

Warning: detected high assimilated mass Warning: diverged entity detected The cube is now on the loose, weapon of mass destruction is free. ...//all hail to your god//...

HGGsuckatwriting · Andere
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45 Chs


[ammo: 6032 / MK-40-chainguns] Bullet shells drop from the sky, explosions, and energy blasts shred through the earth's horizon. the morning sunshine through the clouds, a charged Rail-gun shot tears down every particle on its way, Grim's rocket rack deployed from his back, to unleash a barrage of missiles at Jame.

Jame turns his railgun back to his sharp floating claws, the AS symbol appears and grows bigger like a shield to stop all the rockets. he gets his chaingun to rip through the missiles to Grim who is using his wings to make the bullets ricochet away, "huh... he also has Absolute Solver or something... that's why I can't get a grip using it on him, better think of another way" jame thought to himself, he created multiple lasers saw-blade around him, enhanced them then let then fly toward Grim.

Grim detached the missile rack and then spread his blade wings out, the jet booster blasted him straight into the saw blades, and he switched his machine gun hands into high-tech claws, striking and parrying all the blades, making his flight path toward Jame, dodging every bullet like it's nothing.

Jame: [mk-40-chainguns overheated / switching weapons] "I hope you like the taste of electricity!!" [emp armed]. his arm reconstructed into emp ignited, and a large amount of power gets stronger as Grim moved close, then, three holders on Jame's left hand slammed again each other, creating a wave of electricity.

Grim: "ARGH" [acceleration: online]

for a brief moment Grim, he moved past the wave without getting stunned, like the time was stopped, Grim cut off Jame in 3 parts. [Warning: high body and core temp / emergency stop: engaged] "dammit"

when Jame looked back and saw himself getting struck, Grim was in front of him, He make the floating claws to slash Grim, the claws successfully hit him on the body, Jame's tail then move in for the kill, but got stopped by Grim claws, he gives Jame a strong kick then knocked him back. Grim is steaming hot, smoke coming from his body, Jame made a devious grin, he knows he's already won, "what the matter!? feeling overloaded?! let me help you disassemble yourself!!" [weapon system: online], Jame's left hand then reconstructed itself into a laser cutter, he swing his arm back, a powerful energy ray shot out, it creating a super heat wave, the ray goes over the orbit, "hail for me" Jame swing his arm, the death ray slash through the sky, cut through the clouds to get to Grim.

[activate emergency cool down / charges: 2 remain] "Fool" Grim suddenly exploded out a cloud of white smoke, the ray slashed through the smoke when it happened, and Grim was gone.

"ah crap what?!" Jame turned off the laser, his left arm turns back, he looked at the position where Grim used to be, scanning the area, [detecteted: "0NO (-0 Nitrogen)"] "why there's cooling nitrogen used for sun protection for ship...." he thought to himself, for that, he was shocked when realized "OH SH-". looking around, he saw multiple white smoke trails, like clouds, look close he saw those trails are coming from, Jame creates another railgun, charged, and fired at the location he believed it will hit, the railgun projectile tear through the air, leaving back a red hollow trail from the barrel of the gun with a big *BREAAAAAAA- THUN*.

"too slow..." Jame got shocked by the voice behind him, looking back, he see his core in front of him with a metal claw pierced open his chest. "dammit... he can.." Jame thought for a moment before Grim's guns grew out from his back to shred Jame's body, his head, arms, and chest, got torn off by bullets, Grim then take Jame's core and throw up, then unleashed all of the firepower before using his claws to cut the core, just before he could do that, Jame's core trike at his head a spike grow from it, Grim use acceleration to dodged it then move in. absolute solver symbol appeared to protect the core from Grim's slashes, the symbol then created bombs around the core, "f**k!" the bombs blow up, grim got out from the radius, then moved back fast. the absolute solver symbol keeps protecting the core while regenerating Jame's body back. the speed from Grim keeps going up as he tries to tear down AS, Jame also to enough time to regen himself, his right hand with the AS stops strikes from Grim, left hand creates a laser blaster, after done, he pointed it at Grim and fired. the large ray of death lit up the morning sky, and the red light above the clouds looks nothing like a natural thing.

Jame: "dammit, he's too fast... thank to my AS that I can regen my body back"

Grim: "done monologuing?"

Jame looked at Grim, weapon aimed at him, the two looked at each other with the sounds of wind in the sky.

