
Deceitful Reality

After finally completing his nine years of compulsory education plus three years of secondary education, Leo managed to get into one of the decent colleges from his country, sighing in relief thinking that the bad days were behind him he peacefully lay down on his bed and slept like a log after countless sleepless night's. Unfortunately, his happiness only lasted for a single night as when he once again opened his eyes a whole new world appeared before him. Still, that wasn't going to stop him as he once again worked hard in this new, he worked harder than he did in the previous world by severalfold and manage to achieve a level which kids his age could only dream of. And just as he was about to experience his first day at the most reputed college in the new world..... It happened again......... But this time it was a little different....... [You have been chosen as one of the first contestants to enter the 'Sanctuary'.] Why is getting into college so hard............

nkcthereaper · Fantasie
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13 Chs

Chapter 7: Enemy Or Friend(Part-2)

"I can't sleep", Leo said in a deadpan voice, it was really too much to ask him to sleep on the hard stone floor when he has been living in luxury for the past decade.

Still knowing that he needed to give his body proper rest, Leo decided to shut his eyes and just keep lying down.

This was one of the methods he found out about in his previous life when he was preparing for his college exam.

In case you ever feel like you are unable to sleep, just lie down on the bed and close your eyes stay in one position, and don't move, although you wouldn't fall asleep your body will feel vitalized once again.

As soon as there was enough light for him to scout the area, Leo decided to get up, there were light dark spots under his eyes, but that wasn't the cause of his concern.

With a frown on his face, Leo felt his dry mouth, eating meat last night ended up making his thirst level higher.

Turning his head, Leo got a better look at the area.

A lush forest appeared before his vision, it seemed endless, there well tall and sturdy trees as far as his eyes could see.

'There it is...', In no time Leo was able to spot a river flowing some distance away from his place.

But a frown quickly appeared on Leo's face as he saw numerous smoke clouds occupying the space around the river.

'A settlement perhaps?', Leo quickly thought, but he didn't know whether the place belonged to humans or monsters, if it belongs to monsters then there is no need to explain anything, but even if it belonged to humans there was no guarantee that they will not be some flesh-hungry cannibals...

The risk outweighs the gains.

Focusing his eyes, Leo managed to barely see a small stream flowing away from the river forming something like a small lake.

Although the place was further away than the river, it seemed safe as there was no smoke cloud coming from around the lake.

Deciding on his destination, Leo sat down and took out all of the items in his possession.

A crocodile series model 12 pistol, pure black in color able to hold up to 12 rounds, Leo took out a loaded magazine for the crocodile, including the one-shot he fired before he now has 23 bullets left.

And yes it is indeed illegal to keep a defense-only gun in your house. It is illegal, yes but that is only for the poor....

The second item in his possession, the glass jar, there is no need to describe how incredibly useful this thing is.

And lastly....

Leo took out a small black rod the less than half the length of his arm.

A Sabre military series stun baton, able to cause an extreme amount of pain to the target extreme enough for him to not forget it for the rest of his life that is if he didn't die after taking a hit...

And yes this is also illegal....only for the poor.....

Unfortunately Leo didn't have any spare battery for the baton, thus he will not use the thing unless necessary.

Placing the gun and the baton inside his jacket, Leo carried the jar in his hand as he started making his way down the mountain.

If the jar wasn't so useful then he would have thrown it away knowing how much of a bother it is to carry this thing around.


Cutting down the wolf in front of him, Leo wondered.

'Why are the parchments not appearing?'



Goat headed floor guardian shouted out loud as he hastily wrote on the parchment in his hand.

"Dammit! dammit! dammit! f*ck I don't know how many monsters he just killed", In his rage, the goat threw down the parchment and ended up pulling out its white hair in frustration.

"I should just kill him and be done with it.....", The goat muttered in a small voice but the idea vanished as soon as it came, after all, it is not possible for him to harm any examinee during tutorial or he would be punished by the higher being.

"Whatever I don't care anymore", Picking up the parchment he wrote down whatever came to his mind and send it away.


Leo had a weird look on his face as he looked at the parchment in front of him.

[Congratulations on killing 10 wild wolves You have been awarded 300 points.]

[As you are the first one to kill 10 wolves you have been awarded an additional 2 attribute points.]

The corners of Leo's mouth twitched as he clearly remembered only killing two more wolves just now.

'There is something wrong with this thing.....not that I'm complaining....'

