
Detective Kazuki Files

Rook Kazuki is a consulting detective from Chiba Prefecture who only takes cases that interests him or if it involves a large sum of money. Before becoming the detective that he is, he solves the gruesome death of Sari Mortensson, the daughter of a well known chess grandmaster in Sweden. Now that he is back in Chiba, he solves the complicated requests of his clients, together with his partner, Tatsumi Sakoshita.

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27 Chs

The University Professor Murder Case - File 2

On the other hand, Tatsumi mixed with the police officers and asked for some information on the victim when the murder happened. He learned that the maid, who found the victim, was preparing Asian foods for Kannon. When she finished them and told it to Kannon, she found him dead on his room. The maid offered him a seat for the interrogation.

"Ma'am, Professor mentioned about videotapes, do you know about this?"

"Yes, I do, those tapes were something Mr. Kannon is always mentioning to his friends and to the professor. I overheard it when I was watering the flowers and Mr. Kannon is telling the about those videotapes."

"What about those videos?"

The questioned maid seems to be nervous to answer. Her white and beautiful face went pale. Tatsumi observed her intently. Her hair was long and a little brown, her lips so perfect and exact eye lashes that matched her eyes.

"Ma'am…?" he called.

"Just call me by my name…Rina Kanagawa…"

"So miss Rina, what about the video?"

"Mr. Kannon said that those are videos very delicate that could exploit a big secret. He shouted and bragged to them that he is the only one who has the copy of those delicate videos…"

There are deductions that were formed on Tatsumi's mind. It is a thing that would hear a big clue on the case. "That is all, Miss Rina. Thank you very much for the cooperation."

The beautiful maid bowed for a welcome and went to continue her work. Tatsumi walked silently going to where Rook was. He saw Rook checking on the evidence tags and the details the police are holding. He overheard Rook saying that the police should call for the four suspects of the case for him to question them. Officer Miharu bowed and went outside, talking with some policemen. Tatsumi believed that the police should call them. They have one hint about the case if who is the killer but they are lacking of evidence and leads of the case. He went to check on the murder scene with Rook waiting for the four suspects to arrive.

It is about an hour when the suspects arrived. The four of them are all close friends of Kannon. Each of them was given a seat, facing Rook, who was holding a pen on his right and notebook on his left.

"Let us check each of your alibis again…" he suggested. The first one is a tall thin man, white complexion with a neat haircut. His clothing are Italian based and not Japanese.

"My name is Ikegami Kenzo. I am a biologist. I was at the study room the murder happened. I am waiting for the maid to call me. I hate crowded places so I stayed on the professor's study room to read the book I just bought."

"But why do you go into the costume party then?"

"It was to discuss about the deal we had with the professor…"

"A deal of…?"


Rook nodded. He turned on to the next suspect. It was a slim woman, red lips and brown hair. She is an image of a perfect woman, a very beautiful image like that of Aphrodite.

"My name is Donna Fargo…I work as a commercial model for perfumes."

"Where were you the murder happened?"

"I was watching the fireworks display. I am on my Yukata that time. I saw Misuzu and Mito there watching too…"

"Can anyone attest to that?"

"Well, they fled away. Many people were there who saw me…"

Rook deepened his seat on his chair. He nodded and Tatsumied something on his notebook. "Next is Misuzu Kaneko…"

A skinny woman, wearing a pink blouse and brown secretarial skirt bowed for admittance. She smiled as she spoke clearly. Her accent was a little different.

"I am Misuzu Kaneko. Like Donna said, I was also watching the fireworks display that time they found Kannon dead."

"Pardon me miss Misuzu but, are you born in Great Britain?"

Misuzu was surprised. "Yes! Great, how did you know that?"

"The hint is about your accent in Japanese. Many will say that you are born in America. But when I noticed you a while ago, when Inspector Eijiro asked if you were in the dining room you said 'nay'. The way you spell out 'no' is like placing 'eh' on no, like 'nehw'.

"That observation is amazing. Yes my mother is a British lady but my father is Japanese."

"Can anyone prove that you are in the fireworks display?"

"Yes, Mito is with me."

Rook noted something. "I will not therefore question Mr. Mito Hasegawa about this, since the latter suspect, Ms. Misuzu is with her, it is impossible that he committed the crime. That is, if they was really there…"

"Of course we do!" Mito defended.

