
Decayed World: Guide to Raise the World Devourer

Vladimir was brought into a world of a novel: Unforgiven world of the depraved. Weirdly enough, he reincarnated into a character that was supposed to be dead. An unfortunate child who met an untimely death. He embarks on a journey to explore the world and find his calling, whatever that may be. The Victorian era in the golden machinery age is faced with a decade long war where he meets several characters of the novel destined for death. Some deserving while others, simply unfortunate. As an orphan, Vlad knows well the life of the unfortunate. The bitter taste of reality and the sheer unfair class and hierarchy system. All this and many things he hates are brought to light. The details he missed while reading are now more clear. This is his new reality. Vladimir knows the fate of this world. Such a sinful god forsaken world is only destined for destruction. He also knows the judge of that. The mysterious final boss living in a secluded place waiting for the time to come. The moment of judgment and the beginning of rapture. *** ‘While I don’t want to do this, I have little choice in the matter. I have to save my own skin, and the only way to do that is to grab the thickest thigh which is also the most dangerous… what a predicament!’ he lamented. Vlad stood outside of the opened iron gates with an imposing aura. He raised his head and stared ahead and took a step forward with an unwavering smile. “I know on the other end is hell, an abyss, the devil's layer and my worst nightmare! However, it still holds strong magnetism over me, my body, my soul. I can’t resist. I am only human, at least I thought I was.” Disclaimer: The cover art is not mine. Join my discord for more feed: https://discord.gg/DPfNnH9KmN

Innovation_Inu · Fantasie
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9 Chs

Chapter 4: Vladimir Wright Mairelli

Well, no. 

Fortunately, this body was in one piece. 

'I guess we were roughly in a similar situation, he was going through experimentations while I was getting my organs stolen from me.'

I sat back on the stone bed and started going through my, no, the former's memories. 

He was a sad child, to say the least. I could even give him my salute for that. He had gone through much worse than I and still persevered.

It was endearing.

I respected him a little for that, a worthy candidate for body-switching. 

Being born in a relatively peaceful small town, he was shunned for his odd features. Sharp silver-gray eyes with predatory keenness and dark pink hair almost vermilion. His features stood out from the rest.

His mother, who had come to the town a few months before giving birth to him, was discriminated against since it was uncommon to birth a child without a father. She was isolated from the rest and had a hard time getting around. Life couldn't get any harder when she had to support her child in the process. It was only when he was seven years, his mother succumbed to an illness and passed away. Quietly and sadly too.

Her only child was left to fend for himself at such a tender age. It wasn't easy but he met a nice family which took him in. They fed him and gave him the storage for shelter from cold and winds. He worked in their fields and helped with all the household chores as repayment. You could say it was a fair exchange.

The former didn't see an issue with that. What could a naive young child understand of the detestable human nature?

However, the rest of the village wasn't so 'nice'. They would bully him and curse at him until the names became his reality.

As if things couldn't get any worse, a famine came by so suddenly and it was then he was labeled as the cursed child who brought along misfortune. 

The townsfolk needed something or someone to blame and he was conveniently an odd child with not so many words and weird features. 

He was the perfect scapegoat.

He was bullied and shunned much more severely for that. He felt like he deserved it since no one ever said otherwise.

Tks! Tks! It was truly pathetic.

A person happened to pass by the village at this time and took an interest in the child. With common interests aligned, he was sold off for a few silver coins and brought away which is how he ended up in the lab. 

The lab wasn't for scientists or researchers, no it was a well-educated group of fanatics. For whatever they believed in, he had no clue.

It wasn't a god or the devil.

They simply wanted to create their god, their salvation, and a savior. It had something to do with being abandoned by the gods or some bullshit along those lines. 

As it turned out, the world he currently was in was very mysterious.

Its history goes far back when magic and mana and martial arts existed amongst humans. There was also the existence of different races and mystical creatures such as vampires, werewolves, dwarfs, dragons, and the like. There wasn't a shortage of them. Some even integrated into human society.

But that was long ago, now it was buried in the history books. In the current world, none of the magic exists and the mythical creatures either died off or disappeared. 

Humans believed they had been abandoned by the gods since they got no answers or blessings from the churches.


A little familiar, but that is beside the point.

The poor child who had been sold off or rather bought off was now the main focus of this experience. Although they didn't take anything from his body, lucky, they added a little too much into it.

Blood of these species, sharp teeth, DNA of their chemistry, and very many other things. 

When the body didn't react adhesively to them, they went ahead and put in a bunch of things that even he wasn't aware of. 

Then, the child awakened passively and slaughtered all those who did this and he then died from overexertion. A typical development in a novel.

How I was currently standing was a mystery in itself.

I wasn't all that surprised. Before dying in my previous life I had supposedly woken up after having missed all my internal organs and an open stomach. 

But, what was his name?

Oh, Vladimir Wright.

Would you look at that? We share a name. 


I never figured out if it was because those who found me wanted to name me white or because I was found on the right side of the doorstep. I figured it would be one of the two or rather both. 

His name sounded better so I will just add my surname to it, Mairelli.

I guess now it should be Vladimir Wright Mairelli. 

Come to think of it… this name sounds too familiar. Not like, I possessed the body named Vladimir familiar, but, I have heard of this name in my past life familiar. I cocked my head trying to understand why that was so. 

A child, who was a cursed child, got taken away, experimented on, and died…

Isn't it the first volume of the book? His name, his situation, his death….

'Everything makes sense!'

I had possessed the body of a child who was an unlucky cannon fodder of the first volume.

I didn't want to accept it but… I couldn't do anything about it. 

Now that I have everything in order in mind, I guess this is a good time to panic. Well, I don't think I can, but it should be normal to panic at this point, right?

Oh… I probably forgot to mention, I don't exactly feel things the same way as others do. I am a defect in the emotional aspect. I never got privileged enough to go to a psychiatrist and get diagnosed so whatever mental issue I had, I have no idea.

As mentioned, I wouldn't cry unless it was on command. I wouldn't feel fear or despair or any of the negative emotions. Oh, I felt happiness and joy but they stemmed from very weird things.

I didn't have a common sense of humor so there is that. It should explain a lot of things. My humor is what we call dark humor. 

I would laugh when someone gets hurt, oh I guess many of us do that, but I mean, really get hurt, not the pranks. I would feel jittery when I am in a horror house. I feel fascinated by nature's wonder… in the literal sense. 

So I have held up quite well given my circumstances and all. 

So all in all, no panicking. 

Vladimir Wright Mairelli

This is the MC's current name. As he said, his is not mentally stable and it is much worse than he knows of. But give him some credit and don't hate him too much, it is his charm~

Off to the new world!!!

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