
Dead Meat/ The Gap


The dirty old uncle just went too far. Tail Boy is more angry then my Father was when he found us all sleeping together


Ink: Auntie Hero Boobies, he needs to run. Tail Boy is about to destroy the Ugly Uncle.


Eris started yelling for everyone in the guild to run away.


Ben: Whats the big problem Guild Leader? These kids need to be shown that being a hunter is an adult line of work. There is no room for little brats who still smell of milk. But to be fair... I wouldnt mind smelling of the foxes mothers milk too.


Ah... the Ugly Uncle did it again.Tail Boy charges the dummy and punches him in his stomach. The Uncle bends down and gets nailed in the teeth with Tail Boys left arm. The uncles tooth fell to the floor.


I wonder if the tooth fairy takes broken teeth...




Slate: Im not under the blessing anymore. Unfortunately for you... I can attack all I want.


Ben: Then that means... I CAN ATTACK YOU TOO.


(In more then one way... You girls will be coming with me today. I dont have to wait anymore)


Ben: I hope no one will interfere. The kid attacked first. This is just self defense. Im going to discipline these brats.


Ruin: That Insect is classified as my " Enemy" from now on. I would like to end him.


Marina: I would like to help you Ruin.


Ink: Id like to throw him in my Father's dungeon until the world ends.


Kareena: I want to feed him to a Behemoth then let the Behemoth fall into a Volcano. Then drop lots of water into the volcano and make it explode. I will then use the crater as a poop dump for all my pets for the rest of my life.


Ruin, Ink, Marina, Slate, and Eris look at Kareena with some fear.


Slate: Ill just break his face. Maybe break all 3 of his legs too. No one talks to my girls like that. NO ONE talks about my mom... period.


Ben: Bring it little girl. Ill happly spank your ass. That tooth was a lucky shot.


Slate POV


I start to fight Ben. I cast Dark Thunder and leave it charged on my body. I charge him and feel like im the flash. I try to slam my fist into his face but he gently moves aside and trips me. I collide with the wall and a loud boom follows me.


Ben: That lucky blow from earlier is all you will get. Using Magic to buff yourself is a good idea but you havent practiced using it on a small target. I bet you've only fought monsters.


I remove my thunder and charge at him once again. I throw punches and kicks but he is reading me like a book. I cast Blind on him but he laughs and continues to dodge me with his eyes closed. He hits me in the back of my head with a leg whip and I fall face first into the floor. He reached down to grab me but I spark with thunder again. I swiped with my legs but he was too far to hit. I try to think of what I can do... But without my Dark King Arms, Scythe, or Pluto... Im weak. I thought I was OP due to being able to hunt monsters no problem with the girls but im Just realizing that without them, I barely qualify as a noob.


My anger flared and my body sparked with more thunder. He does NOT get to talk about them like that or own me in this fight. I have been in the Final Fantasy world but that doesnt limit me to fighting like it. I have Magic, A Strong Body, And an Otaku mind.


Before I can capitalize on this... Ben's face needs to be rearranged.


I start to gather my thunder on my arms. It collects into a ball of energy in my hands. Thunder sparks are jumping off my hands and I stand in a famous pose. Call me Goku


Ben: Hey! Thats going to destroy the guild! You are crazy!


Slate: You did 2 things wrong. 1... You spoke to my girls disrespectfully. 2... YOU BAD MOUTHED MY MOTHER!!!




I blasted the room to hell with my improvised Dark Thunder Kamehameha. The girls are behind me as the guild gets nuked. Eris is shaking her head but I see protective magic around her. The ball lands right infront of Ben and goes off like a grenade. I see his lower body is burned and sparking. Ok... LVL 1 pay back achieved. Time to go.


I grab the girls and start running back to the Typhoon. The girls are either on my back or in my arms. I charge myself with Dark Thunder again and run. Im leaving black lightning sparks as I run. The guards are chasing us as we barrel throughout the city.


When we made it back to the Typhoon... the city was losing its mind. The Guild caught fire and it spread to the surrounding areas. One of them was the food storage company... Its now a burning pile of amazing smelling ash. The Nobel District became flooded due to my lightning frying the pumps in the floor. The sparks as I ran burnt a trail into the ground which made the traffic lights malfunction... All in all... I broke the city.


Amulet was standing on the loading door with her mouth opened and her eyes bloodshot.


Amulet: Get on. We are leaving. I dont EVEN want to know. 6 hours. Thats all it took you to destroy the peace of the city. What do you 5 have to say for yourselves?


Ruin: We will try harder to do it faster next time mother. No worries


Slate: I hope that asshat is hurting. I hope Eris is ok though...


Ink: I bet Auntie Hero Boobies is ok. She looked strong plus her boobies are huge. Big Boobies = Super strong.


Kareena: I would like us to go finish the job. That "Thing" must be removed from this world.


Marina: Ill burn him. He wanted to TAME me?! Over my dead body.


Amulet: Hold on... What happened?


Ruin: Well mother... This is what happened...


Amulet: ... Everyone go to sleep. Were returning home. Dont worry about that guy.


Slate: But he disrespected the girls and our mothers. That includes you too.


Amulet: No worries, Im sure this Eris lady will take care of it. She seems like a nice lady. Im worried about the city though... You 5 left quiet an impression I bet.


We grin and leave to get ready for bed.



Amulet POV


I call the guild and ask for Eris.


Eris: Hello Amulet. Nanny of the 5 of Chaos and adopted mother to the spawn of Chaos. How can I help you?


Amulet: I want a bounty on him Eris. Alive ONLY. The Royal Family of 15 will pay anything for his capture. I also expect for any damage charges to be extracted from that scum and my kids to be exonerated for everything. Once you get him, send him to us in 15.


Eris: That... will not be easy to arrange...


Amulet: I am not asking. I will expect to see the bounty online within the hour. Goodbye


I hang up and call Queen. I informed her about what happened and she said to return as soon as possible.



Lunafreya POV


I call the Guild leader Amulet told me about.


Eris: Hello?


Lunafreya: Hello, I am the mother of 3 of the underage girls who one of your members verbally assaulted. My name is of no importance but the bounty Amulet wants posted... quadruple the reward. I expect a happy responce within a week. Thank you and have a pleasant night.



Eris POV


Holy shit... Ben's dead meat.

R.I.P. Uncle Ben.

Spiderman fans feel the pain. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Let me know what you think.

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