He ended the interrogation with it and proceeded to the crime scene immediately. He asked Tatsumi to stay there as he will accompany Eijiro and the others in the crime lab.

Rook secretly called Tatsumi. He asked him to check the things of the suspects one by one. He asked him to check Donna's shoes the time the murder happened. Tatsumi agreed and said he already knew about the shoes of Donna Fargo. Tatsumi's feeling of triumph is almost making him so much excited. He found out that Donna's yukata and her shoes the time the murder happened was not yet washed in the laundry.

"It is your mistake, Donna. If we found out the thing we are looking for in your yukata and shoes, we are definitely sure that you are the killer…" Tatsumi said on his mind as he called for a taxi going to the police station.


Tatsumi and Rook entrusted the examination to the Inspector and the forensic experts. They were very sure of the lead to the case. If their intuition is correct, they will have the strongest weapon of evidence to prove the killer. Officer Miharu opened the door of the lab with a beautiful smile on her face.

"Just like what you said, Rook. There are gun powders on the shoes and on the yukata."

Both of them raised their hands shouted for a yes. Their strongest evidence is now at hand. It is Donna's mistake to mention about the yukata, which she later on guised during the fireworks display.

As both of them are walking going out of the room, Rook was bothered of one thing they still lack. The motive!

"What is the motive? I don't know the details…" said Rook, disappointed of his shortcoming. Tatsumi's excitement was erased. His friend is right although they have the evidence, the motive is still undefined.

"Someone could have planned this all along…what if the criminal planted the dying message and all of this?"

"To frame Donna?" asked Tatsumi.


"But who…? Their alibis are perfect. No doubt they are true!"

Rook silently looked at the window near him. He was so lost in thought.

"If it's my father, he could have solved this all along…" Rook murmured.

Tatsumi looked back to his notes when he checked each of the suspect's things. He read the first page and intrigued to what he just remembered.

"Come to think of it Rook, when I checked Mr. Mito's things, I found something in his room…"

"What is it?"

"A picture…weird."

"Why is it weird?"

"The picture seems to be hiding a clue I can't foretell yet. On the picture was Professor Jun, Mr. Ikegami, Mr. Mito, Ms. Donna, Mr. Kannon and two unknown people. I was about to question Mr. Mito when you called."

"What does the two look like? Do you remember?"

"Yeah. The first one is a young boy. He was riding on Mr. Kannon's back. On the boy's jacket the initials I.K. was printed. The other one is an old man, he is wearing all white and he had a stethoscope. The old man is a doctor."

There was something that sparked on Rook's mind.

"The young boy is Kannon's brother…I suppose."


"That I.K. the K could be Kawahashi."

Tatsumi nodded. It could be true.

"I am impressed, Tatsumi. How could you detail all?"

"I took every detail on my note."

"Impressive. Let's question Mr. Mito about this…"


Mito secretly met with Rook and Tatsumi in the near restaurant. Rook informed about him and the secret meeting that no one should know except him.

"About the old picture?" Mito asked, with a tone of wonder.

"I want to know, who is the old man and the boy…?"

Mito smiled and opened the menu of the restaurant. The waiter listed the order.

"You see, the old man is Donna's father. The young boy is the younger brother of Kannon."

"Where are they now? The younger brother of Kannon, was he informed about the murder? I can't seem to find him…?"

A pale face welcomed Rook's question. Mito's sad eyes were clearly seen from the restaurant's light.

"He died, during the surgery…"

"And the doctor…?"

"The father of Donna…"

Rook stopped to question for a while. A theory was formed in his mind. "And the father of Donna, where is he now?"

"He took suicide, soon after the failed operation…" Mito answered, his voice is with the tone of suffering. He seems to have revealed a secret, a secret that will close the case. Tatsumi took a sip of his coffee and started to talk when Rook remained silent on his seat.

"Mr. Mito, how many days was it before the suicide happened and why?"

"It was exactly three months. The reason of his suicide was because he failed the operation, which caused the death of Kannon's younger brother. Donna's father kept listening to many criticisms about the operation. Kannon pointed that his operation was made for fun and he didn't took it seriously because Kannon had no money to pay the operation. He just made the operation because Donna pleaded to her father to do the operation. Because of this, Donna's father operated the boy, but the failure also created another mistake, the suicide of the doctor."