
Onii chan

In the Squad Dorm, the living room was filled with a tensed aura, everyone sitted around the table, Ineyo, Sakono, Tatsuya, Anko, Katsumichi and lastly Minagawa

The tensed aura, filled with bloodlust was directed towards Tatsuya, not only did he not tell anyone he lived with the legendary Mikoto, but he also didn't tell them that he had a cute sister.

"Believe it or not, I'm your sister, Tatsuya-nii"

Anko says while clinging to him, Tatsuya was pissed, but not only, Ineyo was extremely pissed, if given a knife she would stab Anko to death right at the spot.

Tatsuya recollected himself and moved Anko away from his body

"Why do you say so, and do you have any proof"

Tatsuya asks

"Well Yes I do"

Anko answered and show them her blue hair, the group where confused, because it wasn't entirely the same color with Tatsuya's,

"Isn't this enough"

She said

"No its not!!"

Ineyo barks the group were stunned

"Ineyo, calm down"

Tatsuya looks at her with a smile and turns to face Anko

"I know that you are the only granddaughter to the family head, but my sister?...that I can't believe"

Tatsuya nods in negation

"Alright, I'll tell you everything, if you don't believe me, then I won't force you"

Anko said to Tatsuya

"I bet you don't even know your father's name"

Anko looks at Tatsuya for confirmation, but that's just nods in negation

"I thought as much, Kenjiro Uzui was his name, Kenjiro wad also one of the top elite shinobi of our village, he was very popular, rich and strong, but all this just to be controlled and used by grandfather, he wad under his shackles. Grandfather arranged a wedding for him to marry my mother, ye didn't love her at all but just went on with it, he relayed to her his feelings and she understood him pretty much, but she still loved him, later on he went on a mission and fell in love with another woman, and that woman was your mother Tatsuya"

Anko points towards Tatsuya and then continued

"She took her in his house as a slave and did not perform the necessary rituals such as destroying her breeding organs. Kenjiro took her in as a mistress and my mother accepted the idea since it wad his feeling but when grandfather found out he wsnt happy about it at all, he tried to persuade and convince him to drop the act, but Kenjiro didn't listen, few months later your mother became pregnant for you and several months later my mother became pregnant too. When grandfather had of it he was so furious and enraged, he plotted to kill his only son Kenjiro since my mother was already pregnant. He was sent on a regular mission with some other Shinobis and amongst them grandfather planted an imposter"

Anko teared up but mustered her strength to continue

"He....Kenjiro...father was killed before we were even born, he wad murdered, his body wasn't even brought back, and they covered it up like some wild animal did it, and it was that moment that he'll broke loose on your mother. Grandfather began to maltreat her, my mother tried her best to stand up to grandfather but instead grandfather separated them and stopped them from seeing each other, some months later you were born and few months later so was I, my mother taught me everything she told me everything about father and about your mother, everything grandfather did to you and your mother I saw it, I witnessed it all..."

"And you didn't do anything!!!"

Ineyo barks again, Anko kept quite so did everyone, Ineyo teared up and began to sob

"You saw everything and you didn't do anything about it, And later you cling around him and pretend that you love your dearest "Onii chan", do you know what Tatsuya kun passed through, do you know the pain, the sufferings, the loss Tatsuya kun passed through? No!!! you don't, while you were there enjoying yourself in comfort, Tatsuya kun was suffering his mother died infront of him and yet you have the guts to still come here and be all lovey dovey with him... get out"


the group were stunned, that the all cute, dumb, positive and noisy Ineyo became negative all of a sudden

"Ineyo calm...."

"Get out!!!!"

Ineyo was enraged the more

"Alright I will, but before I leave I have one request..."

Anko bows down making her head touch the floor

"Onii... Tatsuya please will you lend me your hand so we will kill grandfather together?"

Now at this moment Tatsuya was shocked, he didn't know how to respond, it was so sudden it came out of know where

"You don't have to answer now, let's focus on finishing the final phase"

She stands up to take her leave,

"And if you don't mind, Can you please pay my mother a visit, she has been dying to see you"

She leaves the room.

Now she's gone the environment was awkward. Until Tatsuya decided to break the silence

"I'm heading out"

Tatsuya stands up to leave

"Hum... Tatsuya-kun..."


"Nothing really"

"Hmm, alright"

Tatsuya leaves the room.

At the Uzui's District a part of the village specially for the Uzuis, Each family has its own destrict.

Tatsuya was spotted roaming to and fro the place without a goal or direction, after wandering up and down and to each corner he comes to an abrupt stop.


He moves towards a house not that big but a little bit luxurious and neat, some flowers were planted around it making the environment more beautiful.

Tatsuya head towards the house and knocks


he heard a woman's voice from inside the house. The door opens and a woman comes out from the house.

She was a little pale white in complexion short dark blue hair looking at her she would be probably in her late 20s get to her early 30s


*sob *sob

Tatsuya was shocked he couldn't speak, the woman was crying

"Excuses me..."

