
Death and Her Consort

The books first few chapters are short, but they lead to bigger and better chapters. give the book a chance to engulf you in a world of ancient magic, love, jealousy, war and SEX. *********************************************** Swimming to her I ask her about how it's dangerous to be in the water with a man almost naked. She said it was my problem. She has no idea how right she is about that. My cock was so hard being this close to her like this. So little clothing between us. She really was going to drive me crazy. Being with her set my insides on fire. I was throbbing for her. Craving to be inside her. In seconds I was inches from her face, the scent of her lust filling the air around us. I could hear her heart beating fast. And then she says "you're right it is my problem" and then she kissed me. Holy fuck she kissed me. Is kissing me. I bring her closer to me, pulling her mouth closer to mine. The first opening she makes in her mouth I slide my tongue in. Tasting her. My arms wrapped around her hands holding her back keeping her chest pinned to mine. And I devour her completely. I've wanted her like this since the moment she walked through that door in her fathers office. We somehow make our way towards the water fall it was a little more shallow so I could just stand with my chest just above the water. I put my hands on her ass and throw her up some making her legs wrap around my hips. I lean her against the mossy wall behind her. Kissing her deeper and deeper barely breathing, my dick was throbbing in my pants as she's rubbing her pussy against it. "If you don't stop I'm going to take you right here and now." I growled at her, feeling the voice of predator deep inside me. "Maybe that's what I want. What I choose." And with those words I lost control pushing her harder against the wall kissing her swollen lips and begin to pull my pants down, I was going to fuck her brains out right here and now. I was going to fill her up with me. All of me. She's mine. Now and forever. MINE. A loud screech like the sound of metal grinding in your ears broke up our intimate moment.

Devonany · Fantasie
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84 Chs

training was my favorite part of the day

Orion finished breakfast and dressed herself ready to take down all of her brothers. She knew they would all be there trying to cheer her up. And they new the best way to do that was to try and beat her at her own game. Now the whole castle would know of yesterdays events. But she was used to stares, when her necromancy powers had come in people stared. Hard. It had been over 3000 years since the last necromancer was born. It was rare as is, but also very unusual for an affinity like that to be gifted to a girl. It's not like powers had genders assigned it's just certain gifts manifest differently in different people. And necromancy didn't usually appear in women because of the whole give life thing we can do.

Orion left her room and headed toward the training grounds. When she finally arrived at the entrance she noticed the score board had changed and….

"Erinn" I growled noticed he beat me in archery recently.

Well I know what my goal for the day is. Humble my brother and knock him out of my spot.

As she approaches she notices movement behind her. He was fast but she was faster. She waited for the opportune time and when it came she turned to flip him over her twisting him around pinning him to the ground she moved to sitting perched on top and a dagger to his throat. "Haha you have to be quicker than that to pull one over on me Erinn"

"Okay okay you win, now get off me you fat cow" Erinn grumbled at her embarrassed by being bested by his baby sister.

Hearing an applause now Orion realized there was actually an audience for her brothers humiliating defeat. Half the castle was present. Oops. "Ha! Erinn how do expect to command an army if you let a little girl get the best of you!" Alistar shouted from across the the way.

"You shut the hell up, Ass-Star not like you could have done any better!" Oleander her brother yelled. Oleander was a twin and her 4th oldest brother. He was her training partner, only him and Alderic could keep up with her let alone beat her. All of her brothers were present as well as HIM.


"That is where you are wrong little brother" Alistar retorted "I would not engage in a physical battle with my sister, that is not where my skill lies. I am not a babbling buffoon. I'm an intellectual I battle with my mind not my fist. And that's a battle I know she can't win" glaring at me with a snide smile.

"You know you're right! But I could catch you before you could beat me back to a library. I'd like to see how your 'big brain' gets you out of my grapple" I growled at him standing up from my crotches position on top my brother.

"Let's put your brains and my fists to the test 'big brother'" I yell taking off kicking dirt on Erinn who was pushing up off the ground. "Gods I hate you Rion you're such brat!" Erinn yelled back at me. In seconds I was in front of Alistar I throw my fist at his face and his eyes go wide, he uses his magic to misty step back making me miss his face by barely and inch. He ducts me using his magic to deflect my blows. I can feel the frustration building. I hate when he uses magic. "Neat magic trick, just wait, you'll run out of mana before I run out of energy".