
Demon slayer: Reborn in Demon slayer during the Sengoku era(Original)

This story will base on the event that occured way before the original story, during the sengoku era(the golden era of demon slayers) This story will touch topics on the warring state era of the ancient clans and the creation of breath techniques, The strongest demon slayer, the first breath user, the first hashiras the secret behind the marks and so many more ––––––– Young Akira Shoujo later to be known as Tatsuya Uzui a staunch anime fan was just involved in a plane crash which led to his reincarnation to a world he doesn't know anything about yet Please do note that Vol 1: Introduction/ Build up Vol 2 Story Begins

bjbrown · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs


Few days after the little tantrum that cursed a disorder of things in the Class1 Squad A occurred, everything miraculously went back to how it were, well it was due to Tatsuya intervention.

Tatsuya and the group organised a bath and also a sleep over in Mikoto's mansion so they went to their parents houses to prepare. Mean while Tatsuya went to back to The Mansion to get permission from Mikoto and to make things start running according to plan

Tatsuya came back empty handed and light, he wore a black yakata and the butterfly kimono belt He received from Yue. Now Tatsuya was at the gates leading to inside the Mansion. He was happy and elated because its been years since he have seen Mikoto and he really wanted to see him


Tatsuya opens the big wooden gates and enters, and steps on the big compound before the building, few of the maid slaves working on the flowers and keeping the compound neet saw him and couldn't recognise him at first but after some few second

"Young master!!!"

They all left what they were doing and dash towards him togove him a warm welcome.

"Long time no see Young master, how are you doing"

They asks him while clinging unto him

"I'm good, I'm good"

he responds

"By the way is Mikoto-san around"

He asks, All of them bends their and responds in unison


"Apparently he went out for something he called, his research" One of them adds up

"Ohh? Research. Alright let me go in for now"

Tatsuya finds his way out of the cluster and enters inside the building. He goes straight to Mikoto room and finds it neatly arranged as if no one was ever there

"He truly is not around, haa"

Tatsuya sight and heads to the living room. There was a big wooden table in the living room with lots of floor mats around it, Tatsuya head over to one and takes a sit.

Soon later a maid servant comes in

"Young master is there anything you will like to eat"

"Nothing much, just get me a choco.... any tea please"

"Understood" The maid servant heads to the kitchen

'I really miss chocolate tea' Tatsuya begins to salivate.

Soon after another Maid servant enters the room pushing a huge box on the floor

"Young Master, Gift from Mikoto-sama" She points to the box and pants heavily.

Tatsuya gets closer to the box and


Mikoto pops out from the box with a clown like makeup on his face.

Tatsuya stays at Mikoto in disappointment and just quietly goes back to the floor mat and sits down

"Don't be like that Tatsuya-kun, fo you know how many hours I spend putting this makeup, at least give me a praise like, 'well done' or 'keep it up'" Mikoto whines

"I'm still yet to be convinced that you are above 15 years old"

Tatsuya sighs exasperatedly

"Tatsuya you meanie" Mikoto suckled

"Are you for real now" Tatsuya couldn't believe his eyes

"But to be. honest Tatsuya-kun kun I missed you, how many years has it been" Mikoto grabs his chin

"4 or 5 I guess" Tatsuya answered

"Yeah, so who long are you staying, please tell me forever" Mikoto prostrate in a pleading position

"Eeek I'll be staying for some time that all I know"

Tatsuya was disgusted

"Well that's a relief" Mikoto lays on the floor

"So, any plans?" He asks

"Well my friends are coming over" Tatsuya replies

"Really!!!" Mikoto sits up

"Yeah, for a sleep over and a bath, and by the way we are using the big bath"

"Ohh?? Ans you didn't even ask for permission"

"It's not like as if anybody uses it"

"Well you got some point there" Mikoto says

"But when you say your friends, do you also mean that blonde hair cutie" Mikoto looks at Tatsuya with expectation

"Do you mean Ineyo-chan?" Tatsuya asks

"Yes yes yes, Ineyo-chan" Mikoto moves towards Tatuya the more

"First of all, move away from me that's creepy and secondly Yes she will be there"

"Haaa that's a relief" Mikoto sighs

"Alright Tatsuya-kun I have to tell you something and it has to be now" Mikoto's personality just changed

Tatsuya knowing Mikoto well knows that when ever he gets serious, he is serious.

"It's about the exams final phase, I'm not meant to talk about it but I need you to pass it by all means" Mikoto looks at Tatsuya-kun to check if his attention was present, and true he was attentive, Mikoto continued

"Like I said in the one on one phase, the next phase I all about survival and nothing more, everything I've taught you will be applied here, the 2 months break were meant for most of you to spend time with each other before the final exmas, it was meant for you all to build memories and finally Tatsuya, make use of your senses more not your eyes, the eyes is meant to deceive, both you enemies and you yourself, so forget you ever had an eye and move into the next stage, and one last thing, The final stage has a unique power to change someone, make sure you don't change Tatsuya-kun, that's all, I'm off make sure you rest well"

Mikoto heads off to his room.

Tatsuya stayed back to digest all Mikoto had said

"My eyes??" Tatsuya sighs, Mikoto is a complicated man but lives his live in an easy but complicated way everything he says is simple but it's complicating when you put your mind into it

"I guess I'll try my best"

Tatsuya head over to his room

The early in the morning following day, everyone had gathered in front of the Mansion, Tatsuya went to give them a warm welcome, and mets the crew surprisingly including Anko. Mikoto followed suit and came to welcome his visitors.

"Welcome you all" Mikoto smiles cheerfully and handsomely

"It's a pleasure to be in your care Mikoto-sama" Hte group say in unison

"Alright feel at home" Mikoto says and turn towards Tatsuya

"Tatsuya-kun I'll be out for sometime, make sure to keep the place in order and be good to our visitors okay??, and don'tdo anything unhealthy to the females alright??" Mikoto grins.

Tatsuya was annoyed but had to hold it in to preserve Mikoto social status

"Alright Mikoto-sama" Tatsuya replied, the group were shocked at their Interaction

"Almost as if they are father and son"

Minagawa whispers


"Alright this way" Tatsuya directed them into the Mansion and to their rooms. After dropping their stuffs in their rooms, they all assembled in the living room.

"Alright everyone, just as I said I want you all to enjoy this moment. So our today program, we will have a spa from now till sun set then we have a bath and them sleep, are you all fine by that" Tatsuya asks

"Fine by me, I'm sure it will be fun" Anko comments

"Yeah me too" Minagawa adds

"Me too" Ineyo say, and so everyone were in agreement.

Soon later they all went out to have a long spa, it was fun and enjoyable, they all found their weakness and and found ways to counter it, it went as Tatsuya planned. Now it's time for the bath.

Later that day In the evening the groups went to the big bath just outside at the backyard of the big building, it was big enough just like the size of a public bath house, the male and female Chambers were splitted with a huge thick wood board.

In the female chamber the girls were all plain naked, Anko, Ineyo and Sakono. Anko had a smoth skin with good curves her breast aren't that big but still normal maybe due to being short, Sakono was miduim sized not big not small just mid. Ineyo on the other hand had thicc big breast and a sexy curve


Anko jumps into the water

"Haaa what a stress relieve"

"Yeah and thank god we aren't paying for it" Ineyo gently enters the hot water. Anko notices that Ineyo breast began to float on top of the water and swims towards her and begins to groop her breast

"Fufu, Ineyo-chan, you are massively huge here" Anko groops her breast

"Yametekudasai Anko-chan" Ineyo moans

"I'll urge you to stop that Anko" Sakono on the other end focused on washing her body

"It seems like the girls are enjoying them selves"

Minagawa and the boys were strip naked as all of them sat in the wooden stool contemplating who will wash their backs.

"Tatsuya, can't you perform such easy tasks" Katsumichi sighs in grieve

"Go get yourself a girlfriend idiot" Tatsuya barks

"What about you Minagawa" Katsumichi turns towards Minagawa who was sitting at his right

"I'll also not want to resort to such disgusting act Katsumichi-kun, ill also like it if it were to be a girl" Minagawa closes his eyes and looks the other way

"Ehhh??? what's is wrong with you guys, haa" Katsumichi sighs

"Speaking of girls friends, Tatsuya I'm sure you must have been noticing the signs Ineyo-san has been giving" Minagawa looks at Tatsuya with expectation

"Why bring that up now Minagawa-kun?" Tatsuya stands up removes his towel and jumps inside the hot water

"I can't simply turn a blind eye to Tatsuya-kun" Minagawa clenches his fist

"Just leave he is just too dense, that's all" Katsumichi added

"I'd rather not see it as being dense, but being considerate"

'I don't want to break her heart in the future, this is for her own good'

Tatsuya thought to himself

"'I'd rather see it as being selfish than considerate, if you really are considerate then you should have also thought about the repercussions of not reciprocation that feelings your dummy"

Katsumichi says as he walks towards Tatsuya who was swimming in the tub

'Ehhhh??? How can I be receiving relationship advice from a 16 years old kid' Tatsuya was pissed but didn't show it

"Haaaa, it can't be helped I'll try my best then" Tatsuya sighs.

"Yess!!!" Minagawa wad filled with lots of expectations

"Do as you like" Katsumichi jumps into the water

"Score!!!" Anko jumps up and down. In other word they were waves dropping the. boys conversation. Ineyo went bright red she panicked and jumps into the water

"Lucky you Ineyo make this opportunity count, go on full attack" Sakono says with a smile

Back to the boys chamber

"I was planning on making the sleep over one week"

Tatsuya says

"Hmmm, why that??" Katsumichi asks

"Lucky Ineyo-chan lucky Ineyo-chan" Minagawa sang to himself at the edge of the tub not giving a care in the world what the two were talking about

"I'm not sure though, but I have a feeling that if you don't, a huge disaster will occur" Tatsuya clenchs his fist.

