

In the dungeon, it was pitch black as usual Demo lighted a candle from one of the holders on the dungeon's walls. The candle's light was like a fire beetle soaring on top. The light was small but bright. The police that are captured saw the light and had hope. They were all thinking of one thing,

"Is it Demo?"

They all stared at the candlelight as it got closer and closer to their cell while the hope of the police increased. The candlelight got closer, and every step to the polices seemed to take hours.

Finally, the candlelight reached and stopped in front of the cell where the police were captured. Demo reached the candlelight further into the cell to see whoever was inside. Demo saw the police; a smile broke on his face. The polices inside also saw Demo's face. The police almost broke out a smile on their face simultaneously. Soon the police all broke into laughter. They all stood up and ran towards the cell door. Suddenly, a bunch of questions came to him. Even the chief asked a lot of questions too.


"I'II explains everything later. For now, lets escape," Demo said.

Then all the police went quiet. The Demo went to the door guard and said,

"I just saw some people that are sick. Can I take them to my room (the hospital)?"

"Sure. The keys are here," the guard replied while taking them out and giving them to Demo.

Then, Demo went into the dungeon and freed the police from jail. Demo took them out to the halls and then into the hospital. When they entered the hospital, Demo found some chairs and let the police sit down. (During this process, it was pretty quiet, Demo didn't know the reasons, so he didn't care) when all the police sat down, Demo said,

"I have brought you guys here to talk about the escaping plan. I was thinking of exploding this whole place while rescuing all the ones who are captured and innocent. But the only problem I'm facing right now is where I should go to get the bombs required for this plan! So, do you guys have any bombs or explosives?"

"We do, but they're all in our shirts, so we don't have any bombs right now."

"Hmmm… I do have the plan to get the shirts back, but I still haven't tested if it works or not. Do you guys want to try?"

"YES" shouted all the police.

"Okay," replied Demo

Here's how it goes: first, I will go to the guards and say that I need something in there, but the guards will disagree, so that I will fight with them. While they're distracted, a group of you guys will go to the walls and start climbing. The rest of the polices will stay in front of the door and stop anyone from coming in. We will do this tomorrow at noon.

After that, Demo put them back into the cell and told the door guard that they needed to be checked daily. Also, the first prisoner is still being checked daily. It's better to have him in the hospital than to go back into the dungeon, and the door guard still said it was okay.