
Desired class shift

"Kiyotaka no longer wanted to be a part of his class due to the hatred he received, so he sought a way to change classes." "This will be my first fanfic, and English is not my native language. I was just bored, so I decided to create my little story." "I do not own Cote or the cover; all credits go to their rightful owners."

Tyche_wise · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Embracing Change and Looking Towards the Future

The next day, I woke up at the usual time and went through my morning routine before heading to class. As I walked toward the elevator, I couldn't help but reflect on the fact that it would be my last day in class D, excluding the class leaders. I wondered how the others would react and what would happen with the Ayanokouji group. Would they resent, get angry, or accept it? Although I knew that most of my classmates would hate me once the change took place, I didn't care at all. While lost in my thoughts, I was interrupted by someone. A pair of soft hands covered my eyes, and a citrus scent filled the air, reaching my nose. Additionally, I felt a gentle but firm pressure on my back, and a sweet and charming voice spoke very close to my ear.

"Guess who I am?" the sweet voice asked me. Surprised by the situation, I tried to guess who was behind me. I stopped for a moment, trying to recognize the voice and the citrus aroma in the air before responding.

"Ichinose," I replied.

"You guessed it! Although I wanted to surprise you, you guessed it very quickly," Ichinose exclaimed with a cute pout.

"Well, I knew it by your perfume," I replied.

"Did you know who I was just by my perfume?" she asked curiously. Ichinose had recently started using perfume, which she hadn't used before, at least that's what I remember.

"Yes, of all the people I know, you are the only one who uses that kind of perfume," I replied, although it was true, I couldn't tell her that I knew who she was by the size of her... you know.

"So, how are you today, Ichinose?" I asked.

Ichinose: I'm very well and happy, after all, once the exam is over, you will be in my class. And how are you, since today will be your last day in class D? - she answered.

Ayanokouji: I'm fine. Although it's my last day in class D, I'm not particularly affected, since I wasn't friends with almost anyone - I replied.

Ichinose: I see. But you have your group of friends, right? The one you told me about, you often hang out with them, the Ayanokouji group.

Ayanokouji: Certainly, but I'm a little nervous because I don't know how they will react once I change classes. Do you think they will still want to be my friends? - I ask her.

Ichinose: If they are true friends, whether you change classes or not, it shouldn't be an impediment to remaining friends. For example, we, despite being from different classes, have been friends for quite some time, and being from different classes did not prevent us from hanging out.

Ayanokouji: That's true. My change of class shouldn't affect our friendship. If they are true friends, they will understand that circumstances change and that relationships are not limited to the class environment.

Ichinose: You are right. Authentic friendship is not affected by external changes. Over the months, we have shown that the class difference has not been an obstacle to our friendship.

Ayanokouji: Although I'm a little worried about what my friends might think, I trust that if they truly value our friendship, they will continue to stand by my side regardless of the class I am in. I understand that the change of class may generate uncertainty and that some may feel affected by it. However, I hope they understand that I have made this decision due to the difficult situation I am going through.

Ichinose: That is a logical and mature perspective. In addition, the change of class can provide you with the opportunity to meet new people and expand your social circle.

Ayanokouji: I appreciate your words, Ichinose. I feel calmer after hearing your perspective. After that brief conversation, we headed to our respective classes.

Upon arriving in the classroom, I noticed that everyone was already present. I received some looks, but I ignored them and went to my desk. I looked to my right, where Horikita was, and I noticed that her eyes were slightly swollen.

Horikita: Good morning, Ayanokouji-kun - Horikita greeted me, although her voice sounded weaker than usual. Ayanokouji: Good morning, Horikita - I replied.

After that, Chabashira-sensei entered the classroom to start the class. The lesson went on as usual, a topic I had learned when I was 6 years old. I took notes, although I didn't really need them, I just did it to keep up with the other students.

