
Destroying the World Starts From Marvel (MTL)

Task 1: Destroy the world of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Initial props: zombie virus Task 2: Destroy the world of Naruto, initial props: Egg of An Alien ····· task? ? ? : Destroy (system) real (error) world, initial props:? ? ? Forgive me for not being able to bring salvation, because the mission issued to me by the system will always be the same-destroy the world. ________________________________________________________________ This is a MTL. Here is the Orignal: https://m.qidian.com/book/1004837706

BlankWriter · Filme
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75 Chs

Chapter 23: Step 1 is complete

Chen Lu's sudden intervention has made the short-lived supernatural scene more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. I am afraid that all witnesses will not want to forget this in their lives. This is also the effect Chen Lu wants to achieve. Sometimes a casual glance can leave a deeper impression on people. From this group of witnesses, a lot of rumors will be thrown out immediately. This is also the first spread of the cult. step. When the first witnesses were unable to accurately describe the incident, how weird would the latter incident be spread?

   People's imagination is unlimited, especially when it is deliberately used.

   But at present Chen Lu still needs to continue to maintain his glorious and stalwart positive image, so he cursed at Alex: "What are you crazy thinking? You want to die, right? I'll let you get out of here now!"

   After speaking, Chen Lu was very excited and pulled Alex up from the ground, making a gesture to throw him out of the window. These survivors finally reacted. How can they tolerate Chen Lu throwing his companions out to death because of such a trivial matter at this moment of crisis? Immediately a few young people rushed over and hugged Chen Lu, and with their hands together, they pulled them apart, and then used their bodies to block Chen Lu from letting him continue to approach Alex.

   "Calm down! Chen, calm down, okay!" the people who persuaded them to shout loudly.

After tossing like this for a while, Chen Lu seemed to regain his senses, and took a deep breath and said, "Okay, I am calm. Sorry, everyone. I just have a hunch that this kid will kill all of us here. ."

   Suddenly, Alex on the other side stared at Chen Lu with a gloomy gaze. Even the untargeted crowd of onlookers felt cold in their back, as if he was staring into the abyss. The mystery on Alex is getting worse, and people are beginning to realize that things are not simple.

   The dispute between the two will not be discussed for now. Since the zombies have been repelled, the first task must be to repair the damaged fortifications so as not to lose shelter when the next wave of corpses arrives. Hawkeye and others who remained on the second floor for sniping also went down to the first floor to help repair the planks. Almost all the survivors gathered together, and naturally everything that happened just now began to spread.

   After hearing about Chen Lu's heroic battles to save people from times of crisis, he naturally received praise and respect from everyone. And after hearing that Alex and the zombies were in strange contact just now, everyone looked suspicious. After all, this was really weird.

"If all this is true, then this man may be mankind's greatest hope for defeating zombies!" After hearing this rumor, of course, Hawkeye immediately reacted to the value contained therein, and immediately put aside the people who were busy repairing the work. Quietly ran to a place with no one to report to S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau.

   Seeing Hawkeye cautiously avoiding the crowd and tiptoeing away, Chen Lu knew that the first phase of his plan had been completed. In fact, the goal of the plan is very simple—

   Let the infected Hawkeye board a rescue helicopter sent by S.H.I.E.L.D. alone.

   Inducing Hawkeye to seek rescue from SHIELD, this is the first step of the plan. After discovering Alex, a man who might be hiding the secret of cracking the zombie virus, it is impossible for Hawkeye not to report the situation to S.H.I.E.L.D.E.L.D., and it is impossible for S.H.I.E.L.D. not to send a helicopter to pick up Alex.

   Then the second step of the next plan is to kill all the survivors except Hawkeye. If you don't hesitate to spend your money, in fact, it would be fine to send endless zombies to attack here, and you can achieve the goal by sacrificing thousands of ordinary zombies. But Chen Lu didn't want to be so wasteful. He had a better idea to make this survivor fortress self-defeating.

   On the other hand, Hawkeye is arguing with his boss, S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Nick Fury about the rescue of survivors.

"Nick, let me ask you again, is S.H.I.E.L.D. really wanting to treat a group of American citizens who are besieged and helpless in a flood of zombies? They may have parents waiting for them to return home, and perhaps children Take care, are you willing to watch this group of people being eaten by zombies into their kind?" Hawkeye said anxiously toward an invisible communicator.

"Barton, I understand your feelings. But this time is not as simple as rescue in the disaster area. We cannot ensure that everyone we rescued from the virus-infected area is safe enough. Even I have to isolate the soldiers who rescued you last time. Get up, because we still don't know how the virus spreads. The National Security Bureau has been stopping us from acting rashly. S.H.I.E.L.D. cannot launch a large-scale rescue operation regardless of their orders. Hawkeye, I now order you to take that possibility Bringing back humans who are immune to zombies' attack may be related to the lives of billions of people!"

This was obviously not the answer Hawkeye wanted to hear. Faced with Nick's order, he categorically replied: "Don't even think about it! As long as there is a living person here, I won't leave! That person named Alex, I I will figure out a way to get on the helicopter. As for me, I will stick to the rescue, everyone!"

   "Barton? Hello? Hello..."

   The communication was hung up. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

   Excessive respect for human rights and life is the fatal flaw of Hawkeye. It can be said that he is not a very qualified national agency agent. In the Marvel movie "Captain America 3 Civil War", the eagle eye as an agent decisively stands on the side of Captain America, who represents the American spirit, instead of defending the American government. The power of the Iron Man camp. Hawkeye has always obeyed the American dream full of idealism, and will not be completely loyal to the actual American government.

   That's why he was so easily used by Law Chen.

   When Hawkeye came out of the dark corner, he found a group of people around Alex, sitting there quietly listening to his prayers. And another group of people, under the command of Chen Lu, sweated to consolidate the fortifications. Only after a short ten minutes of fierce fighting, the survivors in this supermarket were divided into two factions by two newcomers.

   The practical school headed by Chen Lu, and the superstitious school headed by Alex. Practitioners still account for the overwhelming majority, so there have not been many disputes, but this is not a good sign. So Hawkeye called Chen Lu over and asked him with a serious expression like an officer:

   "Chen, I just walked away for a few minutes, what's the matter?"

Chen Lu glanced in the direction of Alex and the others with disdain, a disgusted expression appeared on his face, and said with a sneer: "They are infected with a virus called a cult. Give them up! Those who are in Alex The people who sat down in front of Kes were all dead."