
Delinquent in Another World

A delinquent that's not really right in the head transports into another world(a merge of anime worlds) while doing a job. Read as he struggles to live in such a ridiculous world.

parkgun · Anime und Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 6

Kenzou was sleeping in his hole, it was covered by leaves and you couldn't even see his body.

Out of nowhere a man quietly appeared near the place where he was sleeping peacefully.

Kenzou's eyes shot open and he jumped out of his hole, these days he had to fare against wild animals in order to survive so even the smallest sound would put him on guard.

Instead of a wild animal there was something else, a predator.

It was his 'teacher' looking down at him.

Kenzou looked up and saw that the sun was still rising.

"Looks like your senses sharpened, I guess living in this forest made you even more perceptive."

"I don't know what this forest is but there are tons of wild animals here, I had to always sleep underground so I could hear footsteps better."

"That's a technique used by hunters, now go and show me whether you are worthy."

'Weird choice of words but okay.'

Kenzou went towards the log and grabbed it with both hands, he went into a squatting position and started pulling the log.

The more he lifted it off the ground the more his whole body started to shake, unable to hold the extreme weight.

His nose started bleeding when he was close to fully lifting it but he didn't give up, after some suspenseful seconds he finally managed to lift the log.

As soon as he finished he dropped to the ground on his butt.

"Alright, now that you learned how to improve your physical strength by yourself you will have to learn how to fight properly."

"Do I learn a martial art or something?"

"No, techniques don't suit you. You will develop your own way of fighting."

'This is something I can agree on with him, I like my original fighting style.'

Kenzou rose to his feet and stood in place with his hands down.

He rose his hand and signaled his teacher to come.

Yuujirou smiled and rushed towards him.


The ogre sent a straight punch towards Kenzou but the latter just moved to the side to dodge the punch.

Kenzou sent a punch straight to the ogre's chin and his head recoiled backwards a bit, but his head went back to its original position afterwards with no damage visible whatsoever.

Yuujirou kicked forward towards Kenzou faster than before, Kenzou jumped with his legs wide open to avoid the kick, but he miscalculated one thing.


The ogre raised his leg directly into his crotch.


Kenzou fell to the ground holding his balls.

"If I remember correctly you once kicked me in the crotch too."

He looked upwards and saw the mocking expression of his teacher. He gritted his teeth and sent a kick towards his neck.


The kick connected but his neck was so thick that his muscles absorbed the damage.


Kenzou jumped backwards seeing that his attacks had no effect whatsoever.

The ogre gave him no time and attacked him relentlessly.


Kenzou was on the ground with blood all over him, he started to remove unnecessary movements from his attacks since every mistake would bring him pain.

"I will come once a week here or when I'm bored. Until I see results I won't let you leave."

"I understand."

And just like that the ogre left.

'So what he's telling me is basically to build my strength more and practice moves only when he comes here.

Even if this counts as torture it is alright, if there are monsters like him walking all over the world it's better to be prepared rather than dead.'

He started to think of ways to improve his strength, so he went with the most primitive answer.

'Just use the log to gain strength, and if that's not enough use more.'

Yep, he was thinking of doing simple exercises like pushups and squats but with a log tied to him.

It may sound stupid but it actually works. Since logic doesn't really apply in this world.


A month has passed and his growth was even more ridiculous. Right now he could hug a tree and lift it out of the ground with relative ease, which is much harder than just lifting a log.

He could jump over two meters with ease and he literally became superhuman.

But despite his massive increase in strength he still couldn't hurt his teacher, he wasn't sure if he was taken seriously even once.

Despite him not being confident in taking on Hanma Yuujirou he underestimated his strength since he fought only the strongest in the world, his growth was insane and his strength was unnatural. He was with certainty top 5 in the world.

His fighting style developed somewhat too, he removed any unnecessary movement and focused on making the best attacks that you need at the moment.

If he could put it in words it would be improvisation.

Wild animals no longer stood any chance against him, he would choke them and leave them alone or eat them.

And another thing he heard from his teacher is that in this world there exists no good and bad, just strength.

If you win you are the good guy and if you lose you are the bad guy.

In the end what matters most in the world is strength.

He was already thinking like this but hearing it from the mouth of the self proclaimed strongest in the world just affirmed his theory.

Again, his body didn't change at all, it was like only the cells in his body have been strengthened since there was exactly no difference since he came here.

Which is just ridiculous, he was expecting to at least put on some muscle mass but he just remained the exact same, even his weight which is just insane.

It was like he was a video game character and he would just add points to his status.

But thanks to that he became faster and lighter.

