
Demon King Ascension System

If you don’t know anything, you might think Blake had a perfect life. Good-looking face that made everyone turn their heads, an athletic physique, photographic memory and a good head that let him ace all of his exams, and also a kind heart to prop it all up. But you couldn’t be more wrong as in a world where even a three-year-old kid could use mana, Blake was one of the unfortunate ones who couldn’t utilize the magical power that enabled humans to break past their limits and defeat the powerful demons that used nether instead of mana to cast their own demonic spells. Looks of disdain, mockeries, and even straight-up bullying were not an uncommon occurrence for him as he had to deal with them every single day. One day, the bullies went too far and almost killed him. The pent-up rage and hatred in his heart peaked up as he remembered the faces of his bullies that had beaten him half to death. He thought he would finally die when his head was suddenly struck by a severe headache and his eyes went dark. But never did he expect when he regained his consciousness he would find a pair of horns on his forehead, sharp claws on the tip of his fingers, and jet black skin covering his body from head to toe. Follow Blake’s journey as he became the master of the nether and demonic spells, climbing the ranks of the demon realm as he gathered his own demon followers, and finding out the real truth veiled in his home world while creating legends for himself both in the demon world and in the world where he came from. ====== *Cover is not mine, if you are the owner and want me to take it down, just contact me, and I will do so.

darran_ · Fantasie
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273 Chs

Steel Cubes

In most circumstances, being faced with hundreds of weaker demons was not a problem that Blake would concern himself with.

His and Cyra's dark flames were the perfect tool to wipe out a large number of enemies by simply staying still in their place and throwing dark flame fireballs everywhere. Blake would need to also fly and maneuver in the air if the enemies were like the horde of bison that recklessly charged forward, but if it was just a random horde of humanoid demons, then he didn't even need to bother moving from his place to deal with them.

However, that was in most circumstances. Right now, not only did Blake and his group were located right in the middle of their enemies, not in front of them, which means that they need to constantly keep in check of all the directions around him to keep his enemies off bay, but they were also being threatened by stronger enemies that couldn't simply be dealt with just using a few spells.