
Chapter 2

There are still many things I want to tell you-about the others.

Hoseok's illness grew worse. The guy who would always made us laugh has now forgotten to laugh himself. The doctor immediately transferred him to a better and bigger hospital for his treatment. We all were sad especially Jimin but we wanted him to return all fit and fine.

A few days later we got the news that Hoseok is in ICU. You know his mental condition. Probably, his obsession over his imaginary illness grew too much and he overdosed himself. We immediately rushed to the hospital where we learned that since Hoseok's case was serious he was kept in isolation. He would always ask to let him out cause he wants to have a pillow fight with Jimin like they used to have before. But the doctor and the nurses didn't let him out. So unable to bear the grief and longing of his bestfriend, he overdosed himself to end his life. At the time of his daily check up, the doctor and nurses found him lying unconscious on the floor and immediately admitted him to the ICU.

Till today he hasn't opened his eyes. The doctors are afraid would he open them again or not.

2-3 days later I found out my and Jimin's umbrellas got exchanged so I decided to return him back his. I went to his house and heard water running from the tap in the bathroom.

I opened the bathroom door and found the bathtub overflowing and Jimin drowning in it.

I rescued him and took him to the living room. He was cold and wasn't breathing. I pumped his stomach and did a bit of CPR hoping that he would breathe.

"I just can't let him die"-was the only thought in my mind.

After a few minutes Jimin threw up water and opened his eyes. I scolded him for doing such a thing but what surprised me was that he kept quiet all the time.

I looked at him and saw tears forming at the corner of his eyes.

He said in a low voice, "Hyung... I can't do this anymore, I can't live like this. I miss Hoseok so much. I want to see him hyung but I'm afraid he'll never open his eyes. What will I do then?" I immediately hugged him. I understood how he's feeling-seeing his bestfriend in this condition.

I'm now visiting Jimin everyday to make sure he's okay since he refused to live with me. I'm praying that Hoseok gets well soon so that the smiling and playful Jimin returns back.

To be continued....