
Demon Hunter! A Fairy Tail Adventure

What would you do if you were given a chance to live again after your death?? Would you take it, and milk it for all its worth? Or would you be content and pass on naturally? This is a story of a young man who got that 'second chance' at life. Join Alex as he try's to make the most out of his second life in the wonderful world of Fairy Tail! Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy tail or any of the characters from the series except my own MC. This is just a fan-fic I'm doing for fun to kill some time. Might have some romance in the story, however there will be no harem and no lemons. So sorry in advance if that's what you're looking for. P.s. I don't own the image or anything related to WOW and will remove it if I am required to do so.

SpawnOfSatan · Anime und Comics
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69 Chs

Fairy Hunter

Mira played around with her magic for a little while before they set off. She was trying to see if anything had changed, she noted with some annoyance that her spells seemed ever so slightly less powerful than usual.

She mentioned it to Alex and he explained his theory about Earthland wizards using the mana in the air to augment their spells. Since there wasn't anything she could do about it, they both just started heading in the direction Alex could sense Wendy had gone.

Alex and Mira were not traveling very fast as the lack of mana in the air was messing with his senses and he didn't want to lose the trail. After following the trail for a good couple hours, Alex could tell they were getting close. He was about to say as much to Mira when he felt a massive release of magic power coming from the direction he could sense Wendy.

"Something is going on up ahead! Let's hurry!" He said to Mira before increasing his speed. They got close enough to the chaotic mana in time to see a massive tree, that was the cause of the chaotic mana, shrink down onto itself and disappear. Taking with it the scent of Wendy and Natsu.

"What the fuck?" Alex cursed reflexively.

"Don't swear." Mira chided lightly.

"Well, things just got a little more difficult. Now we don't have a trail to follow." Alex said, turning to Mira.

When Alex turned to face Mira he noticed a big blue flying monster speeding towards her from above. There appeared to be someone on its head holding a spear aiming to impale Mira. "Watch out!" Alex called out, even as he was moving to grab her and wrap them both up in a magic barrier.

He used his wings to maneuver them out of the way of the flying beasts charge, while the magic attack harmlessly washed over his shield. "ERZA! What the hell is the meaning of this!" Mira shouted out when she saw the one riding the beast.

"Oh. The meaning is to eradicate the fairies! What else could it mean?" Knightwalker said with a sadistic smile.

"Mira, this isn't our Erza. She doesn't have a guild mark and is dressed like a slut." Alex said calmly as he analyzed the situation. He could feel the magic coming from the spear this Erza held, but he was more concerned with trying to locate the second captain that was supposed to be here.

After being in this world for as long as he had been, he was starting to get a little fuzzy on some of the details. But he was sure there was supposed to be another captain here, after Knightwalkers attack on E-Fairytail.

"Yeah, she does kinda look like a slut doesn't she? What is the point of bikini armor.. It doesn't seem to be all that effective." Mira said with a teasing chuckle, pulling Alex from his search and angering the red head further. (A/N. I know Miras forms are a little 'showy' as well, but they aren't trying to be armor)

"I Will kill you both! But first." she started as she faced Alex. "Who are you? And why are you helping a dark Wizard?" she demanded.

"Alexander Black! And because she is my girlfriend." Alex said with a mocking bow.

"Then you have chosen to go against the Kingdom! As the captain of the Second Magic War Division, I will be your executioner!" Knightwalker shouted righteously before her spear changed shape and she bolted towards them, her jump planting the poor blue flying beast into the ground.

Alex, still wrapped in his shield, casually stood in front of Mira and grabbed the tip of the magic spear with a clawed demonic hand, stopping the charging captain dead in her tracks. "Im-Impossible!" Knightwalker stuttered out, an indescribable look on her face.

"Fwoosh" Alex muttered out simply before a small tornado completely enveloped the red head. Erza screamed out in pain but since she refused to let go of the spear, she had to take the full brunt of Alex's Calamity curse.

Alex still held on to the tip of the spear and as he was doing so he used {Mana Manipulation} to remove Knightwalkers control over it before pulling all the magic out of it and shattering the lacrima within, effectively rendering it just another mundane pointy stick.

When the calamity curse ran out of energy, Alex let go of the spear dropping it and the red-head to the ground. Knightwalker found out a little too late that she no longer had access to the magic within the spear and couldn't correct herself in the air.

Alex and Mira winced a little at the awkward crash landing. "Damn, I don't know whether to feel bad for her or the poor beasty she keeps squishing into the ground" Alex said with a smirk.

Mira giggled lightly behind him and they both were about to make their way to the downed captain when a person wearing plate armor and holding a sword appeared in front of her. He had a blonde pompadour hairstyle and a confident smirk on his face. His armor was pink in color and only covered his arms, chest and shins up to the knees, leaving his upper thighs and waist unprotected.

"I think these Edolas wizards might all be perverts." Alex said casually to Mira as he watched the oddly dressed man.

"I think you might be right about that. I'm still confused about what the point of wearing such revealing armor is. I mean, my forms are pretty revealing too but they aren't trying to be actual armor." Mira replied with a thinking expression on her beautiful face.

"Hmmm, Hmmm, Hmmm. My, my what a state you've found yourself in." says the blonde man to Erza Knightwalker.

"Sugarboy. I didn't know you were around here." Erza said as she pulled herself off the ground.

"Yes, I was hunting the Fairies as well. Deploying Teleportation magic. *tsk**tsk* Dark guilds sure are wasteful" He muttered softly as he looked at the still glowing pit the tree had disappeared into.

"And even abandoning their comrades. My how they have fallen." he said as a follow up, this time addressing Alex and Mira who were still hovering in the air. Sugarboy withdrew his sword and approached the flying pair, he made it a couple steps before Erza called out to him. "Be careful, that man has a way to pull the magic out of our weapons. I don't know how he did it but I can't use my 'Ten commandments' anymore."

"Hmmm, Hmmm. Now that I take a better look at them, how do they have wings that look attached to their bodies?" Sugarboy stated, causing Erza to actually take a good look at the two people she tried to ambush.

"Who are you people? And where did you get access to Alchemy transformation concoctions?" Sugarboy demanded. The only one he knew that used transformation magic was Byro, and to create it was an incredibly complex process.

"Mira dear, could you kindly put that poor beast out of its misery? It appears to be suffering." Alex says, calmly pointing towards the blue flying beast and completely ignoring the two captains.

"Sure" Mira agreed happily. The Legion (flying beast) looked a little beat up but was otherwise in good condition, Alex had asked Mira to get rid of it so these two captains wouldn't have a convenient way back to the capital.

He knew Sugarboy probably had one as well or at least some sort of transportation, but still wasn't going to make it easy for them. "I'm afraid I can't let you do that. Legions are the property of his majesty!" Sugarboy yelled out imperiously.

"You are more than welcome to try and stop her, but I think you have bigger issues to deal with." Alex stated flatly.

"Oh yeah?" Sugarboy asked with that same confident smile on his face as he turned back to Alex. He was met with a pair of glowing green eyes and a clenched fist only inches from his face. Sugarboy didn't have the time to do anything before he was struck and sent bouncing across the ground.

When he righted himself, his hair was a mess and he was missing a few teeth. "Hmmm, Hmmm. That is quite the strength you have there." He said calmly, trying to hide the apprehension in his eyes.

"I aim to please." Alex responded, a smirk on his face. Sugarboy was about to launch himself at Alex again when he felt a massive amount of magic above him and a couple words that made both his and Erza's blood run cold. "Soul of Extinction" Mira called out in her full take-over form just before a mass of darkness blotted out the sun and impacted the poor Legion that had just gotten back to its feet.

Erza and Sugarboy had leapt away just before Impact but were still thrown a good distance further away and landed roughly. "It's a Demon! We have to leave and warn his majesty of this!" Knightwalker called out, staring wide eyed at Mira's form.

"Yes indeed. This is a big deal." Sugarboy agreed.

"And how do you plan on doing that?" A deep, chill inducing voice spoke from behind them. They both haltingly looked behind themselves, the sight forcing all color from their faces. Alex, not wanting to be left out from scaring the hell out of these two, had used his full take-over as well and was cutting off their method of escape.

Sugarboy out of reflex swung his sword, Rosa Espada, at Alex using all his strength. He was momentarily elated when Alex caught the blade, thinking he had sealed his fate. That elation turned to fear when he felt his control over the blade being forcefully removed before turning to horror as all the magic was pulled from it.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?" he shouted hysterically as he watched the lacrimas on the side of the blade shatter. "Perverts don't need sharp objects. They are usually content to just be naked." Alex responded before kicking Sugarboy in the chest, shattering his pink armor and removing the blade in the process.

"This will be a nice souvenir, thanks" Alex said happily and the rose handled sword disappeared from his hand. Knightwalker and the now very sore Sugarboy just gaped at the monster, completely accepting their fate and not believing they would be able to talk their way out of it.

Alex asked the defeated duo where the nearest town was, neither of them had been willing to tell him, having already accepted their fates. Alex just shrugged and then used Telepathy magic to just steal the information from them, having no mana within their bodies they couldn't even defend against it.

When he was done getting all the information he needed from their thick skulls, he knocked them out. He now had a rough map and layout of the entirety of Edolas as well as their current location. He couldn't currently sense Wendy or Carla, but with the mental map and the memories from his past life he had a pretty good idea about where they would show up.

"We need to head to the town of Louen, It is the closest big town to here so it's the most likely spot for them to have teleported." Alex said turning to Mira.

"Okay. Are we just going to leave them here?" Mira agreed before pointing to the unconscious duo. "Got a better idea?" Alex asked while scratching his head. Mira pondered for a moment before she just sighed and drooped her shoulders.

"No, I don't. Let's go then, we need to go find our missing city and the rest of the guild." She replied while deploying her wings.

"Alright, but before we leave this area we got to make a quick pit-stop." Alex said before quickly heading off in a seemingly random direction. Mira followed after him shortly after and came upon him studying an odd magical vehicle. "What is it?" Mira asked curiously.

"Some sort of personal flying device that has its own fuel source." Alex responded before making the vehicle vanish. "Nice! More free stuff." Alex cheered comically. Mira laughed at him before asking what he was going to do with it.

He started explaining his plans about re-creating the technology in Earthland for the non-wizards, his hope being to make life a little easier for people. While they flew, Alex told Mira all about how the city was turned into a giant Lacrima and even about code ETD (Exceed's Total Destruction) the end game goal of Faust, the king of Edolas.

Mira had a dark look on her face whenever she thought of what the country of Edolas was going to do with her guild mates and family, Alex was no better and they resolved themselves to speed up.

Oh boy! What is going to happen next!?... I dont know.


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