
Dear the Moon

'Dear cold distant moon, who light in the deepness of darkness. Who guides those under the starry sky with your light, I hope you will not fall into this darkness.' The story follows Chandra and the Ruina Department, to survive and get what they want. ======================================== Notice - The story is still in the introduction don't wish too much for a deep story

DeadFish274 · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 1 Job Applicant

  my body feels uncomfortable, looks like I'm not sleeping in my bed. when I opened my eyes I saw a wooden roof, 'Looks like I'm not in my house.' after assessing the situation, I understood I was sleeping on a sofa, and from the use of the sofa it looked like I was in someone's office. 'Looks like that piece of the letter worked, and because I cannot see any person it looks like the person is behind my head.' looking for the situation again I know that this person must be the CEO or from HRD, nah it couldn't be from HRD it was likely the CEO. after all, there's no way an 'entity' that could send human to another place was mere HRD.'there's no way that somebody or 'thing' want to give someone a free ride to another world... hah... looks like I have to introduce myself.' i woke up, clean my shirt from any dust and smile brightly looking to a 'thing' in front of me. the 'thing' or Mr. CEO was a humanoid person wearing a tuxedo with a red tie, having black hair, and the most defining trait was wearing a mask with half white and half black, the mask was smiling at me. and yet through that mask, I couldn't see the owner's eyes but I could feel a gaze toward me from that mask, It was like the mask itself was the face.


  For somebody who was suddenly being 'taken' to another place, he's not having a panic but silently assessing his situation.

"Looks like you know what's going on?"

"Yes, I know that writing Your signature means that you agree with the 'work' that going to  give after all, there is no free food for the Lazy."

  He says that while smiling brightly, 'truly the embodiment of realist, can say such a thing while smiling. indeed what an interesting man.'

"hahaha stop the pleasantries... I believe you know what to do next... well I know who you are but still, we need to follow the custom, I'm right Mr. Chandra?" 

"Hahaha... you right Mr. CEO, Then my name is Chandra in my country there is no surname so I don't have one, I am 27 years old, and my working experience is in many 'fields' but one field that stood from the other is gamer, and I believe the reason for you to give me the latter has something to do with the field of 'gaming'. would that be okay Mr. CEO?" 

  what an optimistic, to say such i thing without an inch of fear that he will be 'fired'. well, I don't hate such a guy, rather it was his plus to be so optimistic even though he knew what situation he was in.

"from the way of it, you know what kind of job that I will give you?"

"from the word 'regulation', assume this was not the first time somebody was here. secondly when I said 'I don't have a surname.' you were not surprised at all, it is like you have dealt with many people not only from different cultures maybe through the CEO's ability it could have been people from another 'space'"

"Well, you're correct I not only summon people from your 'space' but also another 'space'..."

"well from that information I assume my job was to become a 'fixer' for 'something' that people before had done."

"Not only 'something' but someone." 

"I see a 'hitman' Huh... looks like some people broke the 'contract' that made with you." 

  a smart guy could understand what he is going to do, he easily understands that 'some people' have breached the agreement.

"I See but I have a trivial question that is outside job-related, do you mind if ask the question, Mr. CEO?"

  what's he going to ask, are these related to the 'payment' or something else I couldn't understand what this kid going to ask.

"well I want to ask are there other methods for being summoned into another world, for example, the most cliche thing like being hit by a truck?"

  'what a weird question to ask.'

"Well is possible after all, there is a reincarnation system in the world, Do these answers satisfy you, Mr. Chandra?"

"well, is good enough for me. there is still something that bothers me, would please enlighten me, Mr. CEO?"

"Well, I don't mind if it is something that is not 'private'."

"Well forgive me for asking the question Mr. CEO, looks like you have summoned many people before me, would it be trouble if suddenly many people went missing, and make government knew your existence?"

  I see, this kid not only asks this question for wasting time. the purpose of these questions is to ask whether there is a greater being than us, or what if our existence is known to the outside world. the first question might seem weird but, is asking whether we could use other methods for summoning people. if we couldn't why use this method, Is there some kind of rule to summon people if not are we scared of being detected by 'something'? For example, summoning people from being hit by a truck means we can easily send that person without using a 'contract', it's maybe unfair but we could say that it was fair because we have saved them from truly dying. but through this, there's the possibility that will raise suspicion from people. what if, we change the method each time we summon people? it is wasteful to do that in the first place and will become a pain in the long run, this kid asks these questions with that assumption in mind. truly what a scary kid, looks like I have to be careful with this kid.

"well for 'people' to know our existence would be trouble in itself, so to make sure that we never been found out we use a special method for that. Are these enough to satisfy you, Mr Chandra?"

"It's enough Mr. CEO, can we talk about the contract."

while smiling brightly more than usual. truly what a greedy man, looks like he wants to ask for 'more'.

"as I wrote in the latter, there is a possibility you could become a god and know your purpose. would that be what you're looking for?"

"well I want to ask, for more if you don't mind, is not a big deal is just a favor you could choose not to follow my greediness, but if you help me with just this little favor I would be more 'in debt' to you?"

'I would do my best for the job, but I need something more.' it was what he said, what a greedy bastard.

"well if it's not big I could grant it."

"It's not that big of a deal, could I bring my Smartphone with me?"

Huh, Just that nothing more. I think he would ask for money or something that could help him in his job.

"don't get me wrong, that smartphone was like my life for me."

"well... if it's just that then there is no problem at all, you could bring your smartphone then. we will send your smartphone later, are there more things you wanna bring?"

"no only that, now can I go."

"Yes go to that door behind you, it will send you to your workplace."

"Then thanks for having me, Mr. CEO.

"Yeah, no problem you can go."

Chandra then nodded at me, opened the door, and went from this 'reality'. when the door closed I called my secretary.

"Put Chandra on watchlist I feel something fishy about this situation."

"Yes, Mr. CEO."

It was too good at the end, but it's not a good thing. there is something going on, and I couldn't help  but be more cautious about this situation.