
Deus Machinerum in Star Wars

Every events and actions influence the future, wether the change change is big or small. What would happen if an ancient civilization ressurect and rebuild itself? This is one of the infinite possibilities in the Star Wars universe. This is the first novel (fanfiction) that I write, also, english is my third language, correction on my grammar and orthography would be welcome. Star Wars belongs to Disney.

Dont_Trust_Atoms · Anime und Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 6

Looking at Aurea from space certainly shows the beauty of the planet. 

Looking out from the window of the commanding officer of the corvette HAC (=HAC-SC240). It's been one and half a year since I've been born and I can finally say with some confidence that I understand most information needed to guide a nation, although I'm not trained to be a leader....

It seems that I am in quite a familiar universe as I scrolled information from a cult organization called the Jedi order. 

Thankfully, the Automata Empire had a good reputation as even though they were quite warlike, they didn't kill the population from other planets indiscriminately. I am even more thankful when I know that with the current technology, it is praticly impossible to hide my settlement for a long period, making it so that we should contact the galactic republic so that they have a positive mindset toward us.

But before contacting them or someone else, we should make two decisions:

"What will be my name? And the civilizations name?"

I can't stay without a name forever, even though I wanted to use my name from my previous life but I somehow forgot when I was born.... This fact spread at the moment I noticed it a sense of loss, as I noticed that I forgot my family, friends, even myself....

A dreadful fact that I needed to surpass, which I did once I had some partners to live alongside. Humans are social creatures after all, and we can only go above difficulties together. 

Looking at me, Artoria seems to recall the fact that I did not have a name as she called me 'master' the entire time.

"Should we try to find suggestions for your name master?"

"Yes. No inspiration...."

Bowing to me and exiting the room, most probably looking for the others dependants, I continued to look out from the window lost in thought.

'Should I call the settlement the 2nd Automata Empire or change the name? If I call it the 2nd Automata Empire, it can be risky as the republic could think of us as a threat.... Should I change the name then? Making it seem like a democratic government should make the early communication easier, especially since I don't need to be the one that talks to the republic envoy.'

As I was thinking, I didn't notice the entry of my seven dependants, who began to create a list with possible names, not wishing to perturb the thought of their master.

Noticing them a bit later, I turned so that I faced them.

"Deceive the republic with the name of the settlement?"

Thinking of my words and understanding why, they began to think about the answer. 

After a while, they faced each other and nodded their heads:

"Yes, we think it would be a good idea; if a republic accepts foreign civilization in their country, then beign a democratic government would make our entry smoother, their guard lower and our future relationship better."

Nodding to their answer and beign relieved of their answer confirming my thoughts, I changed the subjects.

"So what do you propose for name?"

"After discussing, we think the name Eve would be great: master, you are the first Automata to awaken, and Eve is the name of the first woman in an ancient civilization myths."

Nodding to their proposal.

"I shall be Eve, the queen of the federal government of Aurea, although officially I would be the chancellor."

Having finally a name, I noticed some sort of sense of relief in the deepest part of me, which I understood was from the fact that I finally had an identity. No one would like to have no name in their life. 

I felt... incomplete when I had no name to be accurate.

If we want to not be an empty country, or maybe region in the future, we need a population.

"I propose we communicate with the republic... to join them. In the premise of independance... a country within a country."

(A bit like the german empire or holy roman empire: I don't need to say anything about the holy roman empire I think, but for the german empire, just know the fact that the Hohenzollern weren't the only royal family in Germany at that time.)

Although my dependants most propably didn't want to bow down to another country, they still thought about the proposition.

'The Automatas created some sort of superpower when they existed... the republic would find us too dangerous to exist when they know of our existence. It would be better to deceive them and rebel in the future when we are strong enough. If I remember correctly, there was some sort of civil war in the future.'

(She knows it isn't after the existence of the empire as there is not information of the destruction of the Jedi order in the database.)

Finally, with some reluctance and understanding of why I propose the idea, they began to move and prepare for a future communication with the republic.

Medusa stayed in the room, preparing the report I asked about the reproduction of the settlement.

"We are producing 3 HAC per month due to a lack of spaceport, but the rate of production should soon be accelerated as we are building dockyards. I propose the production of civilian ship for commerce purpose to better deceive the republic and not seem like a military nation. Thankfully, the republic has no data about our ships but only about our leaders and name of our race, so we don't need to hide our military ships."

The fact they don't know about our ships is welcomed, as designing a hull of an entire ship require a lot of effort and money, of which we don't have.

"What should we trade with the republic?"

If we don't have anything to trade with the republic, it would be quite bad, I don't want to end up like Ryloth, a planet in the 'outer rim' which apparently enslave it's own population and trade them as goods. A possible source of population for us, as we need manpower... badly.

"We have a lot of possible agricultural products which are rare and can be possibly sold. We also have a lot of machinery that can be produced and sold and finally possibly raw metals, albeit I don't think we should rely on it."

Yes, selling raw materials can be risky if end up relying on them too much, our economy would collapse as soon as the natural reserve of this metal or fuel is dried up.

"We will sell agricultural products and machinery for now. We will buy metals and the population of Ryloth in small quantites. Otherwise, the republic could protest our actions."

We don't want to end up on the blacklist of the republic after all... for now.

"Once the funds are sufficient, we will follow the plan."

Who would like to be silently suppressed by another country after all? Certainly not me, and there is a possiblity to 'annex' other countries in the republic even without declaring war.

A form of war which was present on Earth more and more: economic warfare. If we buy the entire institution... even the planets, we would be the de facto leader of the other country, and we will annex them after exiting the republic.

With my mouth upturning a little, I looked at Aurea. 

'My ambitions won't end here. I want more, who would like to live a mediocre life? Not me, and ... I will rise, even higher than the previous Automata'

Restricted by intelligence and talents back on Earth, I lived a mediocre life, although I was happy, I don't want to live a similar life now; especially since I have the opportunity and an upgraded talent inherited from this body.