
Death’s Lover: The Object of Death’s Desires

Delilah never expected to be the object of Death's affection, but when the mesmerizing Doctor Morian (Death) appears, she can't resist his allure. Despite the consequences, Mori risks everything for a chance at a life with Delilah, hindering her reunion with her soulmate Ciaran. Delilah is plagued by blackouts and nightmares from her past lives, struggling to uncover the truth of her existence. But Delilah soon discovers the truth about Morian and her complicated love for Death. With Lance's help, she fights to free Ciaran's soul and faces an impossible decision. **Mature Content** New episodes are updated everyday

PraiseD · Fantasie
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44 Chs

Am I truly safe with you

Delilah was speechless; hearing him admit these emotions awoke something within her; her heart raced, and she was at a loss for words.

"Say something, anything, just so I know I'm not alone in this."

"You are not alone in what you feel Morian, I have felt a connection to you since the moment I met you," she said, touching his cheek. I couldn't understand it either, and at one point I thought my senses eclipsed me. But now I understand that on some level we are connected, that's why I've felt irresistibly drawn to you."

Morian couldn't believe what he was hearing; he had waited eons to hear those words from her lips. He drew her into a passionate kiss like an answered prayer. Their feelings for each other were palpable. Fire rushed through their veins, and desire erupted in their bloodstreams. Morian kissed every inch of her body, leaving no part of her unexplored. She was utterly floored by Morian ; she had imagined this exact moment and how it would unfold several times, but her mind had never imagined such depth and complexity. He didn't make love to her simply as a man who desired her; she felt it was a ritual on some level, a merging of their souls. And she welcomed it, for deep within her was a need for this exact kind of love. He simply lay in her arms and fell asleep after making love. She studied his face as he slept, taking in every detail; his beauty defied logic; he appeared almost inhuman, like an angel or a mythical being; he was beautiful in an ungodly way. He looked like he belonged on European runways or on fashion brand billboards. As he slept, his mouth curved into a contented smile, he drew her closer, she giggled, and he seemed at ease. She was curious as to what he was dreaming about. She was curious as to what he was dreaming about. He had worn her out and wreaked havoc on her body in a good way, but he looked so cute asleep in her arms, so content. She didn't want to wake him up, so she lay down until she fell asleep.

She opened her eyes, and was in the cottage, Ciaran sat next to the fire, staring at her intensely.

He turned once he noticed she was there; "My love I have missed you."

"And I you, my love." She sat on the chair next to him.

"You seem in better spirit, "said Ciaran, noticing her mood was much improved.

"I am, the time we spent together last time, helped me greatly."

"I'm glad to hear that little dove?"

Ciaran had never called her a dove before.

She got up and stepped back.


"Yes, my love," replied Ciaran with a smile.

"You've never called me a dove."

"Is there a problem Mortala?"

"You aren't Ciaran."

"What do you mean? it is I."

She stepped back, " Mori? where is Ciaran?

He walked closer to her, "what do you mean?"

"No, stay away from me, what have you done to Ciaran?"

"I think it's time you woke up," said Ciaran as he snapped his fingers.

She gasped as she opened her eyes, she turned to see Morian sleeping beside her, he got up.

"Delilah, are you ok?" Morian asked rubbing his eyes.

"Yes, sorry to wake you, it was just a nightmare."

"I can see that; do you care to share what it was."

"That's the problem, I don't remember but I'm left with this feeling of dread."

"Come here little dove, you are under immense pressure."

"Yes, I think you are right" replied Delilah as she laid her head on his chest, Morian held her in his arms.

"You are safe, I will protect you from the monsters that haunt your dreams." He kissed her on the lips, and she shook in his arms. She couldn't get rid of her fear, and she didn't understand why she felt this way, this gnawing of danger. It bothered her that she couldn't recall her dream.

Morian knew exactly why she felt that way, he had infiltrated the dream. He knew Ciaran had found a way to communicate with Delilah in her dreams, but his worst fear hadn't come yet, she couldn't remember the dreams which made what he had to do next easy. He would sever the connection Ciaran had with her. It was Ciaran's spirit's energy he sensed that lingered in her apartment. He knew Ciaran couldn't have managed this alone, he had help.