
First Mission, Leaving the Village

Five people were sitted around a round table, amongst them was Tatsuya and Ineyo.

"Let's begin with the introductions" The man with the white hair says

"ho me, me, me" The cheerful girl jumps up and down

"My name is Himawari, my age is confidential, my hobbies is to be with Captain 24 hrs a day and the rest of my life" She says making The white haird man annoyed as a vain pops out in his forehead


"I'm Yasushi the Vice captain, and this is my wife and my unborn child, just as you can see im blind, hahah" A man with brown spiky hair as he points towards the door which his wife will come through in the next 5 seconds. He has two marks carved across his two closed eyes, he was blind and wore a kind smile on his face. After some seconds his wife entered through the door with some cups of tea and she served them and went back

"As for me, I'm Ryujin, Mikoto's older brother and the Captain of the 8th Division, don't forget it" the white haird man said

"I'm Ineyo, I'm so delighted to meet you all" Ineyo stands up and bow and sits down back

"Tatsuya is my name pleased to meet you all" Tatsuya stands up and bows and sits down

"Hmmm.." Yasushi looks at him so deep with his soul which made Tatsuya freeze up and beads of sweat begins to form all over his body

'Whats this feeling' Tatsuya thought to himself

"Stop that Yasushi, don't scare him" Ryujin says

"Hahaha, sorry Captain, its just bad habit from meeting a strangers" Yasushi laughs

"But I have to say you are really strange indeed, although I'm blind i see the will of everything, i can see your will but its just incredibly small, why is that so?" Yasushi asks

".....I don't know what you mean" Tatsuya replies

*clap *clap

"That's enough" Ryujin claps to interrupts the conversation

"We got a mission request 2 days ago, but we waited for the Division to be complete before we head out" Ryjin forks out a scroll from his pocket and places it on the table.

Tatsuya looks round and counts everybody

"But we are five, I though a complete Division is made up of six members" Tatsuya curiously asks

"Yeah that's one of the advantage of the 8th Division or should I say disadvantage?" Ryujin answered

"We are basically.... Ninja delinquents, we act as we like, we are not chained down by most of the major rules, like wearing the Ninja standard gears, taking permission before we leave the village" Ryujin chips in

"Ohhh, that's nice" Ineyo commented

"But it comes with a greater backlash. We are treated like outsiders, if any of us dies a proper burial won't be held" Ryujin bend down and grieve a little but jumps back up and places his leg on the table with his hand in his waist

" but when you look at the advantages who cares how we are buried, after all it's on the battle filed we are destined to die" "He smiles

"Ehhh?? That's nice, but I can't still believe it though, after so many years, we are going to leave the village for the first time today" Tatsuya says with a smile as he looks at Ineyo, Ineyo smiles back at him

"Yeah and about that you all should go and get ready we will be leaving in the next 2 hours" Ryujin says and leaves the house

Two hours later, it was afternoon and the sun was at its peak as it rains down its harsh rays on the earth.

Tatsuya and Ineyo were spotted waiting for their Senpai and Captain beside the huge village gate

"Theh are sure taking their time" Tatsuya says in annoyance

"And its already 2 hours" Ineyo pants and lays down as the scorching afternoon sun burns her skin

"Oh, they are here, Tatsuya points at the silhouette of the three of them arriving

"Sorry we late junior-kun, Ineyo-chan we went to get Captain, he fell asleep again" Himawari says

"Wait a minute, I don't remeber having a name like Junior" Tatsuya points to himself

"No no that's the name gave you" Himawari laughs

"Sorry Tatsuya-kun but you have to bear it" Yasushi consoles Tatsuya by patting his shoulder. Tatsuya sighs and bends down

"Alright lets depart" Ryujin give the signal to the two ninjas staying at the watch tower close to the gate.

*Bamn *Bamn

The huge bell was rung as the gate began to open slowly

'Finally, I step foot out of this village, today I'll see the outside world, today ill see the new world I got into, today, I'll gain a new experience' Tatsuya thought to himself

"I'll right, I'll give only one order, don't get lost just follow me back to back and we will be out of the mountains" Ryujin says and forks out a small compass from his pocket and BOOM

The three of them takes off, Ryujin, Himawari and Yasushi. Tatsuya and Ineyo were in shock, but they knew that they had no time to be wasting so they follow them at the back. They are currently running through the location Final Phase exams, memories began to stair up but they had to hold it in and focus on the mission at hand.

"Make sure they don't sense you, and run as fast as you can" Ryujin says

"They??" Tatsuya was confused

"Junior-kun have you forgetten those wild animals that inhabit this area" Himawari asks

"Ohhh.... they, yeah I remember now"

"They inhabit here and protect the shinobi village from outside treats" Ryujin clears them

"Then how do we recieve our missions" Tatsuya asks

"Ehhh???Haven't you seen some flying Hawks here and there in the village those are special birds" Ryujin says

"Ohhhh, those too"

'But more importantly.....' Tatsuya looks at the blind Yasushi

'How is he able to run so fast while being blind' he thought to himself


Yasushi turns towards Tatsuya and smile

'Eeekk, He sensed me'

After some minutes of running, the group came out of the thick fog and are at the mountain feet. the sight of the flat terrain was so beautiful, green grass huge trees, and the scorching sun brought out its beauty on a greater height.

