
Destined to be one

ApurvaB16 · Urban
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5 Chs

Ch 2

Raven danced at the beat as she let her eyes stay closed she wanted to feel this, because if not she would again drown inside the thoughts that she didn't want to have.

So,for this moment she wanted to feel the blood rush in her brain,heat in her palm and maybe warmth of her soul.

Just then she felt the tingling on her spine,maybe living alone taught her that but she could feel a sense of intent towards her,good or bad she didn't know that yet.

She slowed her movement as she let her eyes search among the crowd.Slowly her eyes scanned the floor above where she found a tall man leaning over the fancy balcony that was built for VIP.

She instinctively knew this would not be the best thing for her.

She and her friend Sky came to this bar because as it was owned by the local mafia there was no entrance fee and one complementary drink for the ladies.

But deep inside she loved the thrill of this grey area that has many dark and bloody secrets hidden between them and she a small part of this huge city could become a part of.

Just then she felt a tap on her back,a creepy looking guy was smiling at them as he asked if he could dance with her.

She shook her head " no,we enjoy our own company" as she held Sky next to her to show that there maybe something more between them.

Sky looked at Raven as she understood what she meant,this was a trick that they have done many times they would act as lesbian couple to slow down the interested guy.

Many time people would back off but sometimes they become even more creepy as they enjoyed our actions and sadly today was the latter part

So,doing her part she hugged Raven tightly as they both moved sensually together .

Sky murmured " seeing us together I wished I could be a lesbian because you can be the best girlfriend material out there but deep down I know that men are the poison that I cannot let go off ".

Raven laughed " same here babe, same here the chemistry we have can outdo any other guy relationship we have, it's just our sexual need stop us to be together.And life without sex with a guy would be too boring to live".

"Agreed,god made men just to satisfy our female part" shouted Sky as she clinked our glasses together.

The creepy guy next to us moved his body even closer to ours as he said " I don't have problem accompanying you two".

Raven looked at him with anger " but we do have a problem your ugly face will decrease our sex drive now we don't want that do we".

Creepy guy looked at them angrily as he tried to move forward but a hand on his shoulder stopped him.

Just then Bello moved forward "those two said No brother and No will always be No".

He slowly flexed his hand as the wolf tattoo on his forearm became visible.

As the man saw that he moved back because it was not a hidden rule here that they need to bow down to any wolf tattoo and kneel when a dragon tattoo appeared.

No one dared to copy the similar ink otherwise there arms would be chopped off.

Bello smiled as he looked at the women standing together, he was observing them as he was approaching them just one of his job habits, though they tried to act in relationship but he could easily tell it was a show as there true chemistry could be seen they were more of a sister then a lover.

He gave them his best smile " Ladies,there is a new scheme going at the club to let the select few join the VIP section above where you have free drink, complete space to yourself if you can follow me just now"..


Raven looked at this new guy as he tried to make the creepy guy back off but she knew he was far more dangerous than the other guy and that was not just because of the tattoo.

She stopped Sky from replying because she knew her reckless friend would agree to sell her soul when it comes to free drinks.

" No,we cannot go to the VIP section and as you just said a No is a No, please move and allow us to leave" she replied swiftly as she began to get out.

With this she dragged Sky out of there but not before tilting her head to look at the balcony towards the guy leaning as she marked his stiletto in her mind.