
chapter 8

Elias was driving when he felt Elena was slowly waking up. Elean first looked around and registered what was happening and then went to a panic. In her panic, it took her a few moments to realize Elias was sitting there and driving and she froze.

"Good mourning." Elias said and then looked out at setting sun. "Well, good night is probably a better word to use for this time of the day."

"Are we both dead?" Elena said as she looked like she was about to cry. "Is this afterlife and you are taking me to be judged or something."

"I don't think so." Elias said as he reached in the back of the car. "The gas prices are too high for heaven here and the snacks were cheap and they taste good for hell so I would say we are still alive."

Elias then grabbed two plastic bags full of snacks and placed it on Elena's lap. The snacks were mostly chocolate product, like chocolate bars, chocolate milk and things like that but there were also things like chips in it. There were also some cat foods.

"You need to eat something." Elias said.

"H…How are you alive?" She looked still between stunned and about to cry.

"By being stubborn asshole." Elia answered.

"I don't know if I should pinch myself or hug you." Elena said.

"Don't hug me." Elias said and pointed at the road. "I am not that good of a driver so if you touch me we will be on the news of the most tragic deaths."

"It is so good to see you alive," Elena said as she wiped her eyes. "But seriously, how aren't you dead. The last time I saw you wonder woman pulled a sword out of your neck."

"I was transported to purgatory." Elias explained. "There I fought some idiots, pissed off an ancient sorceress and made a bargain with an angle of purgatory."

"It is wild the way you casually say all of that." Elena said. "What was the bargain you made with the angel? I don't think it is anything good."

"I have to kill a bunch of people." Elias said.

"Who?" Elena asked

"He said he will call me." Elias answered.

"Nothing is easy with you." Elena said and looked at the bags on her lap." Wait, how did you get the money to buy all of this."

"Oh, glad you asked." Elias said and reached back. After a moment he brought a black kitten with a white spot on his chest and placed it on top of the plastic bags. The kitten looked half sleep and being moved really didn't change much but when he saw Elena was looking at him, he stayed awake stared back.

"Okay… this is very cute but that doesn't explain anything." Elena said and started to gently pet the kitten on the head and under the chin.

"I saw a car parked on the road." Elias started to explain. "I went to them to see if they needed help and saw it was a group of young boys bothering this kitten. They were hurting the cat and he didn't seem to like it so I beat the shit out of them, stole their money and rescued the cat."

"Did you just confess to a felony?" Elena asked.

"No I didn't." Elias said. "I only stole 290 from the assholes so it is just a misdemeanor and it was also justified."

"Okay, that is... never mind." Elena said as she placed the cat on the dashboard and started petting him until he started to fall sleep.

"Hey, who was the guy special forces wants dead?" Elias suddenly asked.

"Dead or arrested." Elena said. "His name is Kano. He is a piece of shit and his situation is a little personal for commander Blade. He lives in New York.

"Oh good, we still can change direction and go there." Elias said.

"I'm sorry what?" Elena said.

"Well, I died so the bounty is off." Elias said. "You guys planned on using me as a bait but you can't anymore so lets go and kill that fucker in form of an apology."

"You do realize this guy is very dangerous." Elena said.

"What, he is worst than superman?" Elias said with a grin on his face.

"Okay, I was angry and…" Elena was about to say and suddenly stopped. "Wait hold on, what happened to them? Did I get to kill any of them? Did I at least get wonder woman? I hope I did. I can't believe I used to idealize that bitch."

"No, they are all alive." Elias said. "wonder woman did offer me to kill her but I really didn't want to make new enemies. Also I don't blame here that much. I fucking hate her guts for killing me but I understand a little that people would do a lot of things for their loved ones."

"I'll kill her if I ever see her." Elena said.

"Sure, that is your right." Elias said.

While Elias was driving, Elena checked her phone and saw she had a fuck ton of missed calls and messages. She made a call and Elias could only hear Elena apologizing and the person on the other side was simply saying you should get back home.

"We should go back home right now." Elena said as she ended the call.

"Okay." Elias said.

"You know what, stop the car. I will drive." Elena said Elias did that. Elena got inside the car and started to drive like her life depended on it.

"Is everything all right?" Elias asked.

"We are both dead." Elena said. "I am dead for sure and I hadn't told her about you and when I do she will kill us both."

"Who are we talking about?" Elias asked.

"My… our older sister and brother." Elena said. "These two are the oldest of our siblings. Our parents aren't in the picture that much so our oldest sister is the one that basically is the head of the family. With all of us having powers means we still need someone to look after us and that is our oldest sister. Our oldest brother also helps her."

"I understand but why would they kill us?" Elias asked.

"As I said, I haven't told them about you." Elena answered. "I also didn't answer her two calls and that is just a death sentence on its own. They also called the other two to come for a meeting and they ha to postpone in for two hours because of me."

"Wait, you didn't tell them?" Elias asked.

"No, I couldn't tell them on the phone." Elena said.

"Why not?" Elias said.

Elena gave Elias a what is wrong with you look and the said. "Oh right, I forgot you don't know how to interact with your family."

Elias decided not to bother Elena and only held the kitten. The kitten was hurt but he was very friendly to people that were kind to him and he was very tiered so he slept everywhere.

What Elias didn't tell about the cat was the fact that he was able to feel his pain from far away. At first Elias thought he could feel other people's pain but when he beat the shit out of the boys, he didn't feel their pain.

He also felt there was something weird about the boys that attacked the cat. They looked like they were bothered by something and that feeling passed when Elias got close to the cat and the started to regret hurting the cat. Of course that didn't stopped Elias from beating them.

Elena drove like a crazy person. While driving, Elena used her short ranged teleportation on the whole car. The power was basically opening small portals and drove through them. Elias saw that the teleportation was that short range and the range was around half a kilometer(0.3 miles). Usage of powers that government saw as unnatural was a crime and could put Elena in prison for a couple of years but she made sure not use that power when there are cameras present.

Elena managed to turn the hour long travel to fifteen minutes. She also didn't have any problem with entering the city as there weren't any security and everyone could enter Gotham.

Elena drove to Gotham's uptown. She was stopped for a moment and was allowed to enter immediately. She then drove to the east side of the uptown and parked near a house that wasn't a mansion but it was a big house.

"All right we are here." Elena said. "Listen, Eleanor, our oldest sister will be a very nice woman but if you make her angry she will make you regret it. She has more powers than all of us but her greatest power is her telepathic powers. She can read minds and if you lie or anger her she will send a powerful psychic attack to your brain that will feel like hundreds of needles going through your brain. So be respectful."

"Okay." Elias said. "By the way, should I bring my things inside? I got guns, magic items and wonder woman's sword and shield."

"You got wonder woman's what?" Elena asked.

"Her sword." Elias answered. "She offered me to kill her with her sword instead of the girl that was resurrected. I wasn't going to kill her in front of other heroes so I just took her sword and shield and left."

"You just took them?" Elena asked.

"Yes." Elias answered.

"Okay." Elena said and laughed as she just acted like Elias for a moment.

"Do you want to see them?" Elias said smiling.

"You know what, sure." Elena said and Elias brought the sword and shield to her.

Elena now hated wonder woman but she used to be a big fan of her. Part of her was still very excited to hold these and the other part was happy to Elias took it from her. She really wanted to keep them but they belonged to Elias and he literally paid for it with his life so she returned them.

"I am going to use the sword a lot." Elias said. "But you can borrow it from time to time. You can also keep the shield if you want."

"Thanks." Elena said. "Elsa, the youngest girl in the family might like this shield better. She has an Amazonian fighting style. Ah shit, she is going to be very sad when she learns about wonder woman."

"She doesn't have to kn…" Elias wanted to say but he suddenly stopped when he realized something. "Elias, Elena, Eleanor and Elias, if those are the name of some of us who are the other two."

"Elija and Eliot." Elena answered.

"What the fuck is this naming system?" Elias said.

"You should ask mum and dad if you ever met them." Elena answered.

"Okay, now what about my things?" Elias asked.

"Oh, yeah you can bring them in." Elena said and got out of the car.

Elias placed the sword inside of the magic item bag and tied the shield to his back. He placed the kitten on his head and used telekinesis to hold him steady on his head and then grabbed the bags. Elena wanted to help Elias with the bags but Elias simply refused.

Elena led Elias inside the house and to a guest room. Elena told Elias to wait here for a few moments until she slowly tells the rest of the family about his existence. Elias just shrugged and sat in a sofa that placed there.

Elias started to check his bags to see if anything was missing. After a few moments of searching, he saw that nothing was missing so he tried to see if he had any new powers. He still had the new senses but instead of 20m(65ft) range it was 10m(32ft).

Elias tried to shift his body. He first realized that he could grow his reptilian claws and teeth. He also could feel the acid and poison glands.

Elias checked his the spells that he learned in the purgatory. Before dying, he could never use spells so he didn't care that much about learning but now that he used a Saurian spells, he felt energy being collected, the spell worked.

Elias tried to use energy manipulation to change the energy. First, he realized that his energy manipulation was stronger but the energy still refused to change to something that wasn't meant to be. He could only use his power to complete the spell faster. In this case, the spell created a small ball of fire that he could move with his power

Elias then checked his other powers and realized his telekinesis and energy manipulation were a lot stronger. He actually had to train a little so he could use his powers the same way he used to without his losing control.

After a few moments Elias felt someone approach, then the door of his room opened a little and a gun peaked inside. The guy was the same height as Elias and was very thin. He had shaggy black hair that covered his green eyes and he had pale skin. He wore all black, back T-shirt, black pants and wore some chain neckless and silver rings. The guy looked very young but Elias could feel that this guy was older than him. Elias could also feel the same familiar feeling as Elena from this guy.

"Hello." Elias said with a wave, not realizing his hand was half reptilian and had long claws.

"Hey." The guy said he gave a look at Elias, his clawed hand and the cat on his head. He looked for a few moments and then left.

"Goodbye I guess." Elias said and got back to his things.

After a few moments Elias felt another person with the same familiar feeling as Elena. The door opened and a young woman opened the door and looked at Elias. The woman was a little shorter than Elias and looked very athletic, she had light skin, long black hair tied to a pony tail and blue eyes. She wore a tank top and jeans and carried two daggers on her belt.

"Hey, you Elias?" The girl asked.

"Hello, I am Elias." Elias answered.

"Do you have wonder woman's sword?" The girl asked with a smile.

"Yes." Elias said and pulled the sword out of the bag.

"Cool, hey can I…" The girl was about to say bot before she could finish another woman teleported near her and grabbed the girl by the ear.

"What the hell is wrong with you people?!" The woman said angrily. "I left you guys for a moment and you all act like children. Go back to the living room."

"Ow, ow, ow." The girl said as she was pulled away from Elias.

The teleporting woman looked like she was in her late twenties. She had long dark brown hair and wore medical glasses over her grey eyes. She wore a long black jacket over her red shirt and red pants.

"You must be Elias." The woman said after getting rid of the other girl. "I am Eleanor. Elena probably told you that we are your siblings. I would like you to officially meet the others."

"Sure." Elias said, he put the sword down and started to follow Eleanor.

"Wait, is that cat alive." Eleanor asked and as if the cat heard her, he woke up and looked at her. "Oh my god it is alive."

Seeing how she looked at the cat, Elias picked the cat up and pushed him toward Eleanor. "Do you want to hold him?"

"Yes! I mean I would appreciate it." Eleanor said and held the cat. "Does he have a name? should we feed him? Can I keep him for now?"

"He doesn't have a name, I did feed him and you can keep him for now." Elias answered.

"Thank you." Eleanor said. She held her arms crossed and the kitten in her arms.

The way Elena talked about Eleanor, Elias thought she would be a monster. Elias didn't know if the cat changed her personality or Elena just exaggerated but she was nothing Elias expected.

Eleanor led Elias to the living room. There he saw Elena, the girl that was probably Elsa the thin boy that just visited him and another guy. The new guy smiled when he saw Elias and walked to him.

"You must be Elias, I am Elija." The guy said and brought his hand for a handshake. "We used to think you were dead and according to Elena you died once. It is good to see you are somehow alive."

"Nice to meet you." Elias said and shook his hand.

Elija was a lot taller than Elias and bulkier. He had short brown hair, blue eyes and was very muscular. He wore a Black T-shirt and cargo pants.

"The girl that thinks she is though is Elsa." Elija pointed a Elsa and then pointed at the other guy. "That guy that thinks he is edgy is called Eliot. Between all six of us right now these two hold the title of the assholes. Hope you won't take that from them."

Both Elsa and Eliot just glared at Elija when he said that.

"Nice to meet you all." Elias said.

"Hey." Eliot responded.

"Sup." Elsa said.

"Would you take a seat over there." Eleanor said as she sat in a way that she could see everyone. "We really need to talk to you about some important things."

"Okay." Elias said and sat a little close to Elena. As Elias sat down, he could feel Eliot was just staring at him.

"Where did you get that?" Elija asked pointing at the kitten.

"Elias brought it here." Eleanor answered happily.

"Well thank god. I like you better when happy." Elija said and Eleanor just glared.

"All right. What do you want to talk about?" Elias asked.

"So, you already know you are our brother." Eleanor said. "All of our life, we thought you were dead. According to Elena, you think you were taken by the doomshapers when you were born but as hard as it might be for you to accept this you weren't. We all remember you until you were four."

"Okay." Elias said.

"Your reaction is… never mind." Eleanor said. "From what Eliot remembers you were killed in front of him, when he was nine. Elena told us about the DNA test but I would like it if you take it again."

"Sure, I don't have a problem." Elias said. "My memories of my childhood are none existence. There are ways to change and erase memories so it might be that."

"I know, that is something I can do." Eleanor said.

"If you can do that, you can probably undo it." Elias said. "You just have to enter my mind and reach for my memories. I don't have that power but I have read about strong telepaths that can do that."

"Yes, but I don't do that." Eleanor said. "This action can be harmful to the person's mind. I can be careful but I would rather not risk it."

"I have healing powers." Elias said. "As long as you don't do anything lethal, I will be fine. I was also trained to protect my mind from mental attacks so we will be good."

"Are you sure you want to do it?" Eleanor asked looking a little nervous. "There is a chance I might see some of your deeper secrets. Are you sure you are okay with it."

Elias checked everyone's heartbeat. Eleanor wasn't lying but her heartbeat and breathing had momentary relaxed situation that meant she wasn't telling the whole truth. The rest of the family tried to look relaxed but they seemed to want this to happen.

"Don't worry about that." Elias said. "I can lead your mind to the parts you need to dig and you just have to dig. I am also pretty sure I can gently kick your mind out the moment I feel you are damaging my mind."

"Okay, we can do that." Eleanor said with a sigh. "So, when are we going to do it? I am ready as soon as you are