The last thing that Tatsuya ever want right now is for anyone close to him to ever die, he has prepared his mind to give up his life when the time is right, that's partially one of the reasons he doesn't want to indulge in any romantic affair yet.

"Any ways let head out for dinner" Tatsuya comes out from the water and dries himself hit his towel.

In the living room, multiple candle were lit up allover the place giving light for the group to have their meal, the group had all come out to have their dinner

"Tatsuya wore a white baggie trousers and a dark Haori and didn't tucked it in or held it with any linen, he just allowed it to hang around showing his chest and abs with multiple scars all over his body[Obtained from the Snake stealth training]

Minagawa and Katsumichi wore a black Yukata

On the big wooden table were the luxurious dish waiting for them to feast on, the boys had gathered round, now waiting for the girls to assemble for them to begin.

Few minutes later the girls enters, they were so beautiful in there Kimono that the boys lost interest in their meals and focused on the girls, most especially Ineyo

"Beatiful..." Tatsuya commented without even realising it himself

Anko tugs Ineyo to go for it, and Ineyo gently walks towards Tatsuya and sit beside him

"Humm...Tat..Tatsuya-kun, how do I..."

"Beatiful, cute, gorgeous..." Tatsuya went on spewing words anyhow

Ineyo turns bright red and held her finger tips together

"You too, Tatsuya-kun you look cool"

Ineyo mutters

"Thanks for the meal!!"

Minagawa says and began to munch on the food

"That's not fair Minagawa-san"

Anko complains

"We have been waiting for you guys since, I'm starving"

The group focuses on the food. After some minutes when they were done with the meal, Minagawa and Katsumichi immediately fell asleep.

"Tatsuya-kun, come with me"

Sakono drags Tatsuya by the hand and heads outside the building. The stars were at their peak, shinning so bright that it gave light to the world in such darkness.

Tatsuya and Sakono spend a little time looking at the stars

"Tatsuya-kun, I have a request, and just one request"

"You can go on I'm all ears"

"By now you should have known what's happening"

Sakono says

"Yes I know and..."

"I want you too make sure you protect Ineyo at all cost, even at the cost of your life" Sakono says and stairs deeply into Tatsuya's eyes.

Tatsuya was shocked at first, but just sighed

"I was already prepared for that to begin with"

Tatsuya responds

"If that's the case, good night" Sakono stands up and heads to her room

Immediately after leaving Ineyo comes out to see Tatsuya

"Humm, Tatsuya-kun I see you are outside too"

"Yeah, Sakono dragged me outside, so I got no choice" Tatsuya responds

"Ohh I see" Ineyo says and looks up to the sky

"The stars are sure beatiful today" She chips in, but Tatsuya gave no responds, Ineyo notices the soon to be awkward environment and wanted to avoid she decided to go into the real business.

"Humm, Tatsuya-kun, I..."

Tatsuya grabs Ineyo by the waist towards himself and hugs her

"I already know Ineyo-chan, but please, please just wait till we are done with the exams" Tatsuya words sounded like music to her ears, she teared up, she immediately believed that Tatsuya had accepted her, yet he hasn't given any good responds, but she forces herself to believe it, to believe in him

"Alright, Tatsuya-kun I'll wait"

Tatsuya smiles and let go of her

"Alright please have a good rest, I'll be at your back"

Tatsuya says to Ineyo. Ineyo nods in confirmation and head back in.

Tatsuya inhales a large amount of air and exhales

"You know you cam fool everybody except me, you can come out now" Tatsuya says.

Among the shadows Anko comes out

"Haaa, as expected from Onii-chan and the Demon child him self, always cautious"

Anko sighs

"Why are you doing this?" Tatsuya asks her

"What do you mean Onii-chan" Anko moves towards

"Don't play dumb with me, you know that my goal will only end with my death, why are you dragging her into this" Tatsuya barks

"Well everyone needs love Onii-chan, and that's something you lacked after you mothers passing"

Anko replies

"Killing a family head is treason on a higher level, normally after my death, my family will follow suit, and someone like me who had no one is the perfect person for that mission" Tatsuya says

"Haaaa, just like I said, assassination is the best option here" Anko sighs

"No, I want to carve my name into his dying heart and mind, and the only way to do that is by one on one confrontation, that all, I'm off to bed, make sure you lay your hands off her" Tatsuya says and leaves the place

"Haa, there is no healing him, he is dead set on dying, You don't seem to understand anything Onii-chan, if you die Ineyo will certainly die too, after how she shouted back at me on that day, I was dead sure on it, she is madly in love with you...Onii-chan"

A/N: Just as you read, Tatsuya not knowing anything about the world he is in, has only one goal, which is to die