
Destiny Enchanted

When a millennial darkness is awakened, it's up to a playboy and his friends to stop darkness itself. But he's oblivious of his inevitable future! What could be written in his fate? What would be the outcome of challenging the AGELESS DANGER? ************* "In you lies the future". "What do you mean?". "You possess the seed of Godan and the extremities of Sizzetov. The power you choose most will become your being". ***************** "So literally, you are going to fight your elder brother?". "Yes, as the son of Hell" I replied. ************* "What have you done?". "It was a mistake, I swear". "That's gonna cost your world, pureblood". "You just released Vladimir, father of Dracula. Now you'll have to stop him from ripping the worlds apart". ***************** "So the US government knows about you people?". "Not just them, but some other governments. We stopped being their weapons since the World War II". *************** "How is my hard earned money being spent?". "Very well, sir!". "Is the prototype ready?". "Yes, Mr. President". .......................... "He shall be my weapon of ultimate destruction. Ragnarok 2.0; the end of all gods, heaven or earth!". **************** "Mr. President, we finally cracked the puzzle. We accessed the magical realm". "Good, let's send our old friends a new message". **************** "A masked vigilante goes around killing magical beings. He calls himself Ragnarok". ************* "Who are you then?" His answer made me to look up in shock. "I am Merlin!". *************** I couldn't believe my eyes. The sea of bodies everywhere; all in vain! Sizzetov won at last! *************** "Thank you for your sacrifice, my son. Now, Godan's next!". "You are just a psycho, Sizzetov!". I closed my eyes, succumbing to eternal rest. Discord link: https://discord.gg/A8NsYKrqhG

CommanderHugo · Fantasie
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72 Chs



We were back from the Council. Mom, who was asleep on the couch got up suddenly as if stung by a bee.

"Oh, it's you guys" she yawned.

"How did it go?" she asked.

"It went surprisingly well" I said.

"But, the Council said something about my gift being given, not chosen" I complained.

"Son, I wish I could give you an answer, but I don't know how these things work" she said.

"Willis, you promised" I turned to him.

He looked at Mom intently and sighed.

"Ace, let me explain the situation to you".

"Your father was the pure-blood descendant, chosen by the ophital. One night after an intense face-off with Hela's men, he was severely injured by them. He fought to keep you and your mum safe. That day..., was...., the...," he trailed off, trying hard to fight the tears welling up in his eyes.



We captured one of Hela's men.We squeezed out the location of Hela from him. Your father thought we shouldn't trust him, but I thought that was our best chance to nail her.

We we went to the location. I went high to secure the area. Little did we know that it was a booby-trap. Hela's men were lying in wait for us. It was her plan to allow us nab her man.

It all began to make sense. Someone bound by a secrecy oath leaked out information about Hela. But it was too late for us to buoy from my error. He was captured and tortured.

I just lay at the rooftop looking at them torture him. He wouldn't give up the ophital to her. She then sent her men to kidnap you and your mum.

Then, it happened!

Your father's rage and fears overtook his senses. His powers went out of control. He ripped Hela's men apart like they were just paper.

Hela narrowly escaped his arson that day. I opened a portal to your home there in Liverpool. He was severely injured by Hela's men.

We were all packing when Hela's men arrived. Your father sealed the doors with a spell. He knew he was growing weak and the spell wouldn't hold much longer.

I too was drained. We were trapped. He then looked at you intently. I advised him not to, but I also knew that the ophital couldn't fall into Hela's hand.

He then transferred the ophital to you. You fell unconscious. Just then, I could feel my powers recharged enough to open another portal.

Just then, the spell gave way. Hela's men filled the room. Your father fought bravely even without powers. I called on him to come with us but he refused.

"Come on" I yelled.

"The portal wouldn't hold for much longer" I added.

He smiled at me. He smiled at me.

"Take care of my son" he said.

"Come on, you can still care for him yourself" I yelled, getting impatient at his refusal.

He flashed the last blood-stained smile I ever saw from him. One of Hela's men threw a spell at us. Your father jumped at it and received the impact.

I yelled" Jooonnnnn". Just then, the portal closed.



Mom was already crying in the room.

"He died to save you, Ace. The ophital didn't reject you either. So, you were also chosen, like him, like the rest. So the best you can do is to finish what he started..., make him proud" Willis said.

"I'm sorry for your loss, Ace" Jane said.

"Me too" Shola said.

"It's fine" I said, fighting the tears in my eyes.

"Where do we start?".

"First, knowledge. About every thing and person in the magical world" Willis said.

"To my library, then".



"Here, it says 'Muggle'. What does that mean?" I asked.

"It means a human, an ordinary like your mum" Willis answered.

"Here it says 'Full-bloods'. What does it mean?". It was Jane.

"A wizard who comes from an un-mixed generation of a god, like the council-members".

"Who's a 'Half-blood'?".

"One who shares both characteristics of a Muggle and full-blood".

"What's a familiar?".

"A magical creature that serves and protects you, no matter what. It's like your pet-guardian, but it is chosen once in a lifetime".

"What's 'Slithering'?".

"A special language used by creatures, mostly snakes, to speak to magicians. It is a rare and precious gift to any wizard".

On and on, we kept at it.

I stopped reading. I was feeling something, a somewhat strange presence.

"Guys, we've got company".

Suddenly, there was a rumbling above us. We stopped short what we were doing. It happened again, even more violent than the first. This time, it came with a large roar.

"Guys, say after me. 'Philliqui sequaris', now". It was Willis.

We obeyed.

We changed into the colours we were wearing on the other side of the portal, but this time with some armour plates.

"This is advanced battle strategy, but I think you'll need it now" Willis said.

The roar came again, with some glass-smashing sound.

We went through the elevator upstairs.

As we entered the living-room, everywhere laid in ruins.


There it stood, in the midst of the ruins!

What was it?

Keep reading to know what happened.

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