
Deus dream

When reality and fantasy collide. Embark with me on a part of my life and my dreams. The story follows Roland Auun, a young man who mysteriously finds himself transported to another world. In this unknown world, Roland discovers that he possesses special abilities and a status screen that allows him to see his skills, level, and other information about himself. Throughout his journey, Roland faces various challenges and encounters fantastical creatures. He learns to fight and survive in this dangerous environment, using his acquired skills to dominate his adversaries. He feels a sense of excitement and power as he realizes that he has become a protagonist in a world of adventure and magic. However, despite his enthusiasm for the infinite possibilities that lie before him, Roland is haunted by his past life. He briefly thinks of his family, but he is determined to explore this new and fascinating universe. He questions his arrival in this world and the meaning of his presence here. _________________________________________________ Lot of love _________________________________________________ This is a work of fiction. The characters and situations described in this book are purely imaginary: any resemblance to existing or having existed characters or events is purely coincidental. ___________________________________________________________ "I am tall and mighty, yet cannot be touched. I am the reflection of the soul, an open window. Who am I?"

Imnotdeus · Fantasie
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26 Chs

In Search of Water

Roland made his way through the dense forest, his senses on high alert. The air was filled with a tense atmosphere, a palpable tension hanging in the air. He had heard the murmuring sound of a nearby water source and hoped to find a water point to quench his thirst. His steps guided him in the right direction, the air becoming more humid, and a gentle breeze carrying the fresh scent of water.

However, as he approached the sound of water, he noticed distant voices blending with the river's murmur. Guttural and discordant voices that evoked an unknown and foreign language. Roland stopped and hid behind a tree, listening carefully to the goblins conversing among themselves.

Their voices were harsh and grating, filled with a disquieting malevolence. Roland couldn't understand their words, but he could sense their sinister intent through their tone. The goblins seemed to be discussing an imminent hunt or perhaps an expedition to attack another race. Their voices carried an unmistakable ferocity, and Roland felt a wave of impending danger.

Suddenly, a stealthy movement caught his attention. He watched intently as a group of goblins moved cautiously through the trees, their dark figures blending with the forest's shadows. They seemed to be heading towards the river, unaware of Roland's presence nearby.

Roland's heart raced, the blood pulsating through his veins. He knew he had to act with caution, as confronting a group of goblins was no easy task. He quickly pondered his options, deciding to silently move away from the area to avoid direct confrontation.

He took a wide detour to bypass the goblins, maneuvering through the undergrowth. Hunger gnawed at him, but he couldn't risk a reckless encounter. He promised himself to find another water source later, far away from the goblins.

After a long walk, Roland finally came across a serene and crystal-clear stream. He knelt by the bank, letting the cold water flow through his fingers. A soothing relief washed over him as he quenched his thirst, the water rejuvenating his weary body.

As he stood up, Roland felt the lingering presence of the goblins in his mind. He remembered the unintelligible words he had heard and felt a twinge of worry and determination. He couldn't allow these malevolent creatures to spread terror unchecked.

His mind filled with thoughts of how to fight them, to surpass them, and to eliminate them. He grew increasingly determined to become stronger, to learn new skills, and to discover ways to successfully confront them. The prospect of becoming a goblin hunter, standing against them, filled him with newfound energy.

Roland gazed at his status screen, where he had already acquired formidable skills and abilities. He knew he had to harness them to the fullest, perfect them, and learn more to become a true adversary to goblins and other enemies that may stand in his way.

As he resumed his journey through the forest, Roland felt a glimmer of hope growing within him. The challenges and dangers ahead were formidable, but he was ready to face them. The path of the goblin hunter lay before him, and he was committed to following it to the end, no matter the cost.