"It's beautiful" Ineyo stares at the flat terrain stetching out to a point ones eyes can't reach

"It sure is" Tatsuya says

"Haha, they always have that first expression" Yasushi chuckles

"Alright lets to head out you guys" Ryujin says and they continue their journey on feet once more.

After running for some minutes they arrived at a village

*pant *pant

Ineyo pants heavily

"Fi...na...lly" She said and fall on top Tatsuya's shoulder

"Hahaha, as expected" Himawari cheerfully laughs

"But I'm still suprised you were able to keep up Junior-kun"

"I guess all the hardwork payed" Tatsuya laughs suspiciously

"Well let's find an Inn then I'll explain the details"

Ryujin says and they head into the village.

After some time they found shelter. it was a two rooms flat.

"This village price are way to high" Ryujin causes

"Calm down Captain" Yasushi tries to calm Ryujin down and Ryujin complies. They were all gathered in the living room around a wooden table

"So I'll explain everything" Ryujin says and takes a pause

"First of all I'll like to say welcome to the outside world, it doesn't looks like how it sounds back at the village right, wars, killings and so on, but let me tell you, that's because the last war ended a year ago" Ryujin says and looks at the newbies and chuckles

"Well unfortunately, another war is about to take place. and that's why we are outside now, to stop it. Many wars has occured along the last ten decades but the Kaminari clan and Otouri clan wars have something that others don't have, can you guess it?" Ryujin looks Tatsuya

"Well, this is my first time coming out, but hearing this little from you already has given me the basic sketch of things. The difference is that either there is no winner in all the wars or there is a constant winner in all the wars" Tatsuya answered

"Hmmm hahahaha" Ryujin laughs hard

"I now see why my little brother took a liking to you, you are correct, in all the wars between the Kaminari and the Otouri clan there is no winner, the war always end with a peace treaty then few months later another war breaks out. So that's our mission now" Ryujin says and brings out a map from his pocket and points towards it

"Harima province have a total of four clans residing in it, Kaminari, Uesugi, Hojo and Shimazu while the Iga province have three clans, Otouri Saiko Yamato the ruminants of the Yamaguchi clan. Kaminari and Otouri clan are very close at the foot of Mt Tenchō, and that's the reason for the war brewing up now" Ryujin sips from the cup of water on the table and continued

"Naturally one clan could wipe out the other clan, that's how war works but the issue now is the Daimyos of the province, they a strategist, their plan cancles the other. A meeting is to be held at Mori clan in the Aki province to talk about the allocation of the land so we are the security force of that meeting, we are to make sure nothing happens, because if anything should happen another bloody war will occur" Ryujin stands up and does some stretch

"The meeting will be held in the next 5 day, and jouney from here to there on foo lt will be 3 days long so we have 2 days to spend. we shall spend 1 here and another 1 there, now let me use this opportunity to sleep" Ryujin heads into the room

"Ineyo-chan let's go do some sight seeing" Himawari as cheerful and active as ever drags Ineyo out of the house

"Yasushi-san, how are you able to see others and tell that other are seeing you" Tatsuya asks Yasushi

'Like I've seen it in so many animes and mangas, but I couldn't believe it was actually fucking real' Tatsuaya thought

"Hahaha, Weired right?" Yasushi chuckles

"No it isn't I rather see it as cool" Tatsuya replies making Yasushi freeze a bit

"Captain, Himawari, my wife and you are the only people to see it as cool. Well all I can say is that each thing, be it living or non living has a will, even the dead has a will, and all I do is sense that will around me, making it possible to know when someone is happy and sad or having a killing intent.But your will on the under hand is so small but yet burns anything that comes in contact with it, back at my house I released some of my will into yours making you to to shiver, that's what people call....what's that word, intimidating" Yasushi smiles

"Ohhhh, is that so"

"Yes, most blind people have different perception of things, but I see the will of everything" Ysushi says

"Then, can you teach me how to sense the will of everything around me" Tatsuya asks

"Well I'm afraid I can't, I didn't choose to see the will of everything, I didn't learn, it was a process I had to pay" Yasushi touches the two scar than ran across his eyes

"Well I urge you Young Tatsuya to go out and enjoy the view, this is the first time you came out of the village so make sure to enjoy everything" Yasushi says and stands up and heads to inside the room

"That's right" Tatsuya stands up and leave the house, going from one place to another, meeting people and enjoying the view

"Now I think about it, I got reincarnated into an unknown world with an unknown power system,haaa" Tatsuya sighs

"Normally I was meant to be given a boost or something like infinite magic, but yet I'm here as a normal motherfu*ker, what the fu*k is the god of Reincarnation thinking, damn it" Tatsuya caused

Meanwhile, in another place, universe, world, space, in a void, was a being hovering around the place, it has no distinct figure it was just light, it then takes the human form but yet has no face. Infront of it was a type of floating Television which displayed someone deep inside the sea, he emitted light capable of blinding someones eyes that got in contact with it, this person or creature was floating and hovering as the sea waves carried the unconscious fellow


A/N: The arc was prolong till next two chapter. Just as you have seen another set of characters are introduce, with Yasushi-san possessing the characteristics and behaviours Blind Vice admiral in One Piece Issho