
Destined to be a Black Pen

When Russel Ferrer celebrated his early accomplishments as a writer, he was suddenly hit by a car and died on the spot. Russel was full of regrets for not finishing the last chapter of his best-selling book series. Using the last strength that he had, Russel wished for a miracle to happen and let him write his story for the last time. Gian Cres Val, the youngest son of Marquis Cres Val, has a weak and feeble body. He can't be a promising leader just like his father or be like his brother who is the leader of Red Tiger Knights. He can only stay inside their mansion most of the time and read all the books displayed in their library. But what they didn't know was that Gian has a secret. Gian Cres Val had traveled back in time. Gian now has the knowledge of what will happen in the future. And with the help of the Goddess of Destiny and Fate, Gian will possess a mysterious pen that can communicate with him. Returning in time, Gian plans to change the fate of his family. Reincarnated as a pen, Russel plans to write his novels again and make sure to write its ending. Bond with a twist of fate, Russel and Gian will help each other to accomplish what they need to do. [UNEDITED]

PickledPlums · Fantasie
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290 Chs

Chapter 37

"Bro, do you know when this drought will end?"

"We still have less than five months left before the drought ends."

"Hmm... Then we can take more advantage of this drought!"

"What do you mean?"


Before Gian can ask more questions from Russel, someone suddenly knocks on the door. After Gian gives him permission, Aaron enters the room with a stack of papers on his hands. He surveyed the room first before standing in front of Gian's desk.

"Young lord, are you with someone just now?" Aaron hesitatingly asked.

"No. As you can see, I am alone inside my room. Why do you ask?"

"Well... I heard your voice before knocking on the door."

"...Forget about it. Maybe I unconsciously mumbling the words written on this book."

Though Aaron is not convinced with Gian's excuse, he still nods his head to show that he understands.

"Young lord, here are my test papers."

Aaron handed the papers he was holding to his young master. Gian stopped from what he was doing and check the papers. Though he does not show it, Aaron is nervous seeing that Gian sometimes furrowed his eyebrows while looking at his test papers. After a few minutes, Gian returns the papers to Aaron.

"Repeat your computations on the second and third pages. Also, revise what you had written on the sixth and eighth page. If you are having a hard time answering it, you can go to my library and look for a reference book to help you or just simply ask me."

"Your library, young lord? You mean your private library?"

"Do I have any other library aside from that?" Gian asked while raising an eyebrow.


"Do not ask a lot of questions. Just do what I say and finish your test papers before the day ends."

"...I understand."

"You can take a break first. When you see Butler Del, tell him to go to my room. I have something to tell him."

"Do you need any help, Young lord?" Aaron asked as he looks at the stack of documents placed on top of his table.

"It's okay. Now, go out and eat your snacks in the kitchen." Gian said as he waves his hand to dismiss Aaron.

Aaron bows his head before stepping out of his room. Gian let out a sigh before leaning his back on the chair.

"I must say. Your little student is quite smart." Russel complimented Aaron. "In all fairness, you can teach Aaron with ease."

"It is a talent to have the ability to teach someone. In fact, I do not know how to be a teacher. But thanks to Aaron's eagerness to learn, it all makes things easier for me."

After the day his older brother left the Cres Val mansion to march towards the Eastern region, Gian called Aaron in his room. Gian announced that he will make Aaron his assistant in the future. Of course, Aaron refused at first. How can a young servant like him become an assistant to his young lord?

Of course, Gian does not mean to make Aaron his assistant right now. Aaron still needs to familiarize himself with numbers and etiquettes. It was a good thing that Aaron already knew how to read and write. After a few more words from Gian, Aaron finally agreed with his offer.

To be honest, Gian can hire an expert to become his assistant or asked his father to lend him someone who already experienced being an assistant before. But Gian does not their experience or their profession. What he wanted is someone he can truly trust. Gian plans to make Aaron not only his assistant, but he also wants to make Aaron a person he can use as a perfect proxy.

"Trust me, my brother! That Aaron will surely become a perfect assistant!" Russel declared.

"And how can you be so sure about it?"

"Heh! Trust my super-futuristic majestic instinct powers! As a powerful guardian, I can guarantee that Aaron will surely become the greatest assistant of all!"

"You are crazy." Gian flatly said. "Let's go back to our previous topic. What do you mean when you said that we can take advantage of the drought?"

