
Deceitful Reality

After finally completing his nine years of compulsory education plus three years of secondary education, Leo managed to get into one of the decent colleges from his country, sighing in relief thinking that the bad days were behind him he peacefully lay down on his bed and slept like a log after countless sleepless night's. Unfortunately, his happiness only lasted for a single night as when he once again opened his eyes a whole new world appeared before him. Still, that wasn't going to stop him as he once again worked hard in this new, he worked harder than he did in the previous world by severalfold and manage to achieve a level which kids his age could only dream of. And just as he was about to experience his first day at the most reputed college in the new world..... It happened again......... But this time it was a little different....... [You have been chosen as one of the first contestants to enter the 'Sanctuary'.] Why is getting into college so hard............

nkcthereaper · Fantasie
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13 Chs

Chapter 5 : Not Again(2)

Feeling the sudden sense of dizziness, Leo made sure to tightly held onto the box in his hand, he felt as if his body was being torn apart by many different forces, unable to do anything he waited for the process to end.

Just as Leo was wondering whether it will even end or not, a faint light appeared in his vision.

The small speck of light quickly expanded and covered his entire vision making it as if he has entered a world of complete white. Then without any warning, it was as if an invisible floor beneath him collapsed as his body started falling down.

The white light around him disappeared as a wide landscape appeared in Leo's vision, But he didn't have time to appreciate the lush forest as he was currently falling straight towards the ground, with his current speed of fall the chances of him surviving were close to null.

Still, he tried to move his body towards the nearby tree, hoping to somehow cushion his fall although he knew that it wouldn't make much of a difference.

But maybe life was playing a prank on him as instead of moving closer towards the trees he moved further away to flat ground.

Seeing his attempt fail, Leo closed his eyes and braced himself for impact remembering to protect his head from suffering the direct impact.

Leo waited for a while but the expected impact didn't come, slowly opening his eyes Leo noticed that his body has stopped falling just inches before it reached the ground.

He didn't know what to feel as Leo saw his body hovering above the rich grass.

With a thud, Leo once again returned back to the safe ground.

But the small feeling of relief was gone as quickly as it came, looking at his unfamiliar surroundings Leo's vigilance was raised to the maximum.

Tall and sturdy trees surrounded him revealing the fact that he was in some kind of forest.

Without any warning, strange letters started gathering in front of his face forming a parchment, As if a spell was at work Leo's attention was unconditionally drawn to the words written on the parchment.

[Quest: Test Of Qualification]

[Mission Objective: Survive within the Evergreen forest for 5 days]

[Mission reward: None]

[Friendle remainder: Kill monsters to earn points, the amount is directly proportional to the strength of the monsters.]

A frown appeared on Leo's face as he carefully read the parchment which looked like it came out of some fantasy game.

At the end of the Parchment, there was a card with Leo's picture on it, looking like some sort of identification.

It said,


Level: 0(Locked, cannot level up during tutorial)

Title: None.

Name: Leo Brown.

Job: None

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Age: 17

Elemental Affinity: None

Attribute Points: None.

Strength: Level 3

Vitality: Level 4

Magic Power: Level 0

Dexterity: Level 3

Shop Points: 0


Leo's frown only deepened as he looked at the information on the card.

There was also a small note which said to not lose the card no matter what as it will extremely hard to get a new one in case he did.

While Leo was staring at the parchment, a small figure was silently making its way towards him with a knife in its hand.

Hiding behind the bushes, the figure intently looked at Leo's neck, seeing that the young man was too distracted to pay attention to it the figure quickly jumped at Leo aiming for his neck as a ruthless light flashed by the green figure's eyes.

Unfortunately, before the green figure could understand what was happening, Leo easily dodged the knife aiming at his neck as he turned around and knocked the green figure unconscious by hitting the back of its neck.

"Goblin?", Leo commented as he saw the all too familiar appearance which he has heard a lot about through various novels and games.

Moving forward, Leo bent down and picked up the knife which has fallen on the ground.

"Should I kill it?", Leo muttered under his breath as he looked at the small green monster which tried to kill me just now.

It didn't take long for him to decide, since the monster decided to attack him first it was only right for him to repay the favor he also wanted to check out the so-called points mentioned in the parchment, but just as Leo was about to kill the goblin, a sudden thought came to him as he quickly moved his legs and hide on top of the nearby tree observing the unconscious goblin from above.

After patiently waiting for some time, the goblin's body twitched as it slowly stood up from the ground while holding its head and shouting in an unknown language.


The sound of several footsteps came to Leo's ears as he quickly turned his head and saw a group of goblins holding various kinds of weapons making their way towards the goblin whom Leo has knocked unconscious.

After checking that it wasn't a trap the goblins finally came out of hiding and quickly moved towards the crying goblin in the open.

'12...', Leo counted their numbers when suddenly he saw a special goblin coming out from behind the tree.

It's frame was different from the nearby goblins who could only reach up to Leo's knees at best, Looking at it's figure Leo guessed that the monster should be just a head smaller than him, the monster had the same green skin as the goblins but it's body had well-built muscles, there was green hair on top of this Goblin's head as well.