"Haa sorry...sorry about that,I was just shocked"

She wipes her tears and welcomes him into the house

Few minutes later

Tatsuya and the woman were in the living room sitting opposite each other with a wooden table at the center and a hot tea cup in Tatsuya hands


"Hmmm, so sweet"

Tatsuya commented

"Right, that a secret flavour I made using two flower leaves"

She grins

'Wow, she made chocolate tea on her own, this is good'

Tatsuya though to himself

"Are those the ones outside"

He asks


" I was an Elite Ninja for 7 years and all I did during my spare time was pick flowers"

She added

"Ohhh?? That's awesome"

Tatsuya sips the content from the cup

'How can I politely ask for more'

He began to contemplate, now he was engross in the tea not in the business he came for

"And there is alot from where that came from"

She goes to the kitchen and bring a kettle

'Thank you so much god'

Tatsuya offers his cup with a smile as she began to pour in the Content

"You have the same smile with your father exactly the same smile"

She drops the the kettle and sits on the floor

"I know you came here to ask about your father..."


Tatsuya interrupts her

"I know he is kind, honest, and good, it might be rude to say this, but I couldn't care less of someone who was used to the very core that he was disposed of"

She flinched a little in shock and bends her head in sadness and sorrow, Tatsuya noticed it but still continued

"I heard everything for Anko and I came here for just one reason and that reason alone"

Tatsuya stand up shifts away from the table kneels down and smack his head on the floor very heard

"Thank you so so so much for looking after my mother, I don't know how to thank and repay you enough to express my gratitude"

Tatsuya words moved her to tears, she couldn't stop it she just released all the suppressed emotions at that spot

*knock *knock

Anko enters the room

"Mother I'm back..."

She was shocked at the sight she witnessed. She dash towards her mother to inquire what's going on.

"Ohh, welcome...Anko..sorry I made you worried again"

"Don't worry about it, it's nothing just clean your tears okay"


She nods in confirmation

"I know I'm being selfish and asking for too much, but can you tell me more about my mother"

Tatsuya asks

"That's alright"

She says and began to chit chat with them for quite a long time till it was getting dark

"Most of all she was kind and loving, meek, humble and caring to her child, she was a good woman, I saw her as a sister, no, she was the best sister one could ever wish for"

She summarised

"And also the best mother"

Tatsuya adds

"That's right, I know it's getting late and you you need to leave, by the way I heard you guys are having your 2 months break do you have a place to stay"

She asks worriedly

"Yes, I stay with Mikoto-san"

Tatsuya responded

"Ohhh, Mikoto-kun, well that's nice, I'm so sorry for not reaching out to you during your critical times, the family head ban me from having anything to do with both you and your mother"

She bends down

"No problem, I only came here because Anko told me you were nice to my mother nothing really, well I guess I'll be taking my leave now"

Tatsuya stands up to leave

"Hmm, remeber you are always welcome to visit"

She says

"Mother let me see him off"

Anko follows Tatsuya

On the way back to the dorm, in the dark of the night, few people were outside, traders closing their shops, and some on personal business or the other.

Tatsuya and Anko were walking in the part leading to the dorm

"So about grandfather are you in"

Anko asks

"As for now that's my life's goal, to be strong gain fame and rank, then kill the old swine"

Tatsuya replied, his reply gave Anko a cold sweat

"Damn you are more psychopathic than I thought"

Anko says with a wide eye

"Ohhhh?? Really?, so you thought of me as a psychopath from the very start"

"Well duh, which normal child will ho around stealing foods and money at a tender age"

"This child"

Tatsuya points to his chest, and both laughed loudly. Both kept quite for a while and just walked down the part

"Please allow me to apologise on Ineyo's behalf, I told her about my past and she couldn't get it out of her head, she easily tears up when my story is brought out to the light, or when she see me sad, that's why I force myself to smile alot, it somehowaffecymy chick bone though"

Tatsuya says

"I don't really care though, I know she is a lovely girl and besides on glance and you will know that she loves you"

She teases him, using her elbow to hit his

"I know already"

Tatsuya smiles nervously

"What!!!!, Don't tell me you already knew, why aren't you guys dating yet"

"Well you can say that I don't want her be mixed in my ordeal or so or I don't feel the same towards her"

"You are terrible Tatsuya-kun"

"That's how I feel!!!"

"It doesn't matter"

"Whattt!!! so my feeling don't matter"


"You are more than worst

"But wait a minute, did you tell them you were coming here"

Anko asks


Tatsuya answered


She says

"How did you find out"

"Well it didn't take much time after the tantrum, then you arrived, I've been in many awkward situations and I know that an awkward one at that stage can't be easily dispensed"

She answered

"Ohh you are quite knowledgeable than I thought"

Tatsuya chuckles

"Ehhh is that an insult Tatsuya kun"

She pouts

"No it isn't, and besides, "Onii-chan" sounds better"

Tatsuya chuckles. Anko froze, she got mixed feelings, joy and sadness, tears formed as she couldn't believe that the one person she looked up to finally accepted her

"Then... Good night Onii-chan"

She says

"Good night, Imoto, make sure to be safe back home"


A/N: I made sure to pour my heart into this chapter, hope you loved it