
Away we go

Making our way through afternoon traffic, we started to head back to the run-down church that the government transformed into an orphanage. We started our normal bickering, which I had initiated since becoming a ward of the state. "you know you would be much prettier if you put makeup on, don't you, sister" I made the comment to her, "that is not your concern, and I do not need to look pretty for any man for I have taken my vows and beholden to the Lord." she replied primely " grate guy met him once looks like a kindly black man with to much time on his hands" was my response to that comment which got me promptly received me a smack to the back of the head "there will be none of your blasphemous talk around me young man." This had brought our daily quibble to an end, letting us settle down into a companionable silence.

As we were pulling into the church parking lot, I noticed a gathering of men around the front of the entrance. Three men from the rear noticed our approach and nudged the men behind them. This caused a chain reaction until it looked like the leader of these men appeared on our side of the crowd. He was a rather short man appearing to be even shorter than the sister, although what he lacked in height, he made up in weight. The man looked just as wide as he was tall. "ahh, sister, so good to see you, and this must be the young protege I've heard so much about Mr. Will, was it." The man addressed both the nun and me "yeah, that would be me, big man. Who are you? Ow," I responded when sister Sienaru smacked me in the back of the head. "we don't greet guests liked that, and this and this is Mr. Edward. He is one of the controllers of this section of the city and a patron of our church." she explained to me while turning to the man in question, "and how can I help you, Mr. Edward" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, this isn't really a good place to speak of it. Shall we go inside and discuss it there?" the man responded. Turning around as if expecting us to follow, we did, but that's because we lived here. Making our way inside, sister Sienaru turned to me, "alright, I have a few things to discuss with these men. Head off with the other children and study for your tests tomorrow." turning around and guiding Mr. Edward to her office.

Turning around and heading off to the bunk assigned to me, I started to go through the books that I had found on the classes coming up. Yes, I went through college, but that was years ago, and that knowledge doesn't just stick around, especially with two sets of memories running around your head.

{pov Sienaru}

I was sitting behind my desk, staring at Edward. "What do you want, Eddy chan? You're not supposed to be here," I told him "ah, don't be like that, honey, you know you missed me. I'm here because I need a job done one of your kind of jobs," Edward responded to me, causing my blood to run cold." I don't do that anymore, Eddy. I took my way out. I paid my debts, and took my beating to get out. I'm free and clear." responding with an edge to my voice.

{pov Will}

Finishing up my self-study, I started to do the daily workout that I had pull-ups, push-ups, squats, and sit-ups I would like to run around. Still, this new world I was in was dangerous with people getting abducted all the time to be experimented on as well as "heroes" and "villains" fighting each other in the streets its a fucking quest to go to the gas station to get a coke. I've come up with some rules since moving into the orphanage never travel alone; always have someone to back you up. Have a weapon accessible on your body at all times. I carried three, a knife on my ankle, a slingshot with metal pellets, and a can of pepper spray I snagged from an unlucky civilian. And above all, have an extract plan know where your exits with known safe places run to who can hide you. I mean, it is not paranoid if they're really out to get you, but that's just my thoughts the nuns in the orphanage think I'm paranoid and have PTSD, but I call it having a healthy dose of skepticism in my fellow man. With those thoughts fueling me through my work out I finished up and wiped my face off; walking towards my bunk, grabbing my towel and one of the three sets of clothing I owned, I headed to the communal shower. Making it to the bathroom, I took a second to examine myself in the mirror, and I have to say my dedication to my workouts is paying off. I'm a young Hercules, a six-pack and decent growth to my back muscles with well-defined muscles. Although the scars are a bit off-putting, it is just something I have gotten used to seeing. Quickly grabbing a shower, I clean up and head towards bed only to be intercepted by Sister Sienaru "will follow me," she grunted out sternly. Following along behind the cute nun, wondering what I had been caught doing, she brings me to her office.

"Mr. Edward is not a nice man," she started, "and I'm not a nice woman, but I have been trying to become one, so this is why we are sitting here." while saying this, I started to tense up getting ready to run if needs be.

"What has happened is Mr. Edward has come to have me turn you over to him, dead or alive, preferably dead," she spoke as if she was telling me the weather her voice had no inflection like she didn't care if I died or not. This had me right about to jump out of the chair and make my way out, "but I am not a part of that life anymore, so here is what we're going to do. I'm going to give you tell the morning to be out of here, and then I will tell them your gone. yes, they won't believe that I had nothing to do with it, but I'm not going to kill a kid, and I'm not going to hand you over to die, so you have thirteen hours to make a plan and move on it."

"do you know what they want or why this is happening to me?" I asked with desperation. "you gave some information that shouldn't have been spread, and now they want payback apparently," she explained to me "what you did was right, but there are people in power whose lives you have disturbed, so they sent word to someone and so on until we have come to this point" at this there appeared to be some pitty in her eyes.

"so this will likely be our last moment together," she reached into her desk pulled out a few DVD's "I have come to understand your perk you can learn movement and skills by watching people do them, these DVDs are shooting instructions martial arts, and some other nick nacks from my past use them well, or don't use them at all" and with that she handed me the DVDs stood up and walked from her office.

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