

The next day, Demo went to the jail cell again. He told the cell guard it was time for daily checks. So the door guard opened the door and let all the police out. After that, Demo leads them to the hospital again. Then said,

"We are going to act right now. We need five policies to do the sneak-in. And then, the rest stay outside. Okay?"

"Okay," replied all the police back to Demo.

Then, they left the hospital and started walking toward the locker room. During the walk, Demo heard talking above them. Demo started to think,

"What is happening? Why is there talking above us? Isn't this a hall that goes to the locker room? Or is there a way up here that isn't even marked on the map the door guard gave him? If it is true that the map didn't mark it, that means it's an important place to this underground base. I need to go have a check."

Demo stopped and said,

"We will stop right here. The plan will change."

And without getting a reply, Demo walked straight back to where they came from. The police stared at each other. They didn't know what had happened. They just heard murmuring from Demo that they didn't really hear clearly and nothing else. It seems like Demo just walked away for no reason.

A few seconds later, the chief noticed they were the only ones left, and Demo had already gone from vision. So the chief told everyone to go back to jail. But the problem is they need to figure out which way to go. That made them walk several wrong ways. But finally, they reached the cell door, but they got stopped by the door guard. The chief thought and then said,

"We were sent back by the doctor. The doctor didn't want to come, so we returned by ourselves."

The chief's trick worked on the door guard. The door guard let the polices in.

When everyone is sleeping.

In the halls of the underground, there were one person's footsteps. He wore a doctor's shirt, your right. It's Demo. He walked towards the place where he heard the talking from above. When he arrived, he took a look around. Nothing changed, then he looked up. There he saw some fragile cracks in his magnifying glass. Demo took a look from afar. It looked like a door. He reached his hand to it and pushed it up. It opened a bit, he pushed it up more, it opened more, and at last, he opened it entirely and popped his head out of the door. No one was there. There was just an empty room with a few chairs and a table. Demo climbed up. He looked around. There was a notebook on the table. He went there and picked it up. There was a title on the notebook, or at least it was like a title. It was called R.B.C. Demo opened the notebook and started to read it silently, but the first few pages shocked him so much.