
Destined to be one

ApurvaB16 · Urban
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Hiii,welcome to the world of Raven and Greed,two broken and unchained strangers tied to each other by red threads of destiny but what if the red thread is dyed in blood and stains of karma ready to break that fragile tie that they built together.

If you like this do comment positive criticism appreciated.After reading so many novels this work will represent what I always craved to read.


At the dark beats of the club,a VIP room above reeked of blood, sitting among the dead bodies a man holding the gun cradled his head as the veins in his head bulged out.

Opening the pack of Tylenol he dumped four tablet on his scotch as he gulped it down quick

His men did not dare to speak especially after the massacre that just happened in this room.

The man lying face down was once father like figure to their boss who basically raised him since young as his own father died in the conflict of their gang.

Soon as the only heir he was given reign but it was not at small cost,to survive this brutality he had killed people from the age of five because if not he would suffer the same fate as his elder brother who died when he was just twelve right in front of him because of messing up some drug deal.

At that time Lyon, his father's previous guard raised him and protected him but slowly when he realised that being a guardian is not as fun as a puppeteer, he started suppressing him but their boss still carried some people that were loyal to his elder brother and father that supported him till now and he Bello was one of his man.

Who has fought,killed and lived by his boss Greed's side since he learnt how to walk.

" Bury him next to my father's grave I think he will enjoy his whiskey by the side of previous Capo" murmured Greed as he grimaced while holding his head

" Boss, your head is hurting again, if you want I can bring some substance that could ease it a bit".

Shaking his head Greed moved towards the balcony as he looked at the entire view of the club that he owned

" never use the thing you sell Bello,don't forget the rules or the next bullet will be in your head".

Bello bowed his head " I understand boss".

Greed nodded " clean this shit, after killing so many people why does blood still stink so much".

No one dared to reply as Greed glanced at the dance floor,or more to say he looked at one girl, her hairs were blonde which he could see from here that was not her actual colour.This usually would be enough to shift his attention elsewhere but he was stuck.

His eyes looked intently as she smiled and danced so freely as if there was no tomorrow and if she did not do the dance move tonight it would be her last

He rubbed his chest,not knowing why this caused his chest to ache.

He looked at Bello " Call the blonde, 5ft red dress dancing below to the vip 2 next door tell her it's some club Christmas deal".

Bello rubbed his head " boss as I can see there are hundreds of five ft girl with red dress down below".

Greed grunted in irritation " she has the best smile and she is near the bar".

Nodding Bello ran to the club below as his mind churned to think of a way to call the girl to some private room " kidnapping would be much easier thought Bello as he approached the girl".