
Chapter 15 Rengoku Side Story

Rengoku POV

12 years old

As I walked away from Hoshi, a sense of camaraderie had blossomed between us over the years, making me view him as my second brother after Senjuro. My hand grazed the newly forged nichirin sword by my side, its hilt offering a reassuring weight. "Let's go," I spoke aloud, the determination echoing in my voice. Embarking on my path to become the next Flame Hashira, I set forth on my journey. The road ahead was long and uncertain, but with each step, I felt the flames of purpose burning brighter within me.

13 years old

The past year had been quite challenging for me. Most of the time, it was just me and my blade, forging a bond that felt unbreakable. There were only a few instances when I wasn't alone, mostly when I was saving a village from a demon or some other cause but most of the time it was just me,myself and my blade. I found myself growing deeply attached to my weapon.

Reflecting on my progress, I realized I had taken down around twenty demons with blood techniques. It earned me a quick rise in the demon slayer ranks, but suddenly I remembered the night I saw Hoshi employ his unique breathing technique in the backyard at the mansion it felt so powerful and intimidating. He was likely advancing through the ranks faster than I was, igniting a spark of rivalry within me.

As I continued my journey along the dirt road, a thunderous voice echoed through the air, declaring, "My flames will burn you!" Suddenly, I felt an intense heat at my back. Reacting quickly, I sidestepped, narrowly avoiding a torrent of flames. "Well, that was a close one," I quipped, shivering from the sudden chill.

The demon before me was a completely red figure, clad in a black kimono. His eyes blazed a vivid yellow against the fiery backdrop. Those eyes, I thought, he didn't deserve them. Raising my blade, I fixed my gaze on his glaring orbs.

With determination in my voice, I declared, "Flame Breathing Fifth Form: Flame Tiger!" In an instant, I lunged towards the demon, my blade poised for attack. Yet, he countered every slash with bursts of fire from his hands, deflecting my strikes with practiced skill. Retreating, I braced myself, knowing that victory was within reach.

"I will slay you!" I said, adopting a high stance. Pouring every ounce of strength into my attack, I pressed down on the earth beneath me, feeling it crack under the pressure. With a mighty cry, I unleashed my technique, "Flame Breathing Ninth Form: Rengoku!"

I appeared before the demon, executing a powerful horizontal slash aimed at his neck. The force behind the strike was immense, and the air seemed to heat up around me as I moved with lightning speed. In one swift motion, the demon's head was severed, leaving behind only the dissipating embers of his existence.

Looking at the aftermath, I couldn't help but chuckle to myself. "Well," I mused, scratching the back of my head, "that might have been a bit overkill."

14 years old

Finally, I had slayed the fifty necessary demons and achieved the rank of Kinoe. Yet, in my heart, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was lagging behind Hoshi. Conversations with Amane and Oyakta-sama revealed that Hoshi had arrived the rank three months ahead of me. Still, I refused to lose hope. I was determined to surpass him and ascend to the coveted rank of Hashira.

Leaving the Ubuyashiki mansion, I could feel the fire within me burning brighter than ever. My blade, an extension of my resolve, seemed to pulse with the same determination. It was time to face a lower moon and prove myself worthy of the title I sought.

15 years old

While investigation wasn't my favorite part of the job, it was an essential aspect of being a Demon Slayer. Over the years, I had honed my skills, becoming more adept at following leads and tracking down demons. The trail had led me to a grand hotel with an imposing sign that read "MITO KEISEI HOTEL." A sense of excitement washed over me, knowing that I was on the cusp of achieving the rank of Hashira. Still, a touch of nervousness lingered, a reminder of the dangers that awaited.

Pushing open the doors, I was met by a male receptionist. He gestured for me to follow, and I complied. Observing him closely, something felt off. His movements were awkward, his breath uneven. It wasn't nerves; it was as if he was unaccustomed to such interactions. The situation grew stranger by the moment.

The butler escorted me into a grand hall, where twenty men stood, each donning similar haoris. At the far end of the room sat a figure, almost regal in appearance. He wore a marine-colored kimono cinched with a dark blue belt, his beard and long hair matching the same dark hue. His eyes, a fiery orange, held a curious kanji in his right one.

"Welcome, Kyojuro Rengoku," he greeted, remaining seated.

"Hello to you too, Lower moon two," I responded, my expression serious.

"We should proceed, don't you think?" he remarked with an air of pride, still in his seat.

"I suppose we should," I replied, drawing my blade. With a fluid motion, the figure signaled, and suddenly, the twenty men surrounding us produced an array of weapons, from spears to katanas.

The demon, still with outstretched arms, manipulated his marionettes. Two assailants lunged at me with spears, aiming for my chest. In a resounding shout, I executed "Flame Breathing Third Form: Blazing Universe." Swiftly sidestepping, I put my blade in a high guard and brought it down cutting their weapons in two. I then used the momentum from my downward slash to do a 360-degree spin and dispatched them with my blade, their heads tumbling to the floor, and their necks spewing their blood at me staining my haori and hair with their blood.