At noon, the class ended, and my classmates started packing up to leave. However, Horikita interrupted them and asked them to stay a few minutes in the classroom to discuss the exam. Some, like Koenji, seemed not to care and tried to leave, but Horikita stopped him.

Horikita: Koenji-kun, could you stay for a moment, as this is of utmost importance - Horikita said to Koenji, as he adjusted his hair.

Koenji: Sorry, Horikita-girl, but I'm not very interested in your ideas about the exam, and I have more important things to do - he replied, looking at himself in the mirror.

Horikita: Koenji-kun, the reason I asked everyone to stay is not to give you ideas or strategies, it's another matter that is more important. So could you stay, 5 minutes will be enough - Horikita said, as Koenji reflected before responding.

Koenji: Fine, Horikita-girl, I'll stay, since I'm curious about this matter. I hope it doesn't disappoint me, and that it's quick, I have a date to attend - he said as he sat back down and looked at himself in the mirror.

Horikita: Alright, it will be quick - before Horikita started speaking, I got up from my seat and prepared to leave the classroom. However, I heard someone speak.Ike: Horikita-san, why is that guy leaving? Weren't we all supposed to stay? - he asked, clearly referring to me.

Horikita: Ayanokouji-kun doesn't need to stay. I informed him in advance yesterday about what I will tell you today - Horikita replied. Some seemed to have questions about it, but they didn't say anything.

Upon hearing that, I left my classroom and looked for something to have for lunch. 20 minutes later, I received a message from Haruka telling me to have lunch with them. I hadn't eaten yet, so I accepted. When I met up with them, we were talking about trivial topics and about the matter that Horikita shared. They were deeply thinking about what led Horikita to accept that idea. After that, we separated and each one was ready to go to their respective meetings.

The day had ended, it was 9 o'clock at night, and my phone kept ringing with messages about the results of all the groups.

Rat: Result #1. The whole group answered correctly in the end of the exam.

Ox: Result #1. The whole group answered correctly in the end of the exam.

Tiger: Result #1. The whole group answered correctly in the end of the exam.

Rabbit: Result #1. The whole group answered correctly in the end of the exam.

Dragon: Result #1. The whole group answered correctly in the end of the exam.

Snake: Result #1. The whole group answered correctly in the end of the exam.

Horse: Result #1. The whole group answered correctly in the end of the exam.

Bun: Result #1. The whole group answered correctly in the end of the exam.

Rooster: Result #1. The whole group answered correctly in the end of the exam.

Dog: Result #1. The whole group answered correctly at the end of the test.

Pig: Result #1. The whole group answered correctly in the end of the exam.

Class A: No changes in CL; Plus 21,500,000 million PP.

Class B: No changes in CL; Plus 21,500,000 million PP.

Class C: No changes in CL; Plus 21,500,000 million PP.

Class D: No changes in CL; Plus 21,500,000 million PP.

Minutes later, I received more messages, this time they were private points. I checked the new account and had the complete 86 million. Thanks to that, many of my problems will be solved and it will be of great help in the future. I decided to send 500,000 points to Kei, since thanks to her I was able to gather information about the VIPs in my class and carry out this plan.

Then, I sent a message to Chabashira-sensei to request the transfer. She responded quite quickly and asked if I was sure about my decision. I replied yes, I suppose she is desperate at this moment, as her ticket to Class A will no longer belong to her class. I sent her the 20 million points to complete the transfer and she received them. She informed me that she would immediately notify the school and that starting tomorrow I should attend my new class.

After completing the change, I sent a message to Ichinose to inform her that I had requested the transfer and that I would attend her class tomorrow. She responded happily and said she was looking forward to the next day. As I reflected on everything that had happened that day, Ayanokouji felt optimistic about future possibilities. 

He recognized that the class change gave him the opportunity to meet new people, expand his social circle, and continue to grow as a person. Overall, Ayanokouji felt prepared to face future challenges and situations. He had learned to adapt to changes and make logical decisions. Although the future was still uncertain, he was ready to face it with determination and cunning.