

3rd person POV




Ink and the 2 girls crystallized. Ink's Crystal is Dark Purple, The Healers Crystal is Golden Brown with Pale Green, The Attackers is Crimson Red with Light Purple Edges. Slate's Materium mark spat out hundreds of Chaos Materium. The chains connecting to the 2 new girls started shaking before the sludge garhered into a few more Chaos Orbs. Once the Chaos was removed, the Chains were restored. Over 100 Chaos Orbs are orbiting Slate.


Slate: Everyone, we will be fine. We might need new clothes when we come out of our crystals. Noctis and Lunafreya... I sware on my life Ink will be ok. We will need to start hunting as soon as possible. Some sort of mobile home and a cook to go with us too. Dont touch us in out crystals. They are made from Chaos. We need as many Class Orbs as you can get. I need the Pugilist Class for sure. Ill explain more after. Cya soon.


The Chaos Orbs all melted and became a ring of liquid before encasing Slate. The liquid Chaos became his Crystal.


Bahamut: What did I just hear? Chaos? The hell?


Asura: That voice... its hard to believe but what else could chill us like that?


Leviathan: Before we do anything... I am going to go wipe that Anthem center out of existence. Humans... Id advise you to get what Slate asked for ready. Class Materium, Clothes, an Airship Home, and a Caretaker to join the 4.


Asura: Return to Amulet for the Classes and Gear that they will need. She delivered when I told her to. This will be her reward.


As the gods were talking, Hades involuntarily opened his mouth and the Crystalized Soldier Wing came out. The largest feather removed itself and went to the Healers crystal. The rest went to the Attacker. Hades then flew straight into Slates Crystal.


Asura: The Crystals seem to consume anything the person inside needs from the surrounding. Hring the Classes and Weapons to this room. Food and drinks too.


Lunafreya: As you command My Lords.


Altissia was hit with a massive demand for Weapons and 4 of every kind of Class Materium... all within 2 days. After 4 days, everything was sold out. Cid and Cindy were hired to build an Airship that was small enough not to need refueling often but large enough for 15 people to live in comfortably. The Airship was fitted with a communication array that could contact realm 15 from wherever and 15 phones were made that could access the closed system.


After 2 weeks, the Cocoon Crystals changed. They shrunk and had writing on them. Slate's had "Slate (Chosen of Chaos)". Ink's had " Ink (Voice of Chaos)". The other 2 finally had names. The Attacker's Crystal had "Marina (Fury of Chaos)". The Healers Crystal had "Kareena (Mercy of Chaos)"


The Airship was finished 1 month after the 4 crystalized. 2 days later, they exited their Cocoons. Ink was first. She shattered her Cocoon into dust as she flew in the air. Her appearance had changed slightly. Her eyes became golden permanently. Her hair went from light grey to pitch black and went to her knees. Her wings grew some too but the biggest change was that she could fly even when her wings were hidden.


Kareena was next. Her Cocoon split down the middle. One half shattered and reformed into a pair of glasses. The other half folded into itself and formed an egg about the size of a softball around the feather from before. The egg was silver in color just like the glasses. Kareena has golden wavy hair up till her shoulder blades, she has a healthy tan to her skin tone, emerald green eyes, and 2 small white bull horns are on the side of her head. She emerged from her Cocoon asleep and the egg ended up in her arms.


Marina's Cocoon cought fire. When the Cocoon burned away, it revealed Marina to be on all 4 limbs with 2 silver clawed gauntlets on her arms and a feral sneer on her face. One eye is Purple and the other is Crimson. Both eyes are slits. She has chin length spiky silver hair with Wolf Ears and one black horn coming from the right side of her head curving towards her forhead.


She moved almost too fast to see and arrived at Kareena standing protectively over her. Ink was the only one who could get near them without being attacked. Kareena woke up an hour later. She placed her glasses on and held on to her egg. Ink brought both of them clothes to try on. For some reason, none of the girls wanted to put shoes on. They also didn't want to leave Slates Cocoon.


Ink: We cant leave him Momma. Tail boy is waiting until we are ready. He ate most of the black stuff so we didnt have to. Please get Dr.Po to check us. Tail boy is waiting for him


Dr.Po came shortly after that. To be short... The 3 girls were overly healthy. Marina had a faster then expected metabolism and a sensitive nose, Kareena's eye sight was a tad too good. Her glasses helped control them or else she would get a headach. Ink's ears went beyond the norm too. She could hear someone talking from one side of the castle when she was on the other. Whe was given special headphones what blocked noise according to a dial on the sides of them. She happily put a ribbon on them when no one was looking...


Once Dr.Po told Noctis and Lunafreya that all 3 were well, they went to Slates Cocoon.


Noctis: You may keep your life Slate. The 3 of them are perfectly fine. Marina eats too much and has a good nose, Kareena has strong eyes and is loved by animals, and my Ink has never been happier. She can hear an adventure from anywhere.


