
Destined to be supreme

After lasting a thousand years in his mother's womb, Lin Juanfen was born supreme, his cry echoing through the cosmos alarming all supreme existences. The grandson of the Almighty Supreme God and the Goddess of Wisdom and the son of the Supreme God of War and the Goddess of Slaughter, Lin Juanfen was born destined to be supreme.

TheBadass2413 · Ost
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4 Chs

His cry brought the sound of the great Dao

At the same moment in the supreme dimension Lin Han's sister, Lin Xia, was there to help Murong Qianxue give birth. She was the goddess of life and was renowned for her healing powers and gentle touch. She helped Murong through the labor, using her powers to ease her pain and guide her through the birthing process.

Finally, Lin Juanfen emerged into the world, with a powerful cry that shook the very foundations of the celestial plane. The entire family gathered around the newborn, admiring his strength and potential.

"Did you hear that, my love? The cry of our new cousin, Lin Juanfen, resounded throughout the cosmos!", said Lin Yuting the daughter of Lin Xia and niece of the patriarch Lin Han.

"Yes, I did. It was like nothing I have ever heard before. He is simply so terrifying at the moment he was born", answered Wang Lin the husband Lin Yuting known as the god of ninjas.

"My family, the birth of Lin Juanfen is a momentous occasion for our family. He is destined for greatness, and will be a true force to be reckoned with", said Lin Zhi, a family elder who once when the Lin family was rising to power waged war against an army of 4 million deities with only 500 Lin family members.

Lin Fan an elder in the family, said: "Yes, I agree. I have heard that his appearance is impeccable. The multiverse is already in a commotion over his birth".

Lin Zhi: "I can hardly believe it. A being with such potential, born into our family. I am honored to be a part of this momentous occasion".

Lin Fang: "I agree. I cannot wait to see what kind of person he will become".

Lin Qing: "Me neither. He will be a great asset to our family, and to the celestial plane as a whole".

Lin Yifan: "I agree. I am so excited to see him grow and develop his full potential".

Lin Rong: "Yes, I have heard that his cry alone was enough to shake the very foundations of reality. He truly is a being like no other".

Lin Jin: "And we will be there to guide him every step of the way, just as we have with the others in our family".

Lin Zhi: "Yes, my grandniece. Lin Juanfen is a gift to us all, and we must ensure that he grows into the being he was meant to be. A champion of justice, and a defender of the weak".

"Wait, I seem to have heard the cries of a baby?".

As the Dao sound echoed, everyone from the Lin family widened their eyes and looked at the place where Lin Juanfen was in shock!

Was this the cry of a child?

His cries actually contained the sound of the Dao?! The person who originally wanted to head back into seclusion to digest the enlightenment immediately ran out when he heard the sound of the Dao! He looked at the sky and was extremely shocked! Even his cries carried the sound of the Dao?

"Even though he is the grandson of Patriarch Lin Han, the most powerful existence ever seen, his acting is too exaggerated, it is somewhat surreal".

This was a true prodigy! While they were shocked, the people from the Lin family sat down cross-legged! Following the throbbing in the depths of their blood, the people from the Lin family listened to the cries of the infant as if they could hear endless Dao sounds echoing!

The Dao sounds that everyone heard were all different! Some heard the crisp sounds of mountains and rivers, some heard the slaughter on the battlefield, some heard the whistling of the wind, the roaring of thunderclouds, some heard swords flying through the sky, or a sword tearing apart the heavenly gate! There were even some people who heard the sound of bells, cauldrons shaking, pouring rain, and the clamor of the Great Dao!

This was especially true for the people from the Lin family who were close to Lin Juanfen. They felt as if they were in a dream and then inexplicably entered a state of enlightenment! It was as if they were listening to a holy infant preaching! All kinds of comprehensions and profundities emerged endlessly from their bodies, and they broke through the realm to advance another level!

In the main hall Murong Qianxue had little Lin Juanfen in her warm embrace and Lin Han, the patriarch of the Supreme Family, took Lin Juanfen into his arms and held him close. He looked into the baby's eyes and felt a sense of pride and joy wash over him.

Mei-Ling, the goddess of wisdom, approached and smiled at the baby. "my grandson is just too perfect," she said, "with a power and potential that is unmatched. He will be a true force to be reckoned with."

Lin Feng, the supreme god of war, smiled at his son. "My son is simply unrivaled under and upon the heavens and I will make sure he grows into a strong and just being, just like us", he said, with a sense of pride and responsibility.

Lin Xia, the goddess of life, smiled as she approached the family. "We will be there to guide him and help him grow," she said, "and to ensure that his life is filled with love and happiness."

The Supreme Family gathered around the newborn Lin Juanfen, filled with joy and pride. They knew that he was destined for greatness, and they were eager to see what the future held for their newest member.

Then Lin Han put little Lin Juanfen into his mother Murong Qianxue's hands and she said to little Lin Juanfen.

"My little baby, after spending 1000 years in my womb you were born destined to be supreme and even if in the future your power surpasses that of all of us, we will still continue to protect you".

Listening to the warm words of his beloved mother, little Lin Juanfen opened his eyes, which shone with an incomparable light, his left pupil is similar to a black hole surrounded by an incomparable destructive energy and in the center it seems to have the infinite river of star from which creation energy emanates, its right pupil is a combination of five stars forming a star surrounded by a divine circle before it seems that all the laws that make up reality itself can be manipulated.

At that very moment, an unprecedented scene appeared in the skies of the supreme dimension.

A figure was sitting cross-legged in the stars! It was a mighty figure!

As he sat there, time did not leave any traces on his body! He looked like a teenager, heroic and intimidating. His golden hair was thick, and his eyes were wise and perceptive, able to see through everything!

This figure had his back facing everyone. His back was really too imposing, as if he was holding everything in front by himself!

Under his tyrannical aura all living beings prostrated themselves in admiration and each movement that he displays is charged with unstoppable power.

Every time that figure took a step, the universe distorted and reorganized at his will, thousands of supreme figures appeared to challenge him, however they were not an opponent, the difference in level was greater than the gap between a mortal and a deity.

After seeing this, everyone's pupils constricted to the size of a needle!

This was because this figure would occasionally turn around. Although his face could not be seen clearly, one could catch a glimpse of his gaze!

The divine light in his eyes was dazzling, and it was like a river of stars had split open while the heavens and the earth were born!

The expression and aura of that glance were exactly the same as the little Lin Juanfen in the Murong Qianxue's arms. Anyone could tell that this was Lin Juanfen's future!

Lin Feng's hands trembled as he muttered excitedly, "This… this is my son's future? it's too terrifying, his rise will be unstoppable".

Lin Han after looking at his grandson with unprecedented pride shouted to the sky: "My grandson has finally been born, the Lin family will hold a banquet to celebrate his birth so everyone is invited!".

His voice was heard through the entire supreme dimension in the blink of an eye and although from his words it could be deduced that he is happy, his voice is loaded with an endless dominance making everyone unable to go against him.