Since it was a good thing for him, Leo tore the parchment and pulled out his id card.


Level: 0(Locked, cannot level up during tutorial)

Title: None.

Name: Leo Brown.

Job: None

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Age: 17

Elemental Affinity: None

Attribute Points: 3

Strength: Level 3

Vitality: Level 4

Magic Power: Level 1(+)

Dexterity: Level 3

Shop Points: 230


Same as last time there was a '+' sign behind [Magic Power] stat but the other stats were still the same as they were before.

This time Leo wasn't in a hurry to upgrade his [Magic Power], instead he decided to wait and acquire more attribute points before confirming his guess about stats.

Plucking a leaf from a nearby tree, Leo placed it in his mouth and sucked the moisture off of it. He has been doing this the entire way to stay hydrated. Although the amount is way too little.

Leo only had a rough estimate of how far the lake was, fortunately, the lake itself was quite large in size making it possible for him to spot it after walking for about an hour.

By now the sun was shining brightly above the sky, the Lake's water looked clean, Leo pulled out his jar and filled it up with water, on the way to the lake he has finished the last pieces of wolf meat.

After filling up the jar, Leo bent down and drank from the lake, the lake was formed from running water so it was clean and the chances of him catching some unknown disease were small.

After drinking to his heart's content, Leo took off his bloodied jacket and washed it using the water, he also got rid of the mud on his body, after Lleo was done cleaning himself his eyes turned sharp.

"There is something wrong with this lake...."

He noticed a peculiarity about this place.

There was no living being around the boundaries of the lake.

He couldn't even see even the slightest disturbance in the water caused by small insects and fishes.

It was all too quiet.....

Quickly picking up his stuff, Leo decided to leave the place, for some reason this lake gave him an uncomfortable feeling, he had not felt anything like this even when surrounded by the pack of wolves last night.

Unwilling to stay here any longer, Leo left right away.


After Leo was gone a ripple appeared on the Lake's surface as a pair of giant crimson eyes lit up, the enormous pair of eyes silently looked at the direction in which Leo just left before vanishing in the depths of the lake.

The peculiar silence once again surrounded the Lake as no living being had the guts to venture near it.


After leaving the area, the uncomfortable feeling finally vanished as Leo breathed out a mouth full of air.

The lake from before reminded him of the dangers of this unknown world, Leo raised his vigilance as he carefully started making his way in the direction of the smoke cloud he saw from the mountain.



A group of 6 goblins patrolled the area while chatting with each other, these goblins were different than the ones Leo killed before, instead of a wooden club or rusty dagger they carried weapons like spear, bow and arrows, and even short swords.

Leo looked down at the group while sitting on top of a tree branch, looking at their sharp weapons Leo hesitated whether to attack them or not.

Shaking his head he threw away the idea of taking them head-on, getting injured is something he has to avoid at all cost.

Leo carefully trailed behind the group waiting for his chance to strike.

It looked like lady luck was in his favor as an opportunity presented itself not long after.

The group of six goblins came across three wild wolves.

Coincidently enough Leo reorganized the three wolves, they were standing behind the Rare Big Wolf he killed last night, it looked like the three of them are females.

Leo calmly watched as the two groups started fighting, The wolves were supposed to have a natural advantage against the short goblins but these guys were well prepared as the spearmen made sure to keep the wolves at bay with archers at the back continuously throwing arrows while the swordsmen provided support.

Unfortunately, a gobline will still be a goblin with their strength the arrow fired by the two archers was not strong enough to pierce through the wolf's tough hide only leaving a slight scar before sliding off.

After some time the battle finally tilted in the goblin's favor, there were numerous wounds all over the wolves bodies, one of the gobline holding the spear was heavily injured by a wolf and was now lying on the ground, it was unknown whether the goblin was alive or not, the two swordsmen quickly took over the empty spot.


The goblin archer shouted in joy as it saw one of the wolves stagger and fall down, excited the archer reached out for the last arrow from its back but all his hand caught was air, confused the goblin archer looked back it clearly remembered to count the number of arrows it had.


The goblin archer's eyes were wide open, it died not knowing how the arrow pierced its head.

The second archer was startled as it saw a human holding onto the arrow which pierced the other archer's head.


Without a second thought, the last archer shouted at the top of its lungs informing the others about the intruder.

The archer took a step back as it tried shooting the arrow in its hands at the human.