The battle raged on for fifteen minutes, the demon orchestrating his puppets while I met them with fierce determination. Finally, only he and I remained in the grand hall.

"It seems it's just you and me now," he observed.

"Indeed, let's settle this. I will become a Hashira," I declared, through my ragged breaths from the prolonged fight.

As the demon rose from his throne, I readied my blade, preparing for the impending clash. With a fierce cry, I bellowed out "Flame Breathing Eighth Form: Total Burn." The blade's tip brushed the ground, and I charged forward, aiming for the demon. As my strike neared, I heard him say "Blood Demon Art: Blood Shield," after which a barrier of blood materialized between us stopping my slash from reaching him.

Undeterred, I fell back, assessing the situation. He had used the blood of his previous victims to form the shield. Determination fueled me as I steeled myself for the battle ahead. The demon yelled "Blood Demon Art: Blood Spikes," and spikes surged from the pools of blood below formed because of the people I had previously killed. I evaded most, but one found its mark, impaling my foot. Pain shot through me, making movement difficult.

The demon grinned when he saw my pained faces and said "Blood Demon Art: Blood Discs," which produced discs that flew out of the spikes that appeared before. To defend myself from the onslaught I unleashed "Flame Breathing Fourth Form: Blooming Flame Undulation." With precise slashes, I blocked and or slashed the projectiles, though one grazed my side. Enduring the pain, I pressed on.

When the onslaught ceased, the demon proclaimed, "It's time to end this." With a thunderous cry, he said "Blood Demon Art: Blood Dragon." The colossal dragon coalesced, drawing blood from the everything in the grand hall, including my own bloodied form.

Seizing the opportunity, I gathered my resolve. With a mighty stomp on my damaged foot, I pushed through the pain and adopted a high stance. I yelled "SET YOUR HEART ABLAZE FLAME BREATHING NINTH FORM: RENGOKU!" and then I charged, meeting the blood dragon head-on. My blade cleaved through it, then through the demon, and finally through the chair that had once cradled him.

The demon's disintegration began, his final words falling onto deaf ears. Exhaustion and wounds weighed heavily on me, and before I knew it, I succumbed to darkness, a victor in a battle that had tested my every limit.

16 years old

I had done it I had surpassed Hoshi by becoming a Hashira at the age of 15. A roaring victory, echoing with the flames of my spirit. It was a triumph that ignited my pride, surpassing even my father's attainment of this rank at 17. Yet, as another year whirled by, there was still no sign of Hoshi's own rise. The gnawing uncertainty lingered, casting its shadow over my thoughts. Had he met his end in a ruthless clash with a formidable demon, a cruel fate that had claimed too many of our comrades?

In those moments of apprehension, my mind involuntarily rewound to our childhood, to that fateful night etched in memory. The image of Hoshi, his breathing style as distinctive as the dance of flames, the raw power coursing through him, his movements swift as the wind, and that unyielding confidence that radiated from him—it all surged back, vivid and unyielding. There was an indomitable spirit within him, a blazing essence that defied mere explanation, a spirit that belonged to a world of demons and slayers.

17 years old

The gathering at Ubuyashiki's Mansion backyard, our usual meeting place, had a palpable air of anticipation. Oyakata-sama had called us all here with the promise of a special announcement that would mark this day in the annals of Hashira history. The prospect of a new member joining our ranks was met with a surge of excitement. It signified the emergence of yet another formidable demon slayer, and the accompanying rank elevation ceremony was always a spectacle to behold.

As the grand doors swung open to reveal the newcomer, my eyes widened in surprise. A figure, seemingly no older than 17, stood before us. Clad in a striking red haori, it bore dark red accents throughout. His face concealed behind a red cloth mask, his hair cascaded in chestnut waves with vibrant crimson tips. Two blades rested at his left side, one in a white sheath and the other in black. A glinting silver chain hung from his right side. However, it was his eyes that captivated me the most—two orbs of gleaming gold, shrouded in mystery and wonder. Unable to contain my astonishment, I let out a resounding shout, "BROTHER!"

Welp Rengoku’s journey as a demon slayer is all here I thought it would be cool to do this and don’t worry I will also publish Hoshi becoming a Hashira later today lol. Also I know Rengoku fought the flute demon but since I think we have all seen it or at least know about it I wasn’t going to write it. Also if anyone wants to know what lower rank 2’s blood demon Art is controlling blood and he can also control human bodies with weak will power the reason he can’t control the dead bodies after Rengoku decapitated them because a body needs much more than blood to work and yeah again he did try controlling Rengoku but Rengoku didn’t even feel it since in my opinion Rengoku has the most willpower out of any slayer yeah I said it fight me.

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