
Demon Slayer: I love Stars

An astronomer obsessed with stars is reborn in the demon slayer world. How will he change the fate of this world with a little outside help from a ROB? I don’t own anything from demon slayer all credits go to the author also the cover isn’t mine all credits go to the artist if he wants me to take it down do tell me

Joanjudo · Anime und Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 16

{Ubuyashiki Mansion 6:00PM}

As the backyard doors swung open, my gaze fell upon the assembled Hashira standing in a formidable line. Through my X-ray vision, I could discern their strengths and characteristics. Among them, one figure stood out as the most formidable—a man, approximately 24 years old with spiky black hair. His physique was imposing, marked by bulging muscles, and a prominent scar etched across his forehead. He was also blind, lacking both irises and pupils. What truly fascinated me, however, were his ears, which appeared remarkably developed. His choice of weapons—a flail and an axe connected by a chain—spoke to the adaptations he made, likely to compensate for his blindness.

Yet, even amid this formidable assembly, my attention was momentarily diverted by a familiar voice. It was Rengoku, who thundered towards me with an exuberant cry, "BROTHER!" Swiftly, I sidestepped and extended my foot, causing him to stumble slightly. A chuckle escaped me, and he looked back at me with the familiar grin that echoed the innocence of our shared childhood.

"Well, it looks like Rengoku has already shaken things up. This is Kusakabe Hoshi, the new Hashira, and also the first person to slay an upper moon in over a century," Kagaya announced.

The announcement hung in the air, causing everyone to freeze momentarily. The white-haired Hashira broke the silence, skeptically stating, "That must have been pure luck."

"No, it wasn't. I spent two years relentlessly searching for an upper rank, and I found one," I replied, my voice steady and resolute. The white-haired Hashira's irritation seemed to intensify. In response, Kagaya reassured, "Don't worry, Sanemi. We have numerous testimonies confirming his successful slaying of an upper rank."

"Very well then. I suppose this means he just has to complete the ascension event, and that's it," remarked the person whom I could only assume was the Water Hashira, judging by the water-themed design of his nichirin blade.

"I guess so. Well then, everyone, let's head inside the mansion. We need to prepare the backyard for the event," Kagaya ordered. As the hours went by, I caught up with Rengoku and chatted with each of the Hashira. While they all had their unique qualities, three of them particularly stood out to me.

First was Gyomei, the Earth Hashira. The blind man that had caught my earlier attention, the more I looked and interacted with him the more I was convinced that he was the strongest out of all the Hashira. His flail and axe also attracted me a lot as a weapon and I really wanted to try constellation breathing with those types of weapons instead of my usual katanas.

Then there was Sanemi, the white-haired man and Wind Hashira. He stood out due to the toll that battles had taken on him; his pain receptors seemed to have endured the most, likely from the multitude of scars he bore. His body told the story of countless fights, each mark a testament to his unwavering determination. He also had a green nichirin that seemed to have a serrated edge.

Finally, Obanai, the Serpent Hashira, caught my attention. He had heterochromia, which means he had one yellow eye and one turquoise. Additionally, he was partially blind, struggling to see out of his right eye. He wore bandages across his mouth, I peered behind them using X-ray vision and saw a large wound that stretched from the corners of his mouth to his ears that seemed to resemble the mouth of a snake. What intrigued me the most, however, was the high standard to which he held everyone, including himself and his nichirin which had a lot of weird curves which seemed would diminish the effectiveness of the blade itself.

Certainly, all the other Hashira were also quite memorable. Giyuu, the Water Hashira, exuded a stoic demeanor, even more so than me. Tengen, the Sound Pillar, was an eccentric and flamboyant character. Surprisingly, his hearing seemed to rival that of the Earth Hashira. Kanae, the flower Hashira, left a lasting impression. She was a strikingly beautiful woman, and while she might not have displayed the same physical strength as some of the other Hashira, her speed and agility were remarkable. Through my X-ray vision, I noticed that her nichirin blade was also one of the sharpest I had ever seen.

Finally, there was Kasumi, the Mist Hashira, who, at 26 years old, held the title of the oldest among the Hashira at present. While she appeared to be the weakest among the Hashira, her wisdom and experience were clearly valued.

With Rengoku and myself, we formed a group of nine, the Hashira, entrusted with the solemn duty of safeguarding Japan against the constant threat of demons.

{Ubuyashiki Backyard 9:00 PM}

As Amane summoned us to the backyard, I beheld a sight that would stay with me forever. The Sakura tree, adorned with its delicate pink blossoms, hosted a gathering of crows. They perched in eerie unison, their beady eyes fixed upon me. It was as if they blinked and moved as one, and then, in eerie harmony, they let out a resounding caw.

Turning to Kagaya, I couldn't help but inquire, "So, what exactly am I meant to do here?" I scratched the back of my head, feeling a mixture of excitement and uncertainty. His response was clear and direct: "Show them your swordsmanship." He pointed towards the crows nestled in the tree, their dark forms a stark contrast against the delicate pink blooms.

Taking my place about ten meters from the tree, I muttered to myself, "Here goes nothing." With a swift motion, I drew both my blades, their steel glinting in the dappled moonlight. I raised my gaze to the night sky, focusing on the constellations above. As I moved, I lost myself in the rhythm of the stars' celestial dance. Even with my enhanced vision, I couldn't discern the exact moment when two crows took flight from the tree and joined me in my dance.

In that moment, it felt like we were all connected—me, the crows, and the stars above. We moved in perfect harmony, our hearts beating in sync. The reflection of starlight gleamed in our eyes, a shared luminance that echoed the celestial dance unfolding in the night sky.

After I concluded my swordsmanship, I took a moment to reacquaint myself with my surroundings. To my surprise, two kusagai crows had made themselves comfortable on my shoulders. Chuckling to myself, I remarked, "Oh, looks like I've made some new friends."

Turning back to my fellow Hashira, I announced, "Well, it seems I've finally earned my place among the Hashira ranks." Kagaya nodded approvingly, affirming, "Indeed you have."

Curiosity piqued, he inquired, "And what do you call your unique breathing technique?" I replied with conviction, "I names this breathing style, Constellation Breathing, and henceforth, I shall be known as the Constellation Hashira."

Kasumi, the Mist Hashira, chimed in, "A fitting title for a warrior of your caliber, I must say."

Rengoku, ever enthusiastic, couldn't resist asking, "And what will you name your two new crows?" His own crow, Kaname, proudly perched on his shoulder, showcasing a distinct flame-like crest.

With a sense of purpose, I examined my avian companions. Employing my X-ray vision, I discerned their genders—my left crow was a male, while the right was a female. Contemplating for a moment, I made my decision.

Extending my hand towards the male crow, I decided , "I will name you Corvus," acknowledging his connection to the raven family. Shifting my focus to the female, I said, "And you, will be known as Yatagarasu, a name befitting your grace." The two crows cawed happily in acceptance of their names.

Now that I had reached my goal of becoming a Hashira, I decided on a new goal in this new world. The extermination of Muzan and all other demons in this world.

Most Hashira are the same only three people still haven’t become Hashira Muichiro Mist Hashira, Mitsuri Love Hashira and Shinobu Insect Hashira since we don’t have any information on who Muichiro replaced I decided to just make it a weak older Hashira of the same breathing style and Mitsuri is replaced by Hoshi(MC) also yeah Shinobu is about to become the insect hashira and will replace her sister who is the current flower Hashira and is gonna die in a year or so lol.

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