
Dearest Devil

Angela Johnson had lived a seemingly ordinary life. she never let her family's non religious beliefs bother her since she herself wasn't one for beliefs when her grandmother becomes sick, angy begins to notice just how odd the woman was talking. not until she gets a sudden tattoo which appeared all of a sudden on her wrist the encounter with a strange being on her way back from school seems to be the peek of it all " do you see this mark here? it means we are fated" so was that it? was she suddenly suppose to accept the fact that she was mated to the devil. And an arrogant one at that

usman_Nafisat · Fantasie
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3 Chs

crazy grandmother

Angy took in a breath, her face scrunched up in disgust at the smell of sickness and drugs. she had completely forgotten just how much she hated hospital, the fact being that she couldn't even remember the last time she had been here

" don't make such a face" her mother scolded with a glare

" remind me again why we have to be here"

" because, your grandmother is sick and we need to take care of her"

Angy didn't say anything

she knew uttering another word would have her mother back at her throat so she simply focused her attention on the hospital staffs that came and go each rushing to save on life after another.

' being a doctor must be exhausting. but she admired them so. it made her wish she had the courage to be like them.

" excuse me Mrs Johnson? "

A short pretty looking nurse approached then

her mother was on her feet in seconds " yes?"

" the doctor say you may see her now"

" thank you"

" follow me then"

Angy rose from her position to stand beside her mother as they stalked behind the nurse. they passed through a long hallway bypassing many other wards before their arrived at the one her grandmother was admitted into

the nurse excused herself politely and walked away while Angy and her mother Made their way into the ward

her grandmother was sitting on her bed when they entered

" good afternoon grandma" Angy greeted rushing to hug her smiling grandmother

" afternoon mom" her mother greeted aldefended

a smile

" how have you been doing my dears"

" am fine actually, its you we should be asking that. are you doing any better?"

" am doing just fine. thank you ear"

Angy took a seat beside her grandmother's bed while her mother carefully arranged the fruits they had brought on the bedside table

" how was school Angy? "

" it was okey, though homework is still quite troublesome"

" don't mind her mother, Angy is just being lazy" her mother chipped in

" am not" she defended

" whatever" her mother sighed with an eye roll

Angy's attention went back to her grandmother. the woman looked a almost nervous

" I want to speak to you dear" she said with a strained voice

" what about"

" in private"

the old woman's gaze turned to meet her mothers and the younger woman seemed to take the hint

"I'll go buy us some drinks"

she said walking out of the room. Angy wondered if her mother had forgotten the drinks they bought from the supermarket earlier. nonetheless she gave her full attention to her grandmother

"how old are you now dear"

" I just turned eighteen two months ago" she answers though she didn't see why that was important now

" are you considering settling down"

Angy sighed. not this again. though she knew her grandmother was old fashioned but honestly she wasn't expecting her to go get married right

" grandma I.."

the woman cut her short

" listen my dear, I know clearly you are too young for marriage but trust me when I say it is for your own good"

" what do you mean"

" there are some things far greater than us"

" grandma, your not making sense"

" don't be like your parents dear, go to church and be prayerful"

" what does going to church have to do with this?"

" we have to keep the devil at bay"

angy frowned. devil? church? was her grandmother on some kind of drugs

"I had a dream my dear"

" people have dreams all the time. it's only just a fiction of our imaginations and nothing more"

her grandmother smiled. " I hope you are right dear. I hope none of this means what I think it does but for good measure I want you to keep this with you at all times"

the woman pulled out a chain from under her pillow, it had a silver cross at the end of it

Angy accepted the cross tenderly. whatever drugs her grandmother was on she hoped it would wear off soon

" I'll be fine grandma. no devil is after me"

" I know"

grandma smiled at the reassurance though for some reason angy thought she didn't seem quite convinced