
Dear the Moon

'Dear cold distant moon, who light in the deepness of darkness. Who guides those under the starry sky with your light, I hope you will not fall into this darkness.' The story follows Chandra and the Ruina Department, to survive and get what they want. ======================================== Notice - The story is still in the introduction don't wish too much for a deep story

DeadFish274 · Fantasie
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32 Chs

Cry Of the Soul ~Prologue~

  Life is meaningless, our life is just a speck of dust in this cold starry sky. this word is more accurate for Chandra, an Asian boy with black hair, black Eyes akin to darkness, and skin that is so pale like a dying person. his life is full of misery that is meaningless. the doctor states that he has a chronic disease from the moment he was brought to this world. his parent try their best to find the cure, but to no avail. believing that life is going to be hard for the boy, they give the boy named Chandra meaning bright, shining, or glittering, and associate with the Moon. they hoped, their child would be like the Moon shining its light in the darkness. 

  but reality never comforts us. during his childhood, he was believed to be the harbinger of misfortune because there were many accidents surrounding him. From just a simple thing, like losing pennies, or tripping over the floor, etc. to something like losing a million dollars in one night,  losing life, a broken relationship, etc. maybe it was unreasonable to blame it on a child, but what can help not only his skin was so pale like a dying person he's to always change home for every year's thanks to his illness. people tend to blame something to comfort their feelings when tragedy befalls them, and thanks to that they start to blame their tragedy on that child. some neighboring children start to bully him verbally and physically. they call him the unlucky  Child, Monster, Or Harbinger Of misfortune. Not only that but sometimes they throw pebbles at him. Even the adults don't stop their children, rather they encourage their children to bully him or tell them to never befriend him.  there was even an accident where an adult lost one million dollars and tried to stab him but later was stopped by his parent. 

  After that incident, his parent started to move to many places. but is to no avail,  Misfortune Always Follows him. many incidents happen around him, but his parent never stops telling him that all of these misfortune has meaning. at first, he always believed that his parent only said that to comfort him. but it was not until his 3rd grade, during a vacation with his grandpa that he learned the meaning of pain. his grandpa told him that their life was like a speck of dust in this starry sky, that their life was meaningless, that every action that they took had no impact on this cold starry sky, and that the only value in our action was only had value on us. he said maybe 'You can't understand it right now but in the distant future remember this word, and only fight for what you believe is right even though is wrong for others. dear my Little Moon, Chandra.' he then told a story so that his grandchild could understand, that maybe he could find meaning in his suffering.

  the story that Grandpa told, was about a prince who tried to find meaning in his life. The story starts one day in the kingdom of Gold Solus is born a son to the royal family of Solus, the little prince was prophecized by the priest that he would become a great figure. The citizens Of Solus make a great banquet after hearing the prophecy, and the whole kingdom is filled with a festive atmosphere except for one person  The Grand Duchess Of the North his aunt Lune. many years have passed by, the Little Prince has grown to become crown prince. during this period, he has mastered many things, from Swordsmanship, Magic, Administrative, Philospy, Mathematic, Etc. thanks to that he was called The Heavenly Genius, and many people came to him for advice. he had many connections with many amazing people during this period. but to him, the most valuable connection ironically was not his parent but his aunt. his aunt was an amazing person because his aunt never treated him as a prince but adorable little nephew,  never expecting too much from him and always there when needed. She was very kind and helpful, and because of that the young prince liked her. One night his coming-of-age ceremony the two talked in the garden under the starry sky, they talked from politics to economics of the kingdom until midnight. at the end of the conversation, the duchess starts talking about the meaning of life. 'my nephew, did you know... during your birth everyone in the kingdom celebrated your born to this world except for one person... and that one person is me.' surprised by this, the Prince could not hide his surprised expression. he thinks that maybe his aunt hates him because he was born into this world, but if she truly hates him would she tell him this, and what about her kindness would she be kind to him like that in the past? doubt arose deep within the Prince, he could not comprehend why his aunt hated him and why at the same time she kind to him. The Duchess continues her talk while seeing the prince in the eye 'The priest prophesized that you will become a great figure in the distant future, everyone has great expectations for you. My brother The King, and his Wife the Queen have great faith that you will become a great king, the citizens believe that you will become a great king to lead them... I'm scared that you will be broken under that  extreme expectation...' The Duchess took a heavy breath, her silvery eyes were glistening with tears. her cheeks were reddened, her appearance like a beautiful maiden that needed protection. and thanks to that the atmosphere became heavy. The Prince wants to answer that she doesn't need to worry and tries his best to reassure her that he will be fine, but he can't say anything because he knows that it is not the right answer. She likely has known that the Prince is not someone to worry about but in her heart, there is still something that worries her. The prince silently hugs her, and without saying a word the two of them silently hug each other. in The Embrace of Her Nephew, she couldn't help but cry and say what is in her heart, '...*Snifle* I scared that you couldn't live the life you want... I am scared that you have to become like me... someone who always has to live like a royal... become an example for their people... cannot have friends as much as you want... always strong, lonely, emotionless, ruthless went necessary... *Sniffle* to only trust yourself and never trust others... I'm Just scared that you will live that kind of life...'  The duchess took another deep breath, and after saying the trouble at her heart she waited for the prince's answer. 