"Oh! That's right! We can change the menu on your tea shops!" Russel happily exclaimed! "Do you still remember the honey lemon tea recipe I taught you?"

"Yes. What about it?"

"Instead of making it hot, we can serve it cold in your tea shop!"

"Cold drinks?"


Ever since Russel discovered that there are a lot of things that are not yet existing in this world, he feels really complicated inside. As someone who already experiences a life where everything you need is scattered everywhere, Russel cannot imagine how can he live in this world if he has his own physical body. That is why he was really happy that ice is existing in this world. If not, the cold drinks he was suggesting to Gian will be gone to waste.

"Since the weather is still hot, people will naturally find something to relieve themselves from the heat. We can make different types of cold drinks and sell them to your tea shops. We will also make a snack that can be served with these drinks."

"And what are those?"

"Hmm... Cold drinks like honey lemon tea, honey hibiscus juice, and honey water. For snacks, we can make lavender cookies and honey bread."

"Cold drinks and snacks, huh." Gian murmurs to himself before looking at the pen he was holding. "You are really knowledgeable when it comes to business."

Gian immediately considers Russel's suggestions to him. He does not need to be worried if these things will sell or not. Gian already knew of Russel's high intelligence when it comes to business. And all the things that he can make are all new and can quickly pique their customer's interests.

While Gian is silently thinking of the pros and cons of his suggestions, Russel is also in deep thoughts. Of course, he was knowledgeable when it comes to business. His father personally trained him in his past life and taught him all the things he needed to know in the business world, whether it was small or big details.

'Speaking of my father, I wonder if he knew that I died in a car accident.'

Gian did not notice that the usual chattering pen on his hand stops from talking. He is still focused on computing the number of raw materials they will need to make their new products. The cost of it should be cheaper but has good quality. The quality of their ingredients will be a huge factor that can affect the taste of their new product.

When Gian's gazes linger on the stack of documents on his table, he can only let out a sigh. Ever since the marquis revealed the fact that Gian has seven businesses in the capital under his name, he already gave the annual reports and sales logbook of each shop to him. According to the marquis, it is now time for Gian to manage these shops. Marquis Frederick is not worried that Gian will fail on this task. After teaching him the basics of how to manage these businesses, the marquis gave him an assignment. Before his seventeenth birthday, Gian needs to improve the sales of one of his shops.

This assignment will also serve as a test for Gian. For what reasons, he does not know yet.

"I guess that will work. Tomorrow, we will visit the tea shops so we can see them personally. I am planning to do some changes to it based on its location. About your suggestions, we should try it first and have a taste of it. I will ask the head chef to do it later. Tell me the procedures and I will write it."

Gian readied himself to write the things Russel will say on a piece of paper. But after a few seconds of waiting, Russel did not say anything.


"Huh? Ah, yeah. So we will make lavender cookies and honey bread for snacks."

"I know. I already approved of those products and just waiting for you to tell me the procedures on how to make it."


"Are you okay?" Gian asked in concern.

"Hmm. Yeah. I am just a little tired."

"Is it because I am using you too much for the past days?"

Gian started using Russel to write and highlight the things he needed to remember especially the amount written on the sales logbook. It is also very convenient for Gian to use the pen because the ink from it dries quickly after writing and it does not bleed or create a mess just like the regular quill and ink they usually use. Maybe Gian used the pen too much? Before Russel became a pen, he was a guardian of a goddess, right?

"Nah. It is not like that."

"Then what is your problem?"

"Well... I just want to see my goddess Femora all of a sudden."

Right. It is better for Russel not to tell Gian the truth. He has already a lot of problems to deal with and Russel does not need to be a burden for him. He must focus his energy and knowledge on helping this ancient guy.

"But why?" Gian asked.

"Dude, you will never understand the feeling of wanting to see a gorgeous and sexy woman. After all, you are such a boring old man in the body of a young—Ow, ow, ow! The fuck are you doing?!"

When Russel started to insult him, Gian intentionally pinches the pen's barrel tightly using his fingernails. If he uses more strength, Gian will surely make a shallow dent on its surface.

'Worrying about this talkative pen is such a waste!'

"Stop talking nonsense." Gian said before putting the pen back to his pocket.

Russel regretted it all! He should not show this guy a kind gesture! This ancient guy does not deserve the good intention of Russel Ferrer.