
Destiny Unbound [Marvel X DCU]

In a cosmic anomaly. Ivan, an ordinary comic book enthusiast, dies and is reborn into this merged reality with vivid memories of his past life. Now possessing unique abilities and knowledge of the fictional universe. Guided by his unwavering love for these fictional worlds, he embarks on a thrilling quest to unite iconic characters from both Marvel and DC, forging unlikely alliances to face an unprecedented threat. How will ivan's newfound existence affect the multiverse? *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below. Just found the CNnovel and translate it here to increase my vocabulary, English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/Mad_verse. This is where I read it- Qidian so you can support the original author on a Chinese site. 穿越反派之子

Mad_verse · Filme
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207 Chs

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Bonus Chapters:-

1. Every 10 reviews 1 Chapter. [0/10]

2. Every 100 power stones 1 chapter.[0/50]

3. For every 10 Dollars on https://ko-fi.com/mad_verse 1 chapter. [0/10]


When he learned that his plan was approved, Ivan was so happy that he almost jumped up, now he could finally start his real plan.

Since then, Ivan has devoted himself to the research, every day a group of pregnant women came. He was doing various experiments on their body, and in everyone's eyes, he was a workaholic who forgot to eat and sleep for research, spending most of the day in the laboratory.

What they didn't know was that Ivan took the opportunity to do various experiments on those pregnant women and secretly used certain drugs to stimulate the body of pregnant women to enhance the secretion of certain trace elements, and then extracted and stored them in secret. There are some special things, the secretion of your special things.

The place where Ivan experimented was Berlin, the capital of Germany, hundreds of kilometers away from the concentration camp where Shaw was located. The reason why he came there to meet his father this time was because Shaw ordered someone to send him a blood sample not long ago. Asked him to help with the tests and write a letter explaining the condition of the child who was able to control the metal.

After Ivan got the letter, he immediately understood that Magneto was on the stage. He put down his research and came to see Shaw, wanting to prevent Shaw from being hated for

killing Magneto's mother, and to avoid being killed by Magneto and Professor X in the end. But tragedy struck.

Although Ivan rushed all the way, he was still a little late. The only thing fortunate is that Magneto's mother was still alive.

'I believe that the future will also change. As long as Magneto knows that his mother is not dead, he will not do too much. He resents Shaw, but in some ways, Magneto agrees with Shaw's view of mutant supremacy, and believes that there is a common language between them.'

Although it was very late, Ivan had difficulty falling asleep for a while. Thinking back on what had happened since he crossed into this world, and thinking about it, Ivan was still very satisfied with his current situation, although inexplicably changed from a black-haired blackeyed dragon to the brown-haired and blue-eyed foreign youth, he was still more handsome than before, and for a dead person being able to survive once was better no matter what.

As a Chinese in his previous life, Ivan has also investigated the situation in China. According to the information collected by Shaw, China also had supernatural forces, but there have been countless twists and turns in the inheritance process of this force. In the Qin Dynasty, there were many legends about warlocks, qi cultivators, and cultivators in the period, and they were very active until the Han Dynasty.

But it is a pity that these people needed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to practice, but as time went by, more and more people began to practice, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth couldn't make ends meet, and there was a situation were the spiritual energy was not enough. To find a way to reduce Qi consumption.

Collecting the wisdom of everyone, the practitioners created a variety of exercises, some of which are mainly based on tempering the body and absorbing a small amount of spiritual energy, some strengthening the spiritual power through meditation, and some directly transforming the physical body into the body of a zombie. immortal...

To further test whether these exercises were feasible, they were slowly spread out and fell into the hands of people who were destined to do so. Since then, countless amazing and brilliant people have appeared in the world, especially during the Three Kingdoms period, there are Zhang Fei, Lu Bu, Zhao Yun, and Dian Wei... These powerful generals were in a completely inhuman state, and there were also Zhuge Liang, Guo Jia, Zhou Yu, and other intellectuals Extraordinary wisemen.

However, the transformation of the mysterious power requires a long process, especially if it is completely crossing the river by feeling the stones, and accidents will inevitably occur during this period.

The emergence of martial arts should have solved the problem of excessive consumption of spiritual energy and made the Central Plains completely stable, but the monks who created

various martial arts stunts ignored the problem. Although my martial arts practice consumes relatively little spiritual energy, so many people can't stand to practice. Some so many people practice martial arts.

Each person consumes a little bit of aura. Altogether, the aura consumed is an astronomical figure.

As a result, some experts who know the inside story are anxious. To reduce the consumption of spiritual energy and try to create new cultivation methods, they also secretly withdraw some advanced martial arts skills that consume a lot of spiritual energy, or simply let some of the senior members of the sects die unexpectedly, and they deliberately cut off their inheritance. As time passed, some peerless martial arts were inexplicably lost, leaving only some superficial skills.

As a result, a strange phenomenon appeared in the martial arts world. Each generation of martial artists was inferior to the previous generation. In the late Ming Dynasty, there were only some small fish characters. However, at this time, new cultivation methods began to take shape. Slowly It was passed on.

At present, the mysterious forces in China are still in the process of transformation. Most of them are hidden in the dark. Among them, the most concentrated place for kung fu masters is said to be a place called Kunlun.

Ivan took the car all the way here, the road was bumpy, and he was already very tired. He should have rested earlier.

'I couldn't sleep, I already planned the future in my heart' he slowly fell asleep when it was almost dawn.'

The next day, although there was some lack of sleep, Ivan still got up on time. After waking up, he took a shower and quickly became busy.

Ivan and Shaw conducted tests and research on the young version of Magneto, Max Eisenhardt, who has not changed his name yet.

The two were busy for three consecutive days and obtained a lot of data and information. Ivan extracted samples of Magneto's blood, bone marrow, and skin tissue. When was about time to leave the concentration camp and go back to the Berlin laboratory? After all, Ivan's experimental equipment is there and he is now so important to Hitler that he cannot be away for too long.

The next day, when Ivan bid farewell to Shaw, he handed Shaw a stack of documents, all of which were about future technologies and various inventions, which Ivan secretly sorted out. There was not much sense of identity. Shaw has lived for countless years, and he had no patriotic feelings at all.

Although Shaw was now in the concentration camp, as an old monster who has lived for countless years, how can there be no trusted people outside? Thanks to Ivan's various inventions, the father and son have accumulated a lot of wealth. There were countless industries, including weapons manufacturing, petroleum processing, energy development, etc., and even the most profitable drug manufacturing at the moment, including penicillin and sulfonamides, were under their control.

These things are simply money grabbing in this era, It is no exaggeration to say that the two of them are rich enough to rival the country. If it weren't for the fact that there are

many things that money cannot buy, they must rely on the strength of the country, otherwise they would not join the German scientific research institutions.

With these brand-new technologies sent by Ivan, as long as Shaw was able to use them reasonably, it was easy to be a global business empire. Shaw had a deep understanding of his son's intelligence. To prevent his son from having an accident, when they parted.

At that time, Ivan also got a gift, but it was a bodyguard.

When Ivan saw what the bodyguard looked like, he was startled. He was tall, with blood-red skin and a long tail with a triangular end behind him.

With such obvious features, Ivan recognized the famous Red devil in front of him at a glance.