  the prince then took a heavy breath, he said reassuringly 'Maybe you're right maybe I can't have a normal life, having a best friend to trust, having parents that not much expecting, having a life where I can go out to wherever I want... but, it was not I life I want...' Suprise by what her nephew just say, she looked him in the eyes. the prince took a moment of silence, to arrange the word in his heart '...you know I always ask myself... what if I never meet you?' the duchess's body started to tremble at The prince's words, but the prince kept saying what he wants to say '...you know maybe I don't want to a normal life, if that meaning to never meet you.' the prince after said what in his heart, look the duchess in the eyes. the duchess could help but laugh at her nephew, his eyes were full of softness and warmness. while giggling, the duchess flicked her finger at his forehead. the prince who is suddenly being flicked by the duchess touches his forehead, while the duchess pulls over her body from the embrace. and said while giggling '...hihi for my nephew you're an idiot for having a crush on older women.' while smiling and looking at his nephew, the prince embarrassed by what the duchess said made his face reddened. after taking a good look at his nephew's face, she started to talk again while seeing the starry sky 'You know I wish we could have more times like this... seeing the starry sky while talking about life... you know my nephew I want you to live the way you want, could you do that for me?' while smiling, her appearance while smiling looked so beautiful yet that appearance looked so fragile like it could go anytime soon. the prince could not hold the anxiety in his heart and started to answer 'yes...' while looking at her scared of what going to come.

  The prince hoped that his anxiety was baseless, but the world was cold and uncaring. One week after that coming-of-age ceremony news came from the north, it was urgent news that was brought by the head butler to the prince.  the content of the news that The Northern Duchess Lune has fallen. the prince who heard the news could hold his body, and run to meet his Majesty the king for the truth. when meeting his majesty he could help but become much more certain of the news after seeing him crying while calling Lune names from his mouth. the truth that his hope was false, came to him without a care for his hope. the world in his mind broke, and for 4 nights and 4 days, the prince never went out of his room. he never eats the food that the maid has preppered for him, this news makes many people worried for the prince well well-being. but it will stop the will of her from coming to the prince 'I know you are afraid to know the truth and move on, but I hope you can keep living and keep finding purpose never contempt for what meaning you came for, and always live to find purpose. so that our meeting and departure could be meaningful from your beloved Aunty Lune.' after hearing her will, the prince chose to abandon his status and start his journey to find the truth of life. even though in his quest he was called an idiot, moron, evil, villain, etc. he keep moving in the darkness and lighting a path for those who come after him to find meaning in life. thanks to his idea mankind can light their way in abbys of life, because of his idea for finding purpose and seeking an answer in abbys of life we call him The moon prince.

  after he told the story of The moon prince, Grandpa said 'You should live as you are and make many connection so your life have a meaning. and you should go outside of your zone and find it like The Moon Prince.' it was his grandpa's last word for him. After that story, Chandra started to live to its fullest. even though the reason is only for his parents, he doesn't care too much after hearing that story he chooses to be like The Moon Prince. 'to always find the purpose and never contempt with what you find, and always live the way you want even though it's tortuous and wrong by other.' thanks to that mindset, he try everything he could from sportsmanship to academic and other. from marathons, poem competitions, chess competitions, etc. he always joins everything, and even though he doesn't win he gives everything that he can. thanks to that he won many prizes, the winning prizes were later used by his family to repay their kindness to him. he lives a successful life, and he has fame, money, and power through connection, and much more. though one particular thing that he likes is games and puzzles, he likes playing chess, card games, tabletop games,  online games, crossword, etc. In online games, he likes playing MMORPG created by BlackCO. Their games are known for their many possibilities of scenarios you could play, more freedom and more realistic gameplay, interaction with npc feels like real life, and unique in-game currency that could be exchanged with real money. thanks to that it became the number-one game in the industry, and because of that Chandra likes to play their games. Through it Chandra can gain fame and money pretty fast, his in-game name was known as [MoonLight] popular for it's unique play and always ranks one in the leaderboard. One day during his usual day he woke up and suddenly heard a knock on his front door,  went he came to the front door he found latter by BlackCo. the latter content was to congratulate him for being the number one not only on the leaderboard but in media social too, At the bottom of the latter he can find content that says "We would like to give you an offer, would you like to send into a world without ruler, where you can have a magic system like in the game, and it possible to become a god to grant your deepest wish. if you like to participate please give your signature at the bottom left. ~From Yours truly CEO Of BlackCO."

  he couldn't help but laugh, he thought that BlackCo. Only prank him. so he calls the CP of BlackCo. for an answer, but no matter what he couldn't contact the CP. found it to be troublesome, he put aside the latter and continued his day while forgetting the latter. days change to a month, months change to a year. after some years of success suddenly a great tragedy befalls him, his parent die in a plane crash and his life has to come to an end. feeling depressed he started drinking alcohol every day, became easily angry, and sometimes laughed alone. people who admire him start to hate him, and the truth is that he is the  Cursed Child. thanks to that he lost all of his fame, and he became much more depressed. but the most tragic joke was today, when he woke up at noon he suddenly found that letter truly what twisted fate. in that atmosphere he started to give his signature on the bottom left, maybe it was out of self-loathing, or maybe it was out of his soul that cried wanting to know the reason it suffering. he suddenly felt sleepy, and before he was knew It he suddenly fall asleep to the beatiful dream world.