'Hobgoblin...', Leo termed the monster as a hobgoblin using his knowledge from the games and novels he has read in previous life.

As the Hobgoblin walked, The goblins bear him would automatically lower their head, Even the goblin who was crying all this time stopped shouting when he saw the Hobgoblin.

"Fdrg useim?"

The Hobgoblin muttered in an unknown language as it looked at the small goblin with a questionable look.

While Leo was wondering what they were talking about, the Hobgoblin suddenly raised the wooden club in its hand and smashed the Goblin's head making brain juice fly everywhere as the goblin died on spot.

Not even giving a second look towards the dead Goblin, the Hobgoblin turned around and started walking towards the forest.

But as soon as he left, a repulsive screen took place as the nearby 12 Goblins quickly rushed up to the dead one and started eating him up.

Even Leo felt uncomfortable as he looked at the scene of cannibalism.

But then he noticed that all 12 goblins have dropped their weapons as they were too busy eating their dead comrade.

A glint passed through Lleo's eyes as he silently came down from the tree, making sure to not step on some fallen tree branch he carefully closed the distance between him and the goblins, after coming as closer to them as he could without getting caught, Leo put down the black box in his hand opened it up and carefully placed the objects inside his jacket where he could use them if the need arises.

Taking in a deep breath Leo released it as he focused his attention on the nearest goblin.

Remembering a trick from some of the novels he has read, Leo picked up a small stone and threw it beside the goblin who was away from the group.


A confused look appeared on the Goblin's face as it looked at the stone which landed beside him.

Scratching his big head the Goblin picked up the stone wondering how it got here, Suddenly a shadow covered the Goblin's body making it instinctively turn its head around, but before it could even get a clear look at the figure a small dagger pierced through the goblins head killing it on spot.

As it happened too quickly and the rest of the Goblins were too busy eating their dead comrade to care about anything else, Leo who was still undiscovered let go of the dagger embedded in the Goblin's head as he slowly made his way towards the next one, He picked up another dagger and a wooden club, but this time the Goblin was able to spot Leo as it quickly got up on its feet and was about to shout when a wooden club appeared before its face.


Without holding back Leo harshly smashed the club against the Goblin's head, what happened next was out of his expectations as the head of the goblin was sent flying off, the strike was strong enough to detach the head from its body, the head landed directly in the middle of the goblins who were hysterically devouring their comrade.

Seeing something suddenly land before them the goblins were startled, they were about to shout out in rage when a knife suddenly appeared and stabbed another goblin's head.

The group was stunned as they looked up and saw a giant holding a club up high as he harshly smashed it down on another Goblin.


Brain juice splashed on the nearby Goblin's faces but this time instead of anger the goblins felt fear as their legs trembled and they fell down on their back, some of them started running away on all four, none of the Goblins had the thought to even pick up their weapon, they wanted to get as far away from that monster as possible.

Leo seeing that his plan to create confusion has succeeded wouldn't let go of such an opportunity as he smashed another goblin dead with the club before chasing behind the ones trying to run away.

In less than 5 minutes Leo managed to kill 11 of the 12 Goblins, the last one managed to escape as he didn't know in which direction it ran.

There wasn't a trace of exhaustion on Leo's face even after he killed all these Goblins.

Leo let go of the club which was covered in Goblin blood, as he was about to check his id card to see if there are any changes, a light flashed in front of his face as another parchment floated before his eyes.

Raising his hand, Leo grabbed the parchment and read its contents.

[Congratulations on killing 11 Goblins!]

[You have been awarded 110 points for your heroic endeavor!]

[As you are the first player to kill a Goblin you have been awarded an additional 10 points!]

[As you are the first player to kill 10 Goblins you have been awarded 1 free attribute point!]

[Tear the parchment to receive your rewards]

Following the last instruction, Leo tore the parchment in two, the two pieces turned into the light as they entered the card resting inside Leo's jacket.

Taking out the card, Leo once again checked its contents.


Level: 0(Locked, cannot level up during tutorial)

Title: None.

Name: Leo Brown.

Job: None

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Age: 17

Elemental Affinity: None

Attribute Points: 1

Strength: Level 3

Vitality: Level 4

Magic Power: Level 0

Dexterity: Level 3

Shop Points: 120


All of his other stats except [Shop Points] and [Attribute Points] were the same.

Leo didn't know what [Shop Points] were used for but he could make some guess about [Attribute Points].

As Leo was wondering if he could increase his stats like strength, vitality, etc, a sudden change happened to the card a '+' sign appeared behind his [Magic Power] stat which was currently at level 0.

Before touching the sign, Leo tried to see if the same could be done with his highest stat vitality but even after waiting for some time no such sign appeared behind it, then he tried it with other attribute but similarly, nothing happened only[Magic Power] had the sign behind it.

So without waiting further, Leo pressed the '+' sign, the [Magic Power] stat blurred after he touched it, when it cleared again the 'Level 0' was replaced by 'Level 1'.

Leo stood in place and waited.


still waiting.....


'Why is nothing happening?', Leo wondered whether he had been scammed or something as he didn't feel any change at all.

'I'm not asking for some kind of earthshattering change to take place but there should at least be something different...'