Lunafreya: They are healthy and mostly happy. When they are relaxed or waiting they stare off into this direction. Dont make them wait much longer.


Slate's Cocoon started skaking. The Cocoon shattered and fell to the floor. Slate was standing in the center with his dagger Pluto in his hand and his eyes closed. He then held Pluto in front of him and the shards of Chaos re-liquified and rushed to the end of Pluto. Pluto's end gained a perfectly round crystal with an Icy blue cat eye within.


Chaos: I will be watching. Hurry and find the Impostor.


Slate: Relax you bastard. Ill get right on it.


Slate had changed. He has 3 chain tattoos on his right arm that coil around it. The biggest change though... was his eyes. The whites of his eyes are black now. The centers are still an Electric Blue. After a few seconds the darkness in his eyes return to white.


Slate: Umm... Can I get some clothes please because we have work to do and I cant do it with my junk swinging around and dragging on the floor...


Noctis: The only way your tooth pick can swing or drag is if you slide on the floor... you are worried for nothing kid.


Lunafreya: (Giggle) Lets get you dressed Slate.


Slate (in his mind) Fuck you Noctis. Wait till Im older. Ink will be screaming my name so loud it will haunt your dreams...


Slate POV

The 4 of us are in the Forests of Besaid. Noctis and Lunafreya are watching from a distance.


Slate: This will be our first fight together girls. We have to hunt for 1 week straight. Lets get started.



1 week later

Slate POV

Slate: Ok, its been a week. How is everyones level?


Ink: Black Mage LVL 12, Ravager LVL 4, Saboteur LVL 7


Marina: Berserker LVL 14, Samurai LVL 3, Theif LVL 4


Kareena: White Mage LVL 5, Trainer LVL 4, Synergist LVL 10


Slate: Nice job. Im sitting at Pugilist LVL 9, Dark Knight LVL 7. How about our items?


Kareena: Lets see...

about 300 Phoenix Downs

50 Smoke Bombs

Over 4000 Potions

60 Sleep Powder


Slate: Nice. Ok... Lets fight Shadow Valefor. Hes not as strong as Dark Valefor but he will be a good challenge. Does that sound good to everyone?


Ink: Do you think Momma and Father will freak out when we bring it down?


Marina: More prey. Im ready!!


Kareena: Bring it on. Ill tame it! If you die... Ill revive you!!


Slate: Ill take that as a yes. Our first boss monster. Ok, Anyone going to shift classes before?


Girls: Yes.


Slate: So not just me.


Slate: Class Shift {Primary(Dark Knight), Secondary (Pugilist)}


I pull out Pluto and Equip a Bracer on my left arm.


Ink: Class Shift {Primary(Black Mage), Secondary(Saboteur)}


Marina: Class Shift {Primary(Samurai), Secondary(Berserker)}


Kareena: Class Shift {Primary(White Mage), Secondary(Synergist)}


Slate: Game time.


VS Shadow Valefor

Slate runs at Valefor and draws agro. He slashes a few times with Pluto but does little damage.


Slate: My gods, We need buffs and debuffs. Anyone have a Libra on it?


Im trying to dodge but im being blasted with the wind from its wings.


Kareena: 200k HP, 1k MP, 25% Resistance to all Elements. Immune to Silence, Sleep, Blind, Poison, Slow and Petrify.


Ink: The weakens are still good?


Kareena: Yup.


Ink: Awesome.

De-Shell, De-Protect, Null Fire, Null Thunder, Null Darkness!


Kareena: Buffs incoming!

Shell, Protect, Enfire, Enthunder, Bravery, Faith!


Slate charges Thunderstrike into Pluto and slams into Valefor, grounding her. She jumps away as Ink hits Valefor with Thundara. Marina has a Greatsword in her hands wrapped in fire and brings it down on its head. Slate gets a heal from Kareena due to using the Dark Knight passive of using HP to strike harder.


This continues for 20 minutes till Valefor uses its overdrive. We have purposely kept her at the edge of staggering to counter it. Once she launches the spell, Marina blasts Valefor with Overslam. Marina then goes out of control. Ink uses Sleep on her to stop her and Kareena uses Esuna to wake her up.


Marina: Thanks. How close till its done?


Kareena: About 4 more hits. Then its my turn.


Slate: Im not sure it will work...


Kareena: Ill make it work with GUTS!!


Slate: Sigh, normally so timid but when it comes to catching creatures...


Kareena: No more heals for you. Dont die. 😈


Slate: NOOOOO.


Kareens: Ok thats enough! My turn!! Class Shift {Trainer (Primary), White Mage (Secondary)}







(FF 7 Victory Music)


Slate: It worked? DAFUK? HOW?! Where did the music come from?!

Hope you liked the chap. this one was a beast to write.

let me know what you think.

Beviscreators' thoughts