
Detective Kazuki Files

Rook Kazuki is a consulting detective from Chiba Prefecture who only takes cases that interests him or if it involves a large sum of money. Before becoming the detective that he is, he solves the gruesome death of Sari Mortensson, the daughter of a well known chess grandmaster in Sweden. Now that he is back in Chiba, he solves the complicated requests of his clients, together with his partner, Tatsumi Sakoshita.

Fuurinkazan · Realistic
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27 Chs

The University Professor Murder Case - File 1

"This move is pretty obvious, Rook…you're winning…" said Tatsumi, as he moved his king piece to escape a check. It is their greeting moment, Rook and Tatsumi are both lovers of Chess, whenever they feel bored waiting for clients; they are using chess as a past time.

"Castling is the best move I can prefer to be the solution, I presume…" replied Rook, moving one of his pawns to advance.

"Whenever you're suggesting a castling move, the next thing that happens next is…checkmate."

Tatsumi moved his left rook and king for a castling. Just like he predicted, Rook used his bishop to guard his pawns and advanced it.

"Tatsumi, checkmate…"

Tatsumi laughed and fixed himself on his seat. He raised both his hands and stretched them. He collected the white and black pieces and placed them on the board.

"It is only evident that you must practice more, should you not?" Rook suggested.


Rook noticed the newspaper boy outside waving his hand from the outside. It was a signal, about Rook buying a newspaper. He stood and excused himself and went outside, on the gate.

"Boy, it seems to be an early time but you are on the right time for me to read your newspaper…" he said and handed 32 yen to the newspaper boy. The boy gave the newspaper and received the payment.

"Sir Rook, I think the news would be the thing you need for the time being. Your agency would surely be on need this time…" the boy said.

He glanced at the newspaper headline and turned his sight to the boy who waved his hand and bid goodbye. Rook read the headline and the boy was right, his agency will be of need.

9:00 PM: FUNABASHI, CHIBA, JAPAN; A connoisseur was found dead on his room on a mansion owned by Professor Jun Waseda. The police who investigated the case led by Inspector Eijiro Saionji said that it is a perfect murder case. The house and the murder was well planned. On the murder scene, a chessboard was found together with certain chess pieces with blood stains on it. The victim, Kannon Kawahashi, lying on the floor and bathed on his own blood, was believed to be murdered by a close person on the room, which was also present at that time. Professor Jun said that there were many people the time the murder happened because it was a costume party. But there are five people who was close to Kannon. Inspector Eijiro is now investigating this case and hopes to find the killer as soon as possible.

He rushed to where Tatsumi was waiting and shared about the case. Tatsumi reads the headline and afterwards glanced at the clock. He smiled and pointed it to Rook excitedly.

"It's already 8:30 in the morning. Probably at 10:30, Professor Jun will pay us a visit here in your agency…" Tatsumi said.

"Why is it so?"

"There are four possible hints. First, a professor like Mr. Jun has work to do for the hours starting 7:30 to 10:30 as a regular class time. 10:30 is the time for the college students to take a break. That is, I believe so. Second, knowing that this is a pressuring case, he would ask the police to investigate and you of course, as the successor of the great detective Gradd Kazuki. Third, it is probable that Inspector Eijiro will recommend Professor Jun to see you. Fourth, Professor Jun is concerned about the death of one of his friends. It is only lawful to ask your help for further development of the case."

Rook was amazed to his friend. It was not so long when he was gone to study and now, as a private detective like him, is good at deduction and has learned the logic of probability and statistics.

"I believe it would happen as you say, Tatsumi…" he replied. Tatsumi's face of appreciation was later changed to a serious face.

"but Rook, it was almost two years when uncle Gradd was gone…have you had clues already?"

"Not yet, Tatsumi. None at the moment�����" he replied.

"Knight's murder is also a question right now in my eye…"

"Yes. Days after father was killed, Knight was murdered on his yacht. Only his butler, Radon Yamamoto, survived the explosion and reported the incident right now, he is taking care of Knight's house temporarily, not until one of Knight's relatives learns the business transactions well."

"Do you think someone of great influence did all this?"

"It is probable. I also believe that the one who shot me, killed father and the one who murdered Knight…is the same person or better yet planned by one person…of great influence…"

They calmed themselves. They were so silent, still wondering of the murder scenes, the news headline and their personal matters. If to think of it, the murder of Mr. Kannon is quite complex but interesting. The murder scene is so perfect and it got their attention and wanted to investigate about it.

Their silence was later on broken by a doorbell on the gate of the agency. Tatsumi was the one who went to cater the person outside and welcomed him in. It was Professor Jun. Just like Tatsumi deduced, it was exactly right at 10:30 am. They went straight in the agency's room and Rook bowed for respect to him and offered a seat to the professor.

"What would I be of service, Professor…?" asked Rook.

The professor, on his seat, noticed the newspaper on Rook's desk. His look was rather serious and nervous, but his composure was still on.

"As you already know, on the headline, that one of my important guest is murdered, and I need your service about this case…"

"I will pay you 5 million yen as soon as the case is solved."

Tatsumi was amazed of the professor's prize. A large sum of money, he thought. "Professor, could you tell me if who discovered the body by then? Someone must have reported it to the police…"

"It was one of our housemaids. She was about to tell Kannon about the dinner time but it was then she found the body."

"What was present in the murder scene? Did you know?"

"The chess pieces, the chessboard, and the one which was supposed to be missing…"


"The videotapes. It is evident that Kannon is watching something. The police found a videotape on the VHS but the other tapes were not present."

"I noticed that the headline is not worth to read. The report is lacking something…" Rook added.


"What is the cause of death?"

The professor looked at the window for a long time. He seems to be thinking something.

"We agreed with Inspector Eijiro to hide the other details of the case. Kannon's cause of death is five shots in his back, one of the bullets pinched his heart, which was the cause of death…"

Tatsumi interrupted upon hearing the detail. "Gunshot..? No one heard it?" he asked. The professor shook his head for a no.

"Exactly, what chess pieces were seen and found to have bloodstained?"

"A queen and a bishop chess piece."

"What color?"


Tatsumi looked at the chess board. He arranged the white pieces in order. He smiled in amazement.

"A clever dying message…"

Rook observed the chessboard and the chess pieces. No matter he looked at it, the message is really obtained. He nodded to what Tatsumi observed. He stood up from sitting and offered a shake hands with the professor. The professor agreed and understood that Rook accepted the case.

"We are on the case…professor. We will proceed to the murder scene immediately."

The professor's face of happiness turned to have hope. He accompanied Rook and Tatsumi on the murder scene.

At the murder scene, Rook and Tatsumi split in order to gather more details. Rook arrived there and saw Inspector Eijiro and Officers Raone and Miharu. The atmosphere is rather hot, serious and full of concentration. He smiled to break the police seriousness.

"What do we have here?" Rook welcomed them.

The three police officers were very serious looking. Eijiro was the one who replied to his words. He was serious.

"What is the new detective doing here…?" he said.

Rook wandered his eyes on the murder scene. He observed the evidence tags and the pattered chalk drawing of the victim's body on the floor and the bloody chessboard and pieces. What the professor told them were as is and exact. It was true.

"I am hired by Professor Waseda to solve the case and help you with the investigation…" he replied.

"We don't need your help with these…"

"I can't deny the fact that your intelligence in crime investigation is high, but such complex case like this is of great interest and study. I want to help, as I would help my client."

Miharu smiled. "As expected from the son of the late detective Gradd, you have the blood of being a detective like him."

"Thank you for the compliment."