
why me??? part 2

wade just drops nami on the ground without giving a shit (nami:ಥ_ಥ why me ) and kicks open the door with a revolver in his left hand and a katana in his right


wade shouts and starts shooting and slashing with zorro following behind him and cutting down anyone he can see and before the fish man could react 25 of them had already died

Arlong showed and a enraged look and shouted

arlong:kill those pathetic humans!!

and then the fight truly began

along with the cannon fodder who were decreasing in number per second hacchan attacked zorro while chew and kurobi attack me

whom I take on easily when chew tries to shoot a water bullet at me I just pop 2 bullets into his open mouth and since my guns get stronger along side me my bullets are a 100 times fater and stronger then normal bullets killing him instantly as for kurobi I overpower and out skill him easily beheading him after 2 to 3 min of fighting

the world of one piece has energy in it that allows for normal humans to be able to destroy mountains with their fists depending on hard they train as for someone like me who's muscles are tearing and repairing constantly while training the effects are ten fold

c+ might not seem like much but seeing as how normal humans are at the f - level and how no one here besides arlong and me are at the c+ stage it's more then enough to easily overpower kurobi

as for zorro.he was able to defeat hacchan while half dead in cannon I'm sorry to say for hacchan fans hes already been made into sashimi

arlong seeing all this has gone completely mad


seeing that he jumps at me while holding his sword

huh he must of thought of me as a bigger threat then luffy since he already brought out his sword, I ofcourse happily meet him in battle

both arlong and me are tied in physical strength so we compete in skill

he slashes which I duck and shoot which he dodges and kick at me I back of and slash at him

this continues for a while as both of us trade blows but it's obvious who's winning as his wounds are just accumulating while both my wounds and suit heal the moment they get hurt

and arlong can see hes losing so in rage he goes for one final strike putting all his power on his upper body hes about to strike when.....

....i shoot him in the dick


arlongs dick:ಥ_ಥಥ_ಥ why me

zorro and the people watching: ◉_◉

wade:what I'm a pirate u idiot why da fuck would you expect me to fight fair?

after saying that I just behead him

seeing this the Remaining canon fodder just jump into the sea and run away while nami starts crying tears of happiness and the villagers start celebrating

while I'm just happy to have gotten a navigate and spread the message of the chaos panda