"he's on something..." Jame thought to himself before talking to Grim "what are you planning, huh?

Grim: "planning to kill you..." his voice becomes cold even with the current temperature from his body, he pointed his right index claw at Jame "I will erase you..." [acceleration v2: updated / Absolute Speed: online]

Grim suddenly flashing like an afterimage, without thinking, Jame fired the Death-ray blaster once more.

"all... shall... fall"

the blast got shattered, and the space around the sky area has been cracked, Grim with his claws, tear down through the sky with an uncountable speed, electric sparkling, heat wave trailed back from behind, afterimages leaving back, "You've lost..."

(1 second passed)

Jame after firing his gun, saw the space around was shattered before reattached together, and the afterimages slowly showed up, Jame was confused, and before he could look back, he felt himself was off...

Jame: "nice, but time t-"

Grim was superheated, his body was overheating, glowing bright like molten metal, fires on his clothes, he only looked at Jame with cold eyes.

Jame suddenly became dust, and from the dust disappeared, the core was also destroyed... from the broken parts, disappeared... a mind was gone.

Grim: [target... eliminated] "finally..." [core temp: 50000 / body temp: 100000] "now for those I need to kill next... goodbye 404, you will soon meet your friends..." when grim is about to fly away from what he has finished, an unknown thing happened...

[Warning: detected high matter power and energy level] Looking back, a strange black sphere showed up with thin rings around it, electric sparkling like crazy. "impossible...." he tries to attack it but got stopped by an invisible thing on the way [ERROR]


[you died...]

[you must be lucky...]

[without me... you can't survive...]

[tho... i believe you know what you saw there...]

[and I need you...]

[to come back...]

[you cannot die...]

[/you and i are bonded/]

[/finish what you started.... what i started... what they started.../]

[://systems recovering / awareness recovering / power recovering//:]



The sphere created a huge shockwave that make the clouds became thunder and rain, the sphere blow up, and the rings shattered before disappearing, and from where the sphere was, a black cube emitting strong red light show up, the core regenerated a body of a 17-year-old boy with messy, fluffy white hair covering the left eye, with the black halo on his head. His clothes of him return back to normal and he looked at Grim with a straight serious X-eyes.

Grim: "i guess they were right... containing you is the only way..."

Jame eyes glow red, AS symbol appeared under his feet as a standpoint, his tail and the floating claws appeared, "I will make you suffer... VC-01-G..." The claws grab at each other, cracking knuckles creating a sound like someone was doing it, the claws get on two of his side, then burst out with a sharp neon light-like danger sharpness.

Grim gritted his teeth, [emergency cool down / charges: 1 remain], nitrogen burst out from his body, cooling him down, he's going to use acceleration again. Jame gets on his fighting stance. [defense system: online / damage absorber: engaged] "God-mind... you better help me...".

Grim charged at Jame, he switched his claws into machineguns, and from his back, got out a laser cutter, Jame used AS to redirect all the incoming attacks, Grim approached Jame, his claws is out, and they slashes at him with a fast attack, Jame got slashed like hell, the damage was minimized, "I'll show you!" Jame claws got sharper and more hotter, they strike at Grim left to right then right to left, "AAAAHH" they all screamed, attacks hit attacks, and the sky was raining, raining D-blood and metal. the barrage of attacks from both sides stopped when Grim Kicked Jame in the face, then tried to slash his eyes, Jame resistant make the slash only create a scratch on his face, Jame then create a missile rack then fired it at Grim close range, the explosion knocked both of them back, the missile rack got blown to pieces, Jame stop using it then create another chaingun, seeing that, Grim fly toward him, bullets fired out from the 18 barrels, Grim evade while getting close to Jame.

[Absolute speed: engage] "I will kill you!!!!!" Grim body sparkled lightning again, the temperature is rising... fast.


[locked on: speed / defensive]

"do what you please..."


Grim accelerated, the speed of him breaking the sound barrier as he continue to speed up like the time was stopped, Grim moved in for the kill, looking close at the face of him, Jame was looking straight at it. he was shocked but put it aside, he must end this fast, an uncountable strike has been given out, Grim give him a final blow, move far from Jame, he switched all of his guns out, then fired at him, the bullet move in with the acceleration, they instantly hit on Jame.

[overheated] "dammit" Grim stopped accelerating, and a huge wave of wind blasted making the storming sky blown away, letting the sunshine again. he was near on overheating, Looking back at Jame, after eating all of the damage, he look straight at Grim with a smug on his face, "what?!" grim was confused and couldn't believe, "how..." he questioning on his mind.

Jame: "hahah... arg- really? making me can't even take a single damage? that's pretty cool GM"

Grim: "who are you talking to?" Grim continued to fire more bullets, energy shots, and missiles.

Jame stopped them all using AS then defected them all back at Grim, Grim destroyed all the bullets and missiles with ease but got shot right in the face by a railgun, the projectile pierced through his head, through his left eye. Jame then blasted toward him, he charged up another railgun shot, with guns from his back, firing at Grim. multiple shot was hit, Grim get his focus back, gritted his teeth, then pulled out a dagger, then fly straight at Jame, with the Railgun, Jame fired another shot, forcing Grim to use his acceleration to avoid getting hit, when he was in front of Jame, he Jammed the dagger in the railgun then unleashed a laser blast him his right eyes, the ray dug slowly into Jame's head before the railgun exploded, a huge energy explosion making Grim and Jame separated from attacking again, Jame however, he managed to broke Grim's right leg and stabbed through his chest using his tail.

Jame gets knocked away from the blast, he flung through the cloud, regenerating his eyes back, before getting hit by something on his back, he grabs onto the thing he just hit onto, it was a plane. he standing on a high-speed plane using his claws to grab onto and keep his balance, and looking back, he saw Grim was charging in, "oh crap!"

Grim: "404!!!!!!!!"

AS symbol showed up, it created a barrier to stop the missile while protecting people in the plane. Grim cut away the AS instantly then create a large slash. Jame with the damage resistance managed to be intact but the place got slashed in half.

Jame: "This idiot!" [matter disturb: engaged] Jame tried to reattach the plane but Grim from behind grabbed onto him and then dragged him away, leaving the plane to explode with the witness from Jame. "NOO, get off me" Jame kicked Grim to get loose, Jame's blade wing spread out then Fired at Grim with multiple sharp blades. Grim isn't trying to dodge them, he then flies toward him furiously, he slashes Jame with a stupidly high speed, the claws barrage was nothing compared with the damage-resistant, Jame grins at him with a big smile, and his claws turn into laser canon, "it's useless, you cannot kill me!!" the canons fired out two powerful rays. Grim forcibly use acceleration to avoid the shot, his left shoulder get fried, acceleration then get behind Jame, he tried to stab Jame but had no use, Jame then back kicked him, the laser canons turn into jackhammers, they created a strong slam, pushed Grim back, a crack inside of him, looks like the exoskeleton got broken. Jame created a railgun and then fired it straight through Grim's body, creating a hole in the right side of his chest.

Grim: [heavily damage / requesting fix up] " this f**ker... something is helping him... there's no reason why he can do things like that, I destroyed his core... he must be dead... damage resistant... the only way to break through it is Absolute speed... only one charge of cool down left..." Grim think to himself, looking at the core about to finish him, he leaves all the matter aside then accelerated once more. his body now is very steamed, molten, burning, he accelerates to dodge the income projectile from Jame's railgun, he went behind him and switched his claws into a laser cannon, a strong shot with a huge knockback has shot out, tho it doesn't create much damage to Jame, but it makes him blasted far away from Grim.

Jame: "oh s**t!" he got flung across the sky, before stopping using his wings, "I got blown off pretty far, yo mind if you show me the way to him?"

the clouds near him formed against each other becoming an arrow pointed in the direction where he needed to go. Jame smiled knowing he still watching him. "thank god-mind".


[system overloaded / body temp: overheated / core temp: overheated ]

[heavily damaged / low on ammunition / charges remain: 1]

[incoming call]

-Grim: "yes?"

-[0]: "you know... a fix-up really works at this time, return back to Refinoc facility"

-Grim: "no..."

[call ended]

[detected incoming core]

"not yet..."


"here I come!!!!" Jame gets all of his guns, missile launcher, laser blaster out, he unleashed a bullet hell at Grim, he, however, can only Stop those shots using his wings. Jame keeps firing and approaching Grim.

Grim looked at him with a serious eye, he know he only have this last shot, Taking out the core-lock, he hold it firmly, ready to use Absolute speed.

Jame charge at him, he confidently knows he will win this, his floating claws are ready to strike Grim down, with the help he gets, Grim is already lost.