
Descendant of Bird and Beast (HP)

soul reincarnated into Harry Potter as op character and destroys the game between dumbledore and Voldemort

MAG666 · Filme
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7 Chs

setting affairs in order and the start of a new journey

After taking the treasure from the castle Leo then made his way to Gringotts in Diagon Ally. After entering the bank he headed for an empty counter and asked the goblin manning the station about setting up a vault. when the paperwork and all the specifics had been handled, they took a trip down to the depths of the bank to Leo's new vault. Leo, after depositing most of the gold and artifacts in his possession, left to by land or a house. After going through the proceedings, he wound up purchasing land not too far away about an hour and a half away from Kings' cross station. The land was protected with a charm to keep muggles away and it also had a charm to alert the owner when someone uninvited steps foot on the property. After paying a group of builders a little extra to erect his new home on the land he was told the fastest it would be ready to live in would be two weeks. In that time, they should be able to get the materials on location so the building could be erected shortly after getting the material. So, knowing that he needed a place to stay for the next few weeks he then went and got a room at the leaky cauldron. The next day he went to Diagon Ally and purchased over sixty books on all kinds of magic, another ten on various times throughout history, five more on potions, and three more on plants and magical creatures. After returning to his room, he locked himself inside for eight days straight without once leaving it. If not for his daily meals being delivered to the room moody would have thought, he had died inside. On the morning of the ninth day Leo finally emerged from the room with a list of school supplies needed for his first year at Hogwarts. After finishing his shopping all he must do now is wait until school starts for the events of the story to finally start. Time passed and finally it was time for Leo to start at Hogwarts, his new home was finished, and he studied all the books he had previously purchased. After arriving at the station with his ticket in hand he headed to the platform and on his way, he bumped into a boy who looked completely lost. After apologizing to the boy, he noticed that it was Harry Potter when he realized who the boy standing in front of him was, he offered to show him the way to his train. They approached between platforms nine and ten when Harry asked where the platform was Leo got a mischievous look on his face and walked to the arch near the signs for the two platforms and as he reached the wall, he simply disappeared. After making it through to platform nine and three quarters he waited for a few minutes before finally Harry appeared before him. The look on Harry's face made him look terrified and Leo couldn't help but burst out laughing at the scared expression. When he calmed down, he patted Harry on the shoulder wiped a tear from his eye and told him welcome to platform nine and three quarters this is the place that the Hogwarts express leaves from every year to bring new young witches and wizards to their new home for the school year. After he finished explaining their current location, he then told Harry that the train would soon be leaving, and he should bord the train, so it does not leave without him. Then he simply walked away and found a cabin of his own and locked the door so that he could finish reading a few more of the schoolbooks without interruption. After spending time reading the books assigned for the coursework of the first year Leo noticed that it was starting to become dark outside the train and decided to change into his robes to prepare for their arrival. When he disembarked after the train came to a stop, he noticed a verry large man standing with a lantern held high calling to the first years to gather around him. when he approached, he ran into Harry with a boy with red hair and worn looking robes and a girl standing in front of the giant of a man. The man then took the lead towards a forest nearby and as they made their way through the tree's he once again struck up a conversation with Harry asking if he was nervous to be going to a new school among other things. When they left the wooded area there was a lake with lots of boats in front of them the man leading them told them no more than four to a boat and they made their way towards the castle in the distance. After leaving the boats they approached a door that opened as they arrived and then followed a witch who explained that when they arrived, they will be sorted into one of the four houses that they would be with until graduation from the school along with going over some of the rules that must be followed. After going over the rules she then told them to wait in a staircase until they were ready for them. After leaving them a young blond boy approached and struck up a conversation with Harry who after thinking about it Leo then realized he must be Malfoy. Just as Malfoy seemed to get frustrated by something Harry told him the witch who was leading them returned and told them to follow her. The new students entered the great hall and Leo distinctly heard a girl behind him talking about how the ceiling was bewitched to look like the night sky. They all moved in front of the four tables representing the houses and came to a stop in front of the steps leading to the professor's table. It was finally time for Leo's second life to begin

now we are at the offical start of the books so things should be a little more interesting than getting a bank account and shopping sorry it took so long to get to this point

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