
A new path

There I was, sitting in the nun's run-down office trying to figure out what to do next. It wasn't safe for me to be out on the streets alone with the crazies in this world. Even when I was living with my mom, everyone was too scared of the crazy bitch to mess with me. "think, Will think," talking to myself in desperation as I kneaded my forehead, trying to force a thought out of my skull. It hit me that the sister said she was trying to be better, meaning she should have some connections that could help me. Rushing out of the door chasing the nun down, "sister! SISTER!" I shouted after her.

"Mr. Will, I have done all that I am willing to do for you. I will not risk the other children for you. Although I am not willing to dirty my hands with your demise, that doesn't mean that I will allow you to stay." she stated sternly " no, sister, I was just wondering if you had any connections that could shelter me. You said that you were a part of that life. I'm willing to work in any way to keep my life," I state with desperation. I'm just a kid. There's no way I would be able to survive alone unprotected. "look, I know how to pickpockets crack safes, and I can learn other skills quickly I can be a great worker." trying to wheedle my way into what seemed like an interview for criminals.

Raising her eyebrow at my comments, "and why would they accept a child or better yet, why would I step back into that world for you?" this comment had me stumped "my winning personality?" was all that came out of my mouth. I really need to work on my smart mouth. It's going to write a check I'm not going to be able to cash one of these days. Sister Seinaru's lips did a brief twitch, but I could see her thinking about it. "I know a group of people you would fit right in with if they don't kill you first. Pack your things and know this isn't something that you can do half-heartedly. The people I will be putting you in contact with will not be nice, and you might have a better chance of surviving on your own." She stated with finality, "so make sure this is the path you want to take. I will go make a call, and once I'm finished, I will come to talk to you if you're not there. That would be for the best, but if you are, this means you have come to your decision." turning on her heel and heading back to her office, "mam, what exactly would I be signing up for?" I asked with trepidation "that's not something you need to worry about unless they accept you and if you decide to stay" was all she said to me.

{one hour later}

with all my things packed and ready, I was still trying to figure out if this was the best idea I could go along with. The sister talked about this group of people as if they were monsters. Did I want to be like that? And it seemed more than a little dangerous from the tone she was using. Pacing back and forth in front of my bunk as if I was trying to wear a hole through the wooden floors, I would make my way to my bag as if to pick it up, stop, then start pacing again as if making a decision then changing it at least twenty times in this last hour. Finally coming to a decision, I just sat on my bunk, waiting on the sister to get back. If I'm going to die, I would at least die fighting. I'm not going to get snatched off the street or snuck upon by some yakuza trying to get into the big wigs' good graces. With that decision, a wave of calm washed over me as if there was a storm brewing in the distance, and this was just the precursors of that storm.

{pov Sister Senaru}

Sitting in my office debating whether this was the right thing to do, I leaned back in my rickety chair and debated with myself. Finally, coming to a decision, I picked up my phone to make the call that could not only change that poor child's life but mine as well. with a few rings, a familiar voice answered the phone. "This is Franks mortuary; how can I help you." the voice stated out in a bored tone "sensei, I have a problem child that I could use help with." stating with the finality of the dead.

{pov will}

"So it seems you are still here," sisters Senaru's voice came from the doorway of the cubby of a room I had been calling home for the last time tonight. Shooting to my feet and staring at her with hope and a bit of anger, "yeah, not as if I have too many options, sister."

"to true young man, so follow me, we will be going on a drive" this comment had me tensing, thinking she might have decided to hand me over after all.

"where will we be going, sister?" I asked her, only to receive a glare for my trouble.

"you decided to stay and go to the group that might help you survive. I called someone who owes me a favor that has some minor pull in that organization. I have spent the last fifteen years not speaking to this group, so you don't have the right to ask any more question's." she said with finality turning on her heel and walking away, knowing that I would follow like a lost puppy.

Getting into the van in front of the church made me realize how things can change so quickly. Just this afternoon, the same seat I was in now seemed warm and comfy now; it seemed as if I was sitting on a block of ice. Where there was once a friendly atmosphere between the sister and me had transformed into cold silence that was almost as hard and cold as the seat. This atmosphere continued for the hour drive to the wharf, where apparently was the start of my new life. Pulling up in front of a gated dock, the sister stopped the van and sent me a look that made it obvious that she wanted me out. with a wan smile, I muttered out "goodbye, sister," to which she nodded turned the van back on and drove off.

Sitting in the dark, my back against the wall, I was once again struck with the thought that I should run and hide until I was strong enough to fight back against whoever was trying to kill me. Out of the darkness, three men started to walk towards the dock. Sinking further into the darkness as the men hadn't seen me yet, I tried to find a good place to hide away and observe them, seeing if they were a threat. The three men were a weird bunch. One of them looked as if he had a tree growing out of his arm. Another man had spikey blond hair and hands as big as plates that. The last man looked relatively normal, but his hair was a bright blue.

"where the hell is he?" the man asks with large hands his companions. "I don't know. Our guys saw her drive him out here," another responded. This led me to believe these individuals were not the people I was waiting for. I pulled even further into the shadow, pulling out my knife and slingshot, loading a bb into my slingshot, preparing in case one of these guys spotted me.