But before the goblin archer could pull the string, Leo threw the arrow in his hand piercing the collar bone of the goblin archer making it cry in pain as it dropped the bow it was holding and started running away.

But how could Leo allow the goblin to escape? with a strong step he appeared right behind the goblin raising his fist Leo smashed down on the goblin's head making it fly out and crash in the nearby tree, a crunching sound came from the backbone of the archer as it died with a horrified look on his face.


A short sword cut through the air aimed at Leo's abdomen.

"Slow..", Leo silently commented as he stepped to the right and dodged the attack, quickly raising his right hand Leo grabbed the goblin's hand which was holding the short sword, the goblin shouted in rage as it tried to forcefully pull his small hand out of Leo's grip, seeing that he was unable to pull his hand out, the goblin resorted to its wild nature as it opened its mouth to bite Leo's hand.

Before the goblin could succeed a kick accurately landed on its face.


With a cracking sound the Goblin's head bent in an unusual angle as its body powerlessly fell down.

Having acquired a short sword, Leo looked at the last two goblins with cold eyes.


Suddenly the two female wolves shouted in panic as they recognized the human who killed their chief last night, without a moment of hesitation the two wolves turned around and started running with their tail between their legs.

The two goblins were not in good conditions either, especially the swordsman who was shaking all over, he clearly saw how Leo killed its companion in a matter of seconds.


The goblin dropped its short sword on the ground as it started running away while crying, the last goblin who was holding a spear shouted at its companion for being a coward, unfortunately, the spear goblin was too busy fighting the wolves before to witness the fight between Leo and the others.

Thus without any fear the gobline attacked with his spear aiming at Leo's head.

Leo saw the spear tip approaching him, tilting his head he dodged the attack and grabbed the spear with his left hand.

Before the goblin could comprehend what happened, Leo pulled the spear towards him making the goblin flew over.


Using the short sword in his right hand, Leo pierced it through the spear goblin's body.

Leo let go of the short sword making the spear goblin powerlessly fell down on the ground, its hands were trembling as the spear goblin tried to pull out the short sword stuck in his chest,

Leo ignored the goblin's futile attempts and instead tightly gripped the spear and aimed it at the back of the sword goblin who was trying to run away.

His muscles bulged as a spear flew out chasing after the running goblin with amazing speed.

Unfortunately not having any before experience in throwing a spear, Leo missed the target as the spear instead embedded itself in a tree beside the running goblin.

Not feeling down Leo quickly ran up to the spear pulled it out and chased after the goblin.

Five minutes later, he returned with the spear drenched in goblin's blood.


Leo walked towards the wolf who was left behind by its companions, it's hide was filled with wounds, blood coming out of them.

It looked at Leo with pitiful eyes, moving it's injured body the wolf started licking Leo's feet.

'Is it surrendering or something?', Leo wondered as he raised his spear to kill the wolf.

But just as he was about to strike a new parchment appeared before him.

[Congratulations you have managed to tame Wild Wolf(Normal Grade) you have been awarded 100 game points]

[As you are the first person to have tamed a Normal Grade monster you are given an item 'Collar'(Normal Grade)]

[Collar(Normal Grade):-

- Mass produced item created by blacksmith alliance, able to make you're pet understand some of the basic commands you give it.

-Slightly increased loyalty of your pet.]

Leo stopped his hand and looked at the dog collar floating in front of him.

'Even these things are given out as reward?', The corners of Leo's mouth twitched as he grabbed the collar examined it for a bit and then placed it around the Wolf's neck.

While he was putting it on the wolf showed no resistance, infact it howled in happiness and started rubbing it's head against Leo's leg.

'Its injuries are a problem.....', Leo thought weather he should just kill the thing and be done with it as he had no idea how long it will take the thing to recover and he also had to protect it in the meantime.

As Leo's opinion towards killing it was growing stronger the wolf suddenly jumped at Leo, making him frown as he moved the spear to pierce the wolf.

But Leo suddenly stopped as he saw that the wolf was not aiming at him.


With an angry growl the wolf, bite down on the Goblin's neck before it was able to attack Leo from behind, it was the other spear goblin who was knocked unconscious before Leo attacked.

Using its sharp teeth, the wolf bite off the Goblin's head killing it on spot.

Looking at the Wolf waving it's tail happily after killing the goblin trying to attack it's master, Leo let out a small sigh and decided to change his decision.


[Author's note-> free feel to tell me if you have any opinion about the reading experience, I will try to change the way I am writing in case it is not good.]