
Destined to be supreme

After lasting a thousand years in his mother's womb, Lin Juanfen was born supreme, his cry echoing through the cosmos alarming all supreme existences. The grandson of the Almighty Supreme God and the Goddess of Wisdom and the son of the Supreme God of War and the Goddess of Slaughter, Lin Juanfen was born destined to be supreme.

TheBadass2413 · Eastern
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4 Chs

Born Supreme

In a remote place of the universe, called supreme dimension lives a family that stands out for a simple but terrifying quality and is that they can fight jumping levels which makes them practically invincible, depending on the talent with which you are born will be determined the number of levels you can jump.

The supreme Lin family inhabits a higher plane that only family members can access, and they rule over all the other divine beings, gods, and celestial entities in the plane. They are respected and revered by all, and their power and influence is unmatched. In this world, the supreme family is at the top of the divine hierarchy, and their rule is absolute.

Lin Han, a supreme almighty god, is patriarch of the Lin Family also is the ruler of the higher plane and all its inhabitants. He is known for his unmatched power and wisdom, and is revered by all who inhabit the plane. He has a calm and collected demeanor, and is often sought out for his guidance and advice by other gods and divine beings.

Mei-Ling, the goddess of wisdom, is Lin Han's wife and the mother of Lin Feng. She is known for her intelligence and vast knowledge, and is often sought out for her counsel and guidance. She is a gentle and nurturing goddess, and is beloved by all who know her.

Their son Lin Feng, the supreme god of war, is Lin Han and Mei-Ling's son. He is a fierce and powerful warrior, feared by all who challenge him. He is married to Murong Qianxue, the goddess of slaughter.

Murong Qianxue, the goddess of slaughter, is Lin Feng's wife. She is known for her ruthless and relentless fighting style, and is feared by all who cross her path. Despite her fearsome reputation, she is fiercely loyal to her family and will do anything to protect them.

Today all the members of the family are gathered in a large hall waiting for the birth of the grandson of the patriarch Lin Han who has been in his mother's womb for 1000 years, his father Lin Feng came to think that his son could not be born while the mother Murong Qianxue senses that son will be born extraordinary with the temperament of an emperor.

But what no one knows is that the little one since his formation in the embryo has developed spiritual consciousness, those thousand years he has in the womb have been a thousand years of accumulation, so the little one is at a very remarkable point of maturity for someone who has not yet been born.

"Honey I already feel that little Fen is going to be born", Murong Qianxue shouted happily to her husband Lin Feng who was alarmed and tears of happiness began to well.

Patriarch Lin Han quickly approached and took a panacea from his space ring, which was golden in color with unmatched brightness and vitality.

Lin Han: "Daughter-in-law take this pill, it will help you give birth painlessly and as quickly as possible".

"Thanks father-in-law," Murong Qianxue thanked very excitedly.

"Finally my grandson is about to descend to this world", Mei-Ling said.

Lin Han: "My wife, the day has finally come. Our grandson, Lin Juanfen, is about to be born after lasting 1000 years in his mother's womb".

Mei-Ling: "Yes, my husband. It is a momentous occasion for our family. I am so excited to see what kind of being he will become".

Lin Feng: "Father, Mother, I must admit, I am nervous about Lin Juanfen's birth. He was conceived under such unusual circumstances".

Lin Han: "My son, there is no need for worry. Lin Juanfen is destined for greatness. He will be a being like no other, with a power and potential that exceeds our own".

Mei-Ling: "Yes, Lin Feng. His long gestation period was necessary for him to develop his full potential. He will be a true force to be reckoned with, and a great asset to our family".

Lin Feng: "I understand, Mother. I just hope that he will use his powers for the greater good, like we have always done".

Lin Han: "Fear not, my son. Lin Juanfen will be raised with the same values and beliefs that we have always held dear. He will be a champion of justice and a defender of the weak".

Mei-Ling: "Indeed, Lin Han. And we will be there to guide him every step of the way, just as we have with you, Lin Feng".

Lin Feng: "Thank you, Father, Mother. I am confident that Lin Juanfen will be a great addition to our family and to the celestial plane".

Lin Han: "And we shall welcome him with open arms, and watch him grow into the being he was meant to be".

A golden light shone in Murong Qianxue's womb. In the golden light was a fetus. Its body was golden and its eyes were like purple crystals. Its facial features were exquisite, unleashing unmatched power.


A loud cry sounded like a thunderclap. The entire supreme dimension and even the living beings in the endless domain could hear it.

After a long and intense labor, Murong Qianxue finally gave birth to Lin Juanfen. The birth was a miraculous event, with the baby's cry resonating through the celestial plane, universes and other dimensions. The entire Supreme Family was present, eagerly awaiting the arrival of their newest member.

Supreme existences, powerful experts, gods from other universes, and all sentient beings heard Lin Juanfen's cry echoing through the cosmos, and in a remote area surrounded by chaotic energy, a female figure looked up at the vast river of stars and said.

"A terrified existence has been born in a faraway place, I'm afraid that the day he descends will be the day the endless era begins".

"The crying just now…".

The master of destiny narrowed his eyes then counted with his fingers and said, "A prodigy has appeared in a place beyond heaven".

The Lord of Primordial Beginning asked curiously, "What prodigy? How can the cries reach here? From the sound, he's just born?".

"That's right. He was just born. His cultivation level…".

The Master of destiny frowned. After a pause, he continued, "He's born supreme. It's unprecedented."

Born supreme!

The Master of destiny and the Lord of Primordial Beginning were moved.

In the mysterious palace.

The Master of space time, who was cultivating, opened his eyes and frowned to the infinite river of stars.

"Born Supreme… The endless worlds actually have such a figure? Could it be the son of destiny?"

The Master of space time was shocked at first, but then pleasantly surprised.

On the other side.

In a chaotic domain.

The Heavenly Emperor was meditating. In front of him was the Heavenly Phoenix Empress shining with a strong light.

"The future has changed. Someone was born as Supreme. An impressive existence is about to appear," the Heavenly Phoenix Empress, startling the Evil Heavenly Emperor.

"Sister you mean…", the Heavenly Emperor asked carefully.

The Heavenly Phoenix Empress replied, "A newborn fetus. He was born Supreme, a feat that has never been seen since ancient times. He's Lin Feng son also known as The Supreme god of war".

Born Supreme!

Lin Feng's son!

The Heavenly Emperor was shocked.

Lin Feng's potential had already stunned him. He didn't expect Lin Feng give birth to an even more exaggerated prodigy.

Born Supreme…

How high was the upper limit? No, born supreme means that he has no limits, he is destined to be supreme

The Heavenly Emperor's heart beat faster and his eyes burned.