurea, Eve was standing in a battleship, it being the current flagship of the Aurea fleet. 

Everything was going very quickly thanks to the efficiency of the droids and the lack of needs of food, wage and housing areas for a population, although this last part will soon change.

Eve created a company called duae, two in latin, but no one would understand the meaning of the word as latin doesn't exist in this galaxy. She simply chosed this name as the company would participate at the second rise of the Automata Empire, although the company would disappear after Aurea appears. The republic could after all investigate duaes movement if anything is fishy, which is why the company would disappear some years later after the apparition of the Federation of Aurea.

With the help of duae, they gathered a lot of republican credits, enough to buy tens of thousands twi'leks and human slaves from Tatooine and Ryloth, which will make the early population of Aurea. 

Promise those slaves freedom, and after three generations (=60 years), they would have completely forgotten the fact that they were once slaves, or hide the fact to avoid returning to slavery if the Hutts doesn't allow freedom for their products, earning loyalty of a desperate population is quite easy after all.


Artoria was marching through the hallways of the ACS-HSF238 (=Anti Capital Ship Heavy Star Frigate model 238) before stopping in front of a room in which her master was currently living, ready to report the stade of the current plans and changes needed to be done.

It's been two months since the first slaves have been settled on Aurea. 

'Organic life is really cumbersome: inefficient, a lot of needs needing to be relieved with different foods, energy,... really, if possible, I don't want those low lifes to be near me' thought Artoria.

Although those thoughts cannot be entirely blamed on Artoria, due to the fact that Autamata computal prowess are a lot higher than most humans, twi'leks and other species (in the exception of genius).

In the end, she relented and accepted the fact that those twi'leks and humans were needed to give a false image of 'lively and peaceful civilization with a fleet to defend themselves'.

Huffing, she rang the door to signal her presence and entered after being allowed by the owner of the room.

"Good afternoon master, I am reporting about the the state of the humans and twi'leks slaves. They have been settled in various cities around Aurea and the introduction onto Aurea has been very well received, especially when they knew they would be set free.... 

Also, around 40% of the current population have been employed in various sectors, mainly being agricultural sectors and heavy industry."

"Good, continue until the population is around 10 million."

"Yes, master. It should take around 10 years until we have a population of 10 millions to avoid suspicions from the republic."

(I think that the republic doesn't secure the outer rim very well and just leave the outer rim on it's own, so unless someone makes a lot of movement, they just wouldn't notice or care.)

'Thankfully, those organic beings will be governed by master, she is much more efficient than them.'


(??? point of view)

They came from nowhere, bought us, set us free with only the requirement of staying on their planets and be part of their population... I still can't believe this is happening.

Yobaa is a twi'lek sold from his 'village', or so he thinks the underground settlement he lived in should be called due to it's size. Still very confused from all the events happening recently in his life.

Who wouldn't? Yobaa was ready to live a life of misery as a slave, be a miner, a farmer,... with no liberty, working early morning until night. But in the end, he lived a 'normal' life with his wife, which he thought he wouldn't be able to see anymore as he thought she would be sold, most probably as a servant or worse, as a sex*al outlet for some 'master'.

Thankfully, nothing of this happened. Now, he believes he is living in a dream, although it is more that he is wary of their new 'master', still not believing in the fact they would be set free so easily. Why set them free after all, what would they gain from it?

A lot of questions came to his mind left without any answers, and even if the Automatas knew that their new population asked themselves those questions, they wouldn't answer them, why trust a race proven to be able to sacrifice a lot of beings for some benefits?

As Yobaa exit his home, he greeted most twi'leks and humans in the city. Maybe due to a reassuring aura emetting from himself, or maybe due to other reason, he finds it easy to communicate with other inhabitants, becoming popular in the city very quickly.

Entering the factory, he put on the protective equipment and began a day of work to earn money for his wife which is working too in the factory.

The days passed by and after a while, just when he went out of his home, he noticed a droid waiting outside of the house. Not wanting to earn the possible wrath of his owner, he went quickly to the droid wanting to know the reason for it's presence.

"Are you Yobaa?" asked the droid.

"Yes, I am, may I know the reason why you are here?"

"Yobaa, it has been decided by the leaders of the federation of Aurea that you will soon become the mayor of this city due to the fact that you fulfill all criterium for this position which are:

-Being literate

-Having followed an education on laws of the republic (if you buy a slave, I suppose you know the backstory of the slave)

-Popular in the population of the city

Ready yourself for this position as you will begin to work as the mayor tomorrow. You will prepare yourself for the position today and don't need to work in the factory. Do not worry, as your employer have been notified in advance."

When the droid was halfway through it's message, Yobaa was already asking himself many question; Me mayor? Why? How? ... Finally, after the droid finished speaking he couldn't help but blurt out:
