
Desired class shift

"Kiyotaka no longer wanted to be a part of his class due to the hatred he received, so he sought a way to change classes." "This will be my first fanfic, and English is not my native language. I was just bored, so I decided to create my little story." "I do not own Cote or the cover; all credits go to their rightful owners."

Tyche_wise · Anime und Comics
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14 Chs

Preparing for the Challenges of the Day

Ayanokouji woke up early, as usual. The dim light of dawn filtered through the curtains of his room, creating a peaceful atmosphere. With precise movements and no notable expression on his face, he got out of bed and stretched, mentally preparing for the day Ayanokouji woke up early, as usual. The dim light of dawn filtered through the curtains of his room, creating a tranquil atmosphere. With precise movements and no notable expression on his face, he got out of bed and stretched, mentally preparing for the day ahead. After a quick shower and a change of clothes, Ayanokouji headed to the dormitory's kitchen. 

He prepared a simple yet nutritious breakfast, mindful of the importance of staying well-fed to face the academic and social challenges that awaited him. With his backpack on his shoulder, he left his room and made his way through the dormitory hallways. Other students were already starting to move, some exchanging morning greetings, while others still seemed trapped in the drowsiness of sleep.

 Ayanokouji walked with determination towards the classroom building, his mind occupied with thoughts about the class dynamics and the strategies he could employ in the upcoming exams. He maintained his neutral expression, as always, concealing his true thoughts behind a mask of calm. Upon entering the classroom, he headed to his usual seat, ready to face another day at the Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School.

The morning at the Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School progressed at its usual frenetic pace. Students filled the classroom, taking their seats while chatting animatedly about recent events and the challenges that lay ahead.

**Horikita: ** Good morning, Ayanokouji-kun. Are you ready for the exam?

 **Ayanokouji: ** Yes, it seems like it will be interesting. And you?

 **Horikita: ** Of course. I don't think I need to worry about being the VIP.

 **Ayanokouji: ** Well, the same goes for me, I'm not the VIP, so you won't have to worry about that. I received a message this morning. It seems I am free from VIP responsibilities.

 **Horikita: ** (nodding) Same for me. So, how do you plan to approach this exam? **Ayanokouji: ** As always, I will observe and make decisions in the moment. There's no need to worry too much. **Horikita: ** (smiling slightly) I guess everyone has their approach. 

After the brief conversation, we focused on the class that would soon begin. Ayanokouji immersed himself in his routine, taking out his books and notebooks from his backpack. He took a seat in the last row right next to the window, where he usually sat, maintaining a calculated distance from the murmurs and conversations of others. As he flipped through a book about the upcoming lesson, his analytical gaze settled on the board, where the date and schedule for the day were displayed.

After the day's lessons ended at noon, Horikita and Ayanokouji met to discuss strategies for the upcoming special exam. Ayanokouji, maintaining his seemingly relaxed attitude, sat next to Horikita and initiated the conversation.

 "So, what are your thoughts on the upcoming exam, Horikita? Do you have any strategies in mind?" asked Ayanokouji, with his calm yet alert gaze. Horikita, focused on the imminent challenge, responded, "I'm thinking of focusing on collaboration. If we work together as a class, we should be able to overcome any challenge that arises.

"Ayanokouji nodded. "Yes, collaboration is key." "Hey, Horikita. Ready for the Dragon Class meeting?" Horikita, though visibly concerned, nodded. "Yes, we should discuss our strategies and make sure everyone is aware of what we'll be facing." Ayanokouji, still not revealing his cards, responded nonchalantly. "Well, I'll also prepare for my group, but don't worry too much. This exam shouldn't be too complicated."Focused on her strategic perspective, Horikita did not notice the subtle cunning in Ayanokouji's eyes. Both continued their discussion, with Horikita unaware of Ayanokouji's true intentions for the special exam. While Horikita delved into Dragon Class planning, Ayanokouji stepped away, his phone in hand. He had an important message to review before his own meeting with the Rabbit Class, which would begin in a few hours. The machinery of strategies and secrets was in full motion, and Ayanokouji was determined to stay one step ahead.


Ayanokouji headed to the designated room for the Rabbit group meeting. Upon arrival, he found his classmates already present and ready to start the group's first meeting. Among them was Ichinose from another class, who also belonged to the Rabbit group and greeted Ayanokouji warmly. 

Ichinose: "Hello, Ayanokouji-kun! I'm excited to work with you on this exam.

 Ayanokouji: "Hello, Ichinose. Likewise, I'm sure we can do a good job together." Some members of the Rabbit group nodded and expressed their agreement. The atmosphere in the room was filled with anticipation and determination as each student prepared to tackle the challenges that the special exam held. With his phone by his side and his mind focused on strategy, Ayanokouji immersed himself in the Rabbit group's first discussion.

Ichinose (Class B): "Hello, everyone! I'm Ichinose from Class B. I'm excited to work together on this exam. Why don't we introduce ourselves?" 

Manabe (Class C): "Hello, I'm Manabe Shiho from Class C. Let's get to the point. Does anyone have a strategy in mind?" 

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji (Class D): "I'm Ayanokouji from Class D. I'm not sure if I have a specific strategy, but I'm here to collaborate.

Ichinose: "Great! Don't worry, Ayanokouji-kun. We're here to share ideas and support each other." 

Tetsuya Hamaguchi (Class B): "Hello, everyone, I'm Tetsuya Hamaguchi from Class B. I think it would be beneficial to hear everyone's opinions before deciding on our strategy." 

Karuizawa Kei (Class D): "I'm Karuizawa from Class D. I don't have a specific strategy in mind, but I'm willing to follow the plan we choose." 

Mashiba (Class A): "I'm Mashiba from Class A. I don't see the need to complicate things too much. Let's follow the rules and do whatever is necessary to pass." 

Ichinose: "I understand, Mashiba-kun. But it would be more effective if we share information and work together." 

Mashiba: "Alright, let's do it. But let's keep it simple." 

Teruhiko Yukimura (Class D): "I'm Yukimura from Class D. I think we should focus on efficiency and make sure not to make mistakes." 

Ryota Bepppu (Class B): "Totally agree, Yukimura. Efficiency is key." The conversation continued among the students from different classes, each contributing their own perspectives. The dynamics of each group developed as they explored strategies for the exam.

Additionally, Manabe and his group, who had bullied Kei in the past, did not look her way even once. They were aware that they were in a delicate situation and any mistake could put them in serious danger.Apart from that, the meeting did not progress much, and after a while, the first group meeting came to an end.

After the meeting, I headed towards my dorm room as I needed to call someone to confirm my theory. Upon arriving in my room, I took a quick shower since if everything went well, I would have to go out again to formalize my plan. 

After that, I grabbed my phone to call the person who would confirm my suspicions. **Ayanokouji: ** (calling Ichinose) Hello, Ichinose, are you free now? 

**Ichinose: ** Hello Ayanokouji-kun, yes, I'm free. What do you need? 

**Ayanokouji: ** Could you come to my room for a moment? There's something important I want to discuss with you. 

**Ichinose: ** ...

**Ayanokouji: ** Ichinose? 

**Ichinose: ** (nervously) Oh, yes, of course! I'm on my way, Ayanokōji-kun.*Ichinose heads to Ayanokouji's room, feeling butterflies in her stomach. It's the first time she enters a boy's room, and moreover, it's the boy she likes.

**Ayanokouji: ** (opening the door) Come in, Ichinose. Have a seat.

 **Ichinose: ** (nervously) Thank you, Ayanokōji-kun. Is there something specific you wanted to talk about? Ichinose tries to keep calm, but her mind continues to wander, misinterpreting the call and creating different scenarios in her head. 

Ichinose: (thinking to herself) Why did he ask me to come to his room? Could it be that he has finally realized my feelings? No, it can't be! He probably just wants to discuss something related to the exam or something. But... what if there's something more? Maybe he wants to confess something... Oh no! What if I've built up illusions and he just wants to ask for help with the exam? This is so embarrassing...

**Ayanokouji:** (opening the door) Come in, Ichinose. Have a seat.

**Ichinose:** (entering, nervous) Thank you, Ayanokōji-kun. Is there something specific you wanted to talk about? Ichinose tries to maintain her composure, but her mind continues to fill with uncertain thoughts and mixed emotions. 

Ichinose: (thinking to herself) Why am I so nervous? It's just a conversation! But... what if he really wants to confess something? What if this is the beginning of something more? Oh, come on, Ichinose, calm down. You can't let yourself get carried away by your fantasies. Just try to focus on what he wants to discuss.

**Ayanokouji:** Yes, there's something I need to discuss with you about the upcoming exam.

**Ichinose:** (relieved and slightly disappointed) Ah, of course! Sure, let's talk about the exam. I'm ready to contribute in any way I can". Ichinose sits in Ayanokouji's room, trying to hide her internal disappointment. Although she let her imagination run wild and hoped for something more, she now realizes that the purpose of the conversation is simply about the exam. While she tries to maintain a positive attitude and be willing to contribute, she can't help but feel a slight disappointment for not meeting her romantic expectations. However, she decides to focus on what truly matters in that moment: And that is what Ayanokouji has to tell her.

Ayanokouji: Before we start, Ichinose. Would you like to have coffee, tea, or cocoa? 

Ichinose: Oh, thank you for asking, Ayanokouji-kun! I would definitely love to have cocoa. Ayanokouji: Alright. Would you mind waiting a moment while I prepare them? 

Ichinose: Of course, no problem. I'll be waiting here. Ayanokouji quickly returns with two cups, one of tea and one of hot cocoa, and hands it to Ichinose. 

Ayanokouji: Here you go, Ichinose. I hope you like it. 

Ichinose: Thank you, Ayanokouji-kun! It smells delicious. Ichinose takes a sip of the cocoa, and a smile forms on her face. 

Ichinose: Mmm, it's delicious. I really appreciate this gesture, Ayanokouji-kun.

 Ayanokouji: I'm glad you like it. Now let's start with what I have to tell you since I don't want to take much of your time, but first, take this." Ayanokouji hands Ichinose a small piece of paper. Ichinose takes the piece of paper, confused as to why he is giving her this, but upon reading it, she couldn't help but widen her eyes at the content, and instantly became nervous and alert as she didn't know how Ayanokouji got this information so quickly. 

Ichinose: A-A-Ayanokouji-kun, can I ask how you got this?" Ichinose, visibly nervous and bewildered, asks Ayanokouji. 

Ayanokouji: I see." He takes a sip of his tea. "So my theory is correct." He responds with the calm and composure that characterizes him. 

Ichinose: What theory are you referring to, Ayanokouji-kun?" Ichinose asks with great curiosity and interest. 

Ayanokouji: (serene) It's about the pattern of the VIP students. After deep observation and analyzing the given information, I figured out the exam pattern, which inevitably led me to identify the 12 VIPs. 

Ichinose: (nervous) But, how... how did you get this information? You shouldn't know who the VIP students are. 

Ayanokouji: (pause) That's an interesting question. Let's just say I have my own methods for gathering information. As for this paper, it's a preliminary list of the VIP students I have identified." Ayanokouji hands her another paper containing the 12 VIPs.

**Ichinose:** (worried) List... VIP student list? How can you be so sure?

**Ayanokouji:** It wasn't that difficult, the pattern itself was quite simple. But that's not the most important thing right now. I need to do something important in this exam, and your participation is crucial.

**Ichinose:** (restless) Yes, I understand, but... this is incredible. I didn't expect someone to figure it out so quickly.

**Ayanokouji:** (calm) Information is power, Ichinose. Now, let's talk about how we can use this to our advantage in the next exam. We can't afford any unpleasant surprises." After a brief silence, he spoke again.

**Ayanokouji:** First, I need to gather the leaders of the other classes, today, because if they are given more time, they could figure out the pattern.

**Ichinose:** I guess you're right, but since you haven't told Horikita-san and you called me and now you want to meet with the other leaders, what is your plan about this, Ayanokouji-kun?" Ichinose asks me with curiosity, interest, and slight suspicion.

**Ayanokouji:** You see, Ichinose, my plan aims to....


**Ichinose:** My goodness, that's incredibly ambitious, but first, you'll have to talk to the other leaders to convince them," says Ichinose, still surprised by the goal of my plan.

**Ayanokouji:** Certainly, but since I know the names of their VIPs, I don't think they will oppose.

**Ichinose:** You're right, because if they don't cooperate, you would inform Horikita-san about the VIPs and thus gain many class points and cause great harm to the other classes.

**Ayanokouji:** Indeed, let's say they have no choice but to accept." After a brief silence while they sipped the contents of their respective cups, Ayanokouji spoke again.

**Ayanokouji:** Changing the subject, Ichinose. After we get through this exam, I've been thinking about something.

**Ichinose:** (curious) About something? What is it?

**Ayanokouji:** (direct) I'm thinking of changing classes, moving to Class B. What do you think?**Ichinose:** (surprised) Although that would be incredible! Why do you want to make a sudden change?

**Ayanokouji:** (calm) There are several reasons. One of them is that here, in Class D, I have experienced quite a bit of hatred and resentment. I believe a change would be beneficial for everyone.

**Ichinose:** (concerned) Hatred and resentment? Are you being harmed there?

**Ayanokouji:** Let's just say I have my share of criticism. But don't worry too much. I prefer to focus on the future and leave behind what has happened. What I didn't mention is that there is also someone in Class B whom I want to get to know better.

**Ichinose:** (surprised and a little distressed) Someone in Class B? Who is it?" she asked with a little concern, although the answer should be quite obvious.

 **Ayanokouji:** That's something you'll find out when the time comes. But the idea of a change has a special appeal to me.

**Ichinose:** (comprehending) I understand. It would be incredible to have you in our class. We could work together and make everyone see your true value.

**Ayanokouji:** I'm glad you agree with my idea of changing classes. I believe it would be an opportunity to grow and explore new possibilities.

**Ichinose:** (enthusiastic) Definitely! It would be great to have you in our class. We could work together and help you adapt. Also, I'm sure everyone could benefit from your skills and knowledge.

**Ayanokouji:** (nodding) That's what I hope for. I also believe it would be an opportunity to leave behind the tensions and problems I've experienced in Class D. I want to start anew and build more positive relationships.

**Ichinose:** (understanding) I understand your desire to leave behind the difficulties. I'm sure in Class B, you will find a more welcoming environment and support from your peers. We will be delighted to welcome you and help you with whatever you need.

**Ayanokouji:** (grateful) Thank you, Ichinose. Your support means a lot to me. I'm excited for this new opportunity and hope to contribute positively in Class B

.**Ichinose:** (smiling) I'm sure you will.

**Ayanokouji:** (in his internal dialogue) I can't help but notice how beautiful Ichinose's smile is. There's something about it that attracts me, but I can't quite understand why. It's as if her smile has the power to brighten my day and make me feel different. It's strange because I'm not usually affected by others' emotions. Why does her smile have this effect on me? Perhaps it's because it's genuine and conveys unreserved joy. Whatever the reason, I find myself looking forward to seeing that smile again and again. It's an inexplicable feeling, but I can't deny that I like it.

**Ayanokouji:** (determined) Yes, I will move forward with this plan. I promise that I won't hold back, neither academically nor physically. I will do my best to stand out and prove my worth in Class B." which was true, I gained nothing by holding back, as I'm sure 'that man' will do something sooner or later, and I'll be prepared for whatever comes.

**Ichinose:** (impressed) That sounds amazing, Ayanokouji. I'm sure you will be a great asset to our class. Your determination and skills will be highly valued.

Ayanokouji: (seriously) Also, do you remember the conversation we had, where you told me that you were missing 5 million points to be able to cancel the expulsion? After winning this exam, I will make sure that the remaining points are assigned so that no student is expelled.

**Ichinose:** (excited) I can't believe it! That's really generous of you, Ayanokouji! Thank you! Ichinose hugs Ayanokouji in a gesture of gratitude, but then steps back a little, embarrassed by her bold action. 

After this dialogue, Ayanokouji calls the other 3 remaining leaders to meet with him in his own room to discuss the exam. [Ryuen, Horikita, and Sakayanagi enter Ayanokouji's room, all with expressions of intrigue and suspicion on their faces.]

Ryuen: kukuku What's going on, Monster? I can't help but feel that there's something more behind this sudden summons. 

Horikita: I agree, Ayanokouji-kun. You don't usually gather us without a good reason. What is really happening? 

Sakayanagi: [with a curious look] fufufu, this is quite intriguing. Ayanokouji-kun, I hope you have a compelling explanation for this unexpected meeting, and I see that Ichinose-san is already here." she says, briefly glancing at Ichinose, who smiles in response.

 Ayanokouji: I have called this meeting because I have discovered the identity of the 12 VIPs." After dropping that bomb, the leaders, except Ichinose, were left dumbfounded, staring at him, as he had just said something extremely important, but his expression did not move a single millimeter.

 Before anyone spoke, Ayanokouji handed the leaders a piece of paper, except Horikita, which corresponded to the VIPs of their classes. Upon reading the piece of paper, Ryuen and Sakayanagi couldn't help but widen their eyes. Ryuen, who previously had a smile on his face, was replaced by a serious expression, and Sakayanagi simply smiled even more. 

Sakayanagi: FUFUFUFU, as expected of you, Ayanokouji-kun, you discovered everything extremely quickly. I would like you to reveal how you managed to discover all the VIPs on the first day." Sakayanagi said with a very curious expression.

Ryuen: Damn monster, how the hell did you get all this so quickly?" Ryuen asked. He knew Ayanokouji was a monster, but getting all this information a few hours after the meetings seemed absurd.

Horikita: Sakayanagi-san, Ryuen-kun, what are you talking about, and what are those papers Ayanokouji-kun gave you?" Horikita asked, intrigued by the change in both of them. 

Sakayanagi: Oh, Horikita-san, it seems you're being left out. Let me explain a bit. The pieces of paper Ayanokouji-kun gave us are the respective VIPs of our class, and now we want to know how he did it." Sakayanagi said with her usual calm and mature attitude. 

Horikita: Wait, their VIPs?" Then she looks at Ichinose, who has been silent until now. "Ichinose-san, he also knows about the VIPs of your class?" Horikita asked, a little puzzled by all the sudden information. 

Ichinose: Yes, Horikita-san, Ayanokouji-kun also knows about the VIPs of my class." Ichinose responded calmly. 

Sakayanagi: I see, you met with Ichinose-san a little before us, didn't you, Ayanokouji-kun?" she asked.

Ayanokouji: You're right, Sakayanagi. I had a brief meeting with Ichinose before calling you." he responded calmly.

Sakayanagi: Does that meeting have something to do with the plan you have in mind?" Sakayanagi asked, as sharp and astute as ever.

Ayanokouji: Let's say it's part of it." I replied.Ryuen: Enough of unnecessary chatter, tell me, how did you do it?" Ryuen asked impatiently.

Ayanokouji: Alright, there's not much to explain, as the pattern itself is quite simple, but before I tell you how I did it, I'd like you to sign a contract."Contract?" they all responded in unison, except Ichinose, who already knew beforehand.

Ayanokouji: Yes, once it's signed by the four of you, I'll tell you how I discovered all the VIPs.

Sakayanagi: So, what is this contract about, Ayanokouji-kun?

Ryuen: Hurry up and tell us, monster, I don't have all night." he said impatiently, seeming to want to know as soon as possible how I discovered the VIPs. Horikita remained silent, paying attention. Before speaking, Ayanokouji passed the contract to each of the leaders. And then he spoke about the contract.

Ayanokouji: By signing this contract, the leaders commit to ensuring that in the next meeting of the 12 groups, each of them achieves a result of 1. Additionally, the class leaders will ensure that each student in their respective classes sends all the points acquired at the end of the exam to the identification number provided by the contract owner. It is strictly prohibited to reveal the identity of the contract owner under any circumstances. In case of non-compliance with the mentioned rules, the leader must leave the premises.

Ryuen: Holy crap!" Ryuen shouted. "Damn monster, is what I'm reading real?" he asked, bewildered, which is a surprise to see him so agitated.

Sakayanagi: My goodness, this is incredibly ambitious, Ayanokouji-kun. Even the serene girl with lilac hair was surprised by her childhood friend's plan.

Horikita: What?! I can't believe what I'm reading. Are we really expected to achieve a result of 1 in the next meeting of the 12 groups? That seems extremely difficult. Also, how are we going to ensure that each student sends all their points? This is completely baffling.

Ichinose: Hahaha, I can understand those reactions. I had the same reaction when he told me," Ichinose commented.

Ayanokouji: As the contract states, each leader is responsible for their class. I don't care how you convince them, well, unless you want to lose a lot of class points.

Sakayanagi: Well, it's not like you have another option but to sign, right?

Ryuen: KUKUKUKU, I guess you've crushed me again, monster. I couldn't do anything, and now I have no choice but to sign this absurd contract, but after seeing this, my goal is more realistic than before," said Ryuen, who had laughed wildly.

Ichinose: I will also sign the contract. I had already agreed to it anyway," she said with a smile.

Sakayanagi: Ichinose-san, you seem happy. I suppose it benefits you quite a bit that we sign this contract," Sakayanagi said, trying to get more information from Ichinose.

Ichinose: I guess so," she replied without saying anything else.

Horikita: Ayanokouji-kun, I still don't understand something," she asked. "Why do you want so many points? Since I've known you, you've never been a greedy person, so I doubt it's a personal desire. Also, although it's a huge sum of points, wouldn't it be better to use class points? If we used the information about the VIPs, the other classes would lose 150 CP each, and we would gain 450 CP or more. It would be the most beneficial for the class. Also, what promise do you have with Ichinose-san? What is your main goal in this apart from the private points?" she asked, looking directly into his eyes.

Ayanokouji: First, the points are my personal desire. Second, I don't care about your class. Third, you will know my promise with Ichinose once you sign the contract, as well as my goal.

Horikita: What do you mean by not caring about the class?" she asked, with a furrowed brow.

Ayanokouji: As I said, I don't care about your class. There's nothing more to explain," I said in a more serious tone than usual, which puzzled her a bit.

Horikita: If you don't explain to me what you mean by those words, or your goals, I won't sign the contract. Besides, not signing the contract doesn't affect me; it benefits the class for the other classes to lose CP while we gain.

Ayanokouji: Horikita, you also have no choice here. If I wanted, I could sell the VIPs to another class in exchange for private points. Have you not thought about that?" What I said affected her a lot, as she didn't think I would betray the class. Ryuen and Sakayanagi were also laughing at Horikita.

Horikita: You!! You wouldn't dare," she said in a threatening tone.

Ayanokouji: Also, I wonder what would happen if mysteriously five students from your class disappeared on the same day. And one of them is possibly the most athletic student of the year. Horikita couldn't say anything; she was completely stunned by what Ayanokouji was saying. The person who secretly helps the class and helped her is now talking about expelling five students, and speaking of them as if they were disposable trash.

Ryuen: KUKUKU, Suzune, why don't you give up and accept it? You have nothing to do, well, unless you have no brain and keep refusing.

Sakayanagi: fufufufu, an entertaining spectacle. I knew it; it's never boring when it comes to you, Ayanokouji-kun," Sakayanagi laughed happily.

Ichinose stayed on the sidelines; she didn't like that Ayanokouji was talking about expelling her classmates, but after hearing those people insult and hate him, she thought they deserved punishment. Horikita didn't know what to do, or to be exact, she had no choice but to accept. She didn't know if what Ayanokouji said was true or false; the truth didn't matter. Either way, she would lose, so she had to accept it even if she didn't want to.

Horikita: Fine, I'll sign," she said in a lower tone and without her usual cold and serious tone.

Ayanokouji: Well, now that everyone agrees, you can sign now." Then the four signed the contract.

Ayanokouji: Well, now everything is complete.

Ryuen: Now explain the damn exam pattern.

Sakayanagi: Indeed, I'm curious too.

Horikita and Ichinose remained silent, Horikita because she didn't know what to say or do, while Ichinose was paying attention.

Ayanokouji: Alright, I'll explain the pattern," then I took a deep breath and tried to summarize the information. "It's simply solved by alphabetically ordering the names of the students in each group along with the zodiac order. I'll use the VIPs of my class as an example.

"Ayanokouji: "Let's take Kushida Kikyo in the Dragon Group as an example. By alphabetically ordering, we find that she is in the fifth position, which matches the zodiac order. Another interesting case is Setsuya Minami in the Horse Group, who occupies the seventh position in alphabetical order. Additionally, let's consider Karuizawa Kei in the Rabbit Group, who is in the fourth position when alphabetically ordered and in conjunction with the zodiac order. This pattern suggests that these people could be the VIPs of their respective groups. By applying this logic to the other groups, we could anticipate and discover the identity of the VIPs. That's how I found the VIPs. Any questions?

Ryuen: Damn!! It was so damn simple, but monster, how did you come to that conclusion so quickly?

Sakayanagi: Indeed, Ryuen-kun, it was quite simple, which is frustrating not to realize," she said with a smile, but there was a slight frustration on her face.

Horikita: I can't believe it's so simple," said Horikita, exhaling deeply.

Ichinose: I'm also very surprised at how simple it is.

Ayanokouji: In response to your question, Ryuen, after receiving the names of the VIPs in my class, I was trying different ways and patterns. Sometime later, I managed to come up with the pattern, of course, I had to confirm it to not be wrong in my hypothesis," I replied.

Sakayanagi: And to confirm your hypothesis, you decided to call Ichinose, right?

Ayanokouji: Yes," I gave a simple answer.

Sakayanagi: But, Ayanokouji-kun, I don't believe that Ichinose-san would give you the names of her class's VIPs without anything in return, even if she has a special fondness for you. You are in different classes, so I rule out that it was free. What did you promise her in exchange for her to tell you, or did you simply show her the VIPs on a paper like you did with us?" Sakayanagi asked, while looking at Ichinose and me, who was blushing for some reason.

Ayanokouji: You're right. My deal with her is," I decided to create a moment of silence for dramatic effect. "Once the exam is over, I would give her the points she needs to avoid the expulsion of one of her classmates," I said.

Sakayanagi: "That's all, I think there's something more," as astute as always.

Ayanokouji: Yes, there is something more, but this is not part of the deal; it's a personal desire. The fact that once the exam is over, I will move to Class B," I told them. That was another bombshell.

Ryuen and Sakayanagi were surprised by the sudden change, but the most surprised was Horikita.

Horikita: What?! What do you mean by leaving, why?!" Horikita said, shouting quite loudly.

Ayanokouji: Horikita, you know why. If you want to blame someone, blame yourself for your lack of leadership, as you couldn't control your classmates due to your ineptitude." Horikita couldn't say anything and simply remained silent with her head looking down.

Ayanokouji: Now that the negotiations are over, you can leave; it's getting late.

Ryuen: Kukuku, alright monster, I'll crush you next time in your new class," he said as he left the room.

Sakayanagi: I hope we can face each other in the upcoming exams, Ayanokouji-kun. Good night," she said as she bid a polite farewell.

Ichinose: Since it's getting late, I'll also leave, but we'll talk tomorrow about all this and your transfer to my class, so good night Ayanokouji-kun," Ichinose said with a very cheerful demeanor as she bid farewell.

Horikita was still in my room with her head looking down and a complex and somewhat sad expression.

Ayanokouji: Horikita, it's getting late. It's better for you to leave to avoid unnecessary rumors," I said, but Horikita still didn't respond.

Horikita: Are you really going to leave?" she asked in a sad and weak tone, not looking me in the eyes. Ayanokouji: Yes, I've made the decision. It's the best solution for me and for your classmates.

Horikita: You promised to help me get to Class A. You're a liar," she said with a choked voice, tears slowly falling down her cheeks. 

Ayanokouji: Horikita, I did promise to help, but not at the cost of my expulsion. You know that if I stay in the class, I will be expelled in the next special exam," it was obvious that I was the target, even if it was reconsidered before due to Horikita, Hirata, and Kushida, it was a momentary facade.

Horikita stared at Ayanokouji as he prepared to leave her room. Her eyes filled with sadness, and tears streamed down her cheeks, showing a deep sense of sorrow. Ayanokouji was surprised to see her in that state and paused for a moment, unable to look away from her. After a few seconds that felt like an eternity, Horikita silently bid farewell and left Ayanokouji's room. Ayanokouji remained there, perplexed by what he had just witnessed, feeling quite strange for some reason.

After Horikita's departure, Ayanokouji was left alone in the room, gazing at the moon through the window. His thoughts wandered into the horizon, and a deep contemplation about his future in the school began to take shape in his mind.

"As I observe the moon in the night sky, I realize how much my life has changed since I arrived at this school. I have faced unimaginable challenges and met interesting people along the way. But as I move forward into the future, I wonder what this place holds for me and what destiny awaits."

"The moon, with its serene glow and elegant presence, reminds me that there is a world beyond these walls. A world full of opportunities and possibilities waiting to be discovered. I wonder if I will be able to find my place in it, if I will be able to overcome my own limitations and achieve my goals beyond this school."

"The solitude I feel in this moment drives me to reflect on who I truly am and what I want to accomplish. Though my path may be lonely and dark, I know that every step I take brings me closer to the truth and the person I wish to become."

"As I gaze at the moon, I promise myself that I will not give up. I will fight for my own future, to find answers to the mysteries that surround me, and to discover my purpose in this world. No matter how challenging the path may be, no matter how many trials I must face, I will continue moving forward no matter what."

"The moon inspires me to seek greatness and challenge established limits. It reminds me that my destiny is in my own hands and that I can shape it in my own way, regardless of the circumstances that surround me.

"With these profound reflections, Ayanokouji vowed to himself that he would not lose sight of his goal and would continue his journey in the school with determination and courage, ready to face any challenge that came his way.

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