
Deus dream

When reality and fantasy collide. Embark with me on a part of my life and my dreams. The story follows Roland Auun, a young man who mysteriously finds himself transported to another world. In this unknown world, Roland discovers that he possesses special abilities and a status screen that allows him to see his skills, level, and other information about himself. Throughout his journey, Roland faces various challenges and encounters fantastical creatures. He learns to fight and survive in this dangerous environment, using his acquired skills to dominate his adversaries. He feels a sense of excitement and power as he realizes that he has become a protagonist in a world of adventure and magic. However, despite his enthusiasm for the infinite possibilities that lie before him, Roland is haunted by his past life. He briefly thinks of his family, but he is determined to explore this new and fascinating universe. He questions his arrival in this world and the meaning of his presence here. _________________________________________________ Lot of love _________________________________________________ This is a work of fiction. The characters and situations described in this book are purely imaginary: any resemblance to existing or having existed characters or events is purely coincidental. ___________________________________________________________ "I am tall and mighty, yet cannot be touched. I am the reflection of the soul, an open window. Who am I?"

Imnotdeus · Fantasy
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26 Chs

The Goblin Hunt

The gleam of determination shone in Roland's eyes. After deciding to become a formidable goblin hunter, he knew he had to prepare meticulously. His current experience of 250/1000 reminded him of the long road he had to travel to reach level 3, but he was ready to face the challenge.

To prepare himself to confront the goblins, Roland embarked on intensive training. He focused on improving his strength, agility, and endurance. Every day, he practiced wielding his artisanal lance, honing his movements and precision.

At the same time, Roland closely studied the goblins. He observed their hunting habits, movement patterns, and weaknesses. He sought to exploit this information to develop effective strategies.

Roland knew that goblin hunting required not only combat skills but also meticulous preparation. He began collecting poisonous berries, whose paralyzing effect could prove useful in combat. He skillfully applied them to the tips of his lance, increasing his chances of neutralizing his enemies.

Satisfied with his preparations, Roland decided it was time to take action. He spotted an isolated clearing, surrounded by thick bushes, which seemed to be an ideal place to trap the goblins. He carefully studied the terrain, searching for the best ambush points and retreat paths if needed.

With all his plans in mind, Roland embarked on his goblin hunt. He moved silently, blending into the shadows of the forest. When he spotted a group of goblins, he quickly devised a plan to separate and confront them individually.

He used his cleverly placed decoys to attract the attention of the goblins, enticing them to approach. Once they dispersed, Roland emerged from his hiding place and used his lance to attack from a distance. His movements were precise and swift, striking the goblins in vital areas with the poisoned tips.

However, he couldn't always rely on his lance. Sometimes, he had to fight barehanded when faced with a goblin that had managed to get too close. Roland then used his skills as a fighter and his endurance to dodge attacks, counter blows, and ultimately subdue his opponent.

The goblin hunt continued for several days. Roland faced increasingly larger groups, using his cunning, strength, and precision to eliminate them one by one. Each victory brought him immense satisfaction and strengthened his confidence.

As the goblins fell under his strikes, Roland felt his level of skill increasing. His movements became more fluid, his vision sharpened, and his ability to anticipate enemy attacks improved.

Night fell on the clearing, and Roland had eliminated the majority of the goblins that had tormented him. He knew that this hunt was a step forward in the fulfillment of his quest. He picked up his lance and gazed at the stars shining in the night sky.