
Next mission

"Put your pens down"

A long sign came out of Sun Hee's mouth. She packed her things and was about to go when someone popped up out of nowhere.

"Ohhh maaan, you never get scared"

"What do you want", she answered coldly. The other girl pouted cutly. Sunn Hee stood up and made her way out of the classroom. Bing bing always stuck to her like glue. She's a Chinese transfer student who is fluent in Korean.

Bing bing's act of being bubbly and cute fooled everyone, but sun hee. It was obvious to her that bing bing was not innocent, more like the opposite.

Bing bing herself was stunning, though no one really took her serious because of her behaviour. She acted like one of those cliche girls, no brains, just beauty. Sun hee didnt really trust that image though.

There was a lot more to bing bing then met the eye. She had some very dark sides to her, that had stayed hidden up until now

Sun hee didnt really care about the girl, but she did bring benefits. Holding people off of her better than any guarding dog could. While Bing Bing was blabbering about the hottest celebrity and the kdrama she was watching Sun Hee went on autopilot, following her through the halls mindlessly. Her thoughts wandered off to her next mission. It could potentially get dangerous this time, there were some very strange things happening around. Of course, no one in the organisation told her, a lower class assassin, anything about the top priority information.

But Sun Hee was determined to discover what was going on. And when she ever set her mind in something, she will get it no matter the cost. "Damn them all", she thought, "I will show them what i can do and they will regret ever underestimating me"