
Dearly, Ravenous

***GORE WARNING*** Some chapters might include scenes that might not be suitable for some readers. Blood, gore and guts can be featured at scenes where it might trigger other readers. Still a good story to read, just read with caution. _______________________________________________________ Anna Sanbwan has always has a healthy appetite despite being an exercise junkie. But she had one dark secret. She only feels satisfied after eating raw meat, and she wasn't sure why. She had her life all figured out. A wonderful and noble job as a nurse, waiting for her immigration application to be approved. A wonderful boyfriend who was always there to support her. Her life is about to go on a dark turn as her cravings became more insatiable and bloodier. Now, she craves for human flesh. A voice, a beastly voice inside her head is about to take over her. Will Anna find the strength to control her beastly appetite? Or will she succumb to the hunger and embrace her the evil monster within?

MoeJam90 · Fantasie
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123 Chs

Chapter 38

Anna went back inside her room, shook from her realization. Her knees trembled as she entered her room. Luckily, she was able to reach her bed by the time her knees gave up. Lying down on her bed, she stared at the ceiling in disbelief. Was it truly the peeping tom she had spoken to? Chills ran down her spine as she recalled her moans of delight while the bloodshot eyes stared at her, unblinking and unmoving.

She closed her eyes and tried to calm down. She might be jumping the gun with her suspicions. Anna was torn with him, but it would be unfair to point fingers at someone you just knew. After gaining back the strength in her knees, she stood up and drank some water and took deep breaths. She was finally able to calm herself down just as the sun was setting in the horizon. Anna laid back on her bed and waited for dinner to be delivered at her cottage.