Right now Kenzou was shirtless on top of a big tree looking at the sight, it was a really big forest and there were all kinds of birds and animals.

He took a rock from his pocket and threw it at a random bird.


The bird's head exploded since he threw that rock with all of his strength.

He was practicing his aim on moving objects and he started getting better with time.

He started to get bored with living in the wildness so he plays games that have something to do with training at the same time.

Despite his teacher's dislike of using weapons he still trains with them. He made something similar to nunchucks with whatever he could find and plays with them when he's really bored.

As he was about to throw another rock he felt the presence of his teacher, since he was getting ambushed almost every time they met he developed something akin to a sensor only for Hanma Yuujirou.

He looked in a random direction and saw his teacher walking towards his tree with his hands in his pocket.

Kenzou went to the ground and leaned against the tree.

"Today you will fare against other fighters, they will be different from the punks you are used to fighting. Keep in mind that if you lose I'll kill you."

"Alright, but can I go pick some clothes first? I don't want to go with these old clothes."

"Yes, you will show up here."

He gave him a phone with a GPS that showed him where he has to show up. He put it in his pocket and started walking behind the ogre.

"One question, I want to finish high school but I was absent for a long period of time. Will I be able to go to school after this fight?"

The ogre looked at him with a stoic face and said. "If you do well I'll think about it. I live in luxury just because I am this strong."

"I understand. If I will be able to live well I would do it without even going to high school."

The ogre said nothing and continued walking.

After a while they finally arrived in the city and Kenzou said. "What time do I have to be there at."

"As soon as possible."


He started walking running towards his apartment since he didn't want to be seen covered in dirt and all that.

As he arrived he took a shower and changed his clothes.

He got dressed in a black jacket, white t-shirt and black shorts, he had his usual mask on and his usual wrench weapon was on him.

He went outside and took a taxi towards the location where his fight is supposed to take place.

"The octagonal Dohyou"

It was under the Tokyo Dome.

Kenzou was in front of the entrance and he was welcomed by people in suits and a very small man.

All of the people present got chills all over their bodies seeing Kenzou's eyes, while he was not being hostile whatsoever being stared at by those kinds of eyes makes one uncomfortable.

His weapon was around his neck hanging over his chest. (Two wrenches tied together with a chain)

"You have to be Kenzou Shimohara, right?"

Kenzou looked at the man who had sweat on his forehead and said. "Yes, and you are?"

"Sorry for my rudeness, I am Mitsunari Tokugawa the owner of the underground arena and the one who organizes the fights."

"No need to apologize, I was forced to come here on a short notice so it isn't your fault."

"I see...."

Kenzou walked past him and said. "Let's talk while walking, it will be pleasant to talk to someone else other than my teacher."

The man knew that Hanma Yuujirou was teaching someone but he found out just today, the shock was so extreme that he fainted.

The Hanma Yuujirou was teaching someone how to fight? That's something straight out of fantasy. Even the other people who heard these news from him were shocked.

They couldn't believe it so they showed up today to watch the match too.

The fighter being none other than the man's own son, Jack Hanma.

Mister Tokugawa started walking side to side with Kenzou and he said. "Is mister Hanma really your teacher? I know that he said it with his own mouth but I can't really imagine it."

He looked at him from the corner of his eye and Tokugawa again flinched, he just couldn't get used to those black dots staring at him.

"I don't really know what kind of person my teacher is since he just talks to me and then proceeds to beat the shit out of me.

He gives me instructions and then leaves, he comes back and beats under the pretext of 'training' so I can become stronger.

The first thing he told me was that I am his next toy that he will have to play with when I get strong enough."

Mister Tokugawa started sweating and he said. "Is it really okay to reveal this kind of information with me?"

"Hmm? No need to worry about it."

"You said you don't know what kind of person he is, but he is probably the most famous fighter in the world after the video of him fighting Baki published."

"I was always bad at using technology and I had to live in a forest so I couldn't really search him up."

"But his fight was live streamed on national TV."

"I was working so I wouldn't know."

The man didn't say anything anymore, he looked at Kenzou's body and thought. 'He doesn't look that buff or strong, I wonder what he will show us.'

He entered the arena and was blinded by the lights, he looked around and saw that there weren't many people watching, but that didn't mean they were little.

'They look strong, but that doesn't matter to me.'

He looked at his footing and saw that it was a kind of sand but your feet wouldn't sink in, he felt something weird in the ground and saw some white things.

He put his hand in the sand and scooped it out, he looked at it and saw that it had nails and teeth mixed in between.

'That's disgusting, does no one clean this?'

All the influential people in the fighting industry showed up to the arena when they heard that Yuujirou Hanma has a student and he's making him fight.

They had no idea that he was training someone and these news shocked many big powers in the world, it even reached the ears of the government but they chose to not take action.

They started to hear the footsteps of a person entering the arena and they were on the edge of their seats, even Baki Hanma, his other son was curious to see who that person is.

The moment he stepped in the arena and looked at them gave them the chills, they were all martial artists and they could feel it, he was crazy strong.

The way he looked you would think of a punk but no normal punk would give professional fighters that feeling.

His eyes made him even scarier, those pitch black eyes made you feel like he could see your soul.

Orochi Doppo smirked and said. "He's one creepy guy I'll give him that."

"He looks skinnier than I expected him to be."

After that they continued talking nonsense about martial arts and shit.

Kenzou finally looked at the person in front of him and saw a big tall man with short blond hair and a scary look on his face.

He started walking towards him with one hand in his pocket and stopped right in front of him.

The announcer started talking. "This is a fight between people related to the strongest person on earth!

On left we have Jack Hanma who is Yuujirou Hanma's son and on the right we have Kenzou Shimohara who is his disciple.

Jack is over 2 meters tall, 43 centimeters that is! While Kenzou is a little over 180 cm! His size is practically cheating.

Then on top of his size, Jacks main weapon is his biting! A hideous vicious style!"

Jack opened his mouth and showed his silver teeth.

Kenzou looked at him with his usual face and said. "Jack Hanma? I didn't know teacher had another son."

This somewhat annoyed Jack but he had to keep calm, maybe he was just trying to annoy him. He was angry to see that his father who neglected him all of his life actually trained someone else.

Kenzou noticed his animosity and said. "I understand how you feel, I can't imagine having that man as your father."

Kenzou grabbed the weapon and let it go to hit the ground.


Jack said nothing and threw a punch directly towards his head.

Kenzou stepped to the side and punched him in the face.


Jack was sent flying and he landed on his feet.

Kenzou felt that the pain in his hand was higher than usually when hitting a person so he looked at his fingers and saw that some of his skin was ripped off them.

He looked back at Jack who spat something out. It was bloody flesh.

"I see, you bit me when I hit you in the face."

His pain resistance was super high after training with Yujiro so this much was nothing.

Jack took a low stance and he rushed towards Kenzou whose hands were in his pockets.

He closed his eyes and thought. 'Should I go serious on him from the start? I'll do it since I don't want to prolong a useless fight.'

As Jack was near him he moved to the side and kicked his leg at an insane speed and hit him in the face. The attack looked invisible for Jack.


Despite the fast movement there was almost no sound produced at all, he was quiet, very quiet.

Jack didn't give up and he rushed again at him.

Kenzou lifted his leg and kicked him in the back of the head to the ground.


He put one leg under his neck and lifted him up, it looked like he was standing but Kenzou just kicked him again.


Jack was dizzy from all the hits he took to the head and fell down on his face.

The others present were in awe, they never witnessed such beautiful moves, they were second to Yuujirou's in term of beauty but not too far apart.

All the pro fighters had their mouths wide open seeing this, they never saw this kind of fighting style. It wasn't even a martial arts.

Yuujirou who was watching this from near Tokugawa had a wide smile on his face. His first and last disciple actually had the potential to stand toe to toe with him. The ogre was being serious with most of his hits when he fought Kenzou, he was just making sure not to kill him.

Baki said with wide eyes. "He's fast, very fast. He attacked his blind spots with blinding speed making them seem invisible to the victim, a vicious style."

Kenzou looked down at Jack and said. "Give up, I'm out of your league."

Jack rose form the ground and charged towards Kenzou with an enraged expression. Not only did his father take pity on him now his disciple is doing it too?

He rushed forward with his mouth wide open hoping to bite Kenzou but he received a hand in the neck instead.

Jack started coughing with his tongue out because he couldn't breathe but in that moment Kenzou performed an uppercut on his chin and he cut his tongue, it was barely hanging on a small thread.


Kenzou then kneed him in the chin, his tongue flew out of his mouth but he still didn't give up. He again rushed towards Kenzou.


Kenzou decided to end this fight, he kicked him in the balls and then in the throat.

Due to the pain Jack almost fainted, he fell to the ground head first and Kenzou came near him.

*BAM* *BAM* *BAM* .....

He started stomping on his head while saying. "Just stay down, I'll take your teeth out the next time you get up."

After he stomped on his head down some more he lifted him up with one hand by the neck and looked at his eyes, they were rolled to the back of his head and he was bleeding from his mouth and ears.

He threw him away and walked away with his hands in his pocked. "This fight's over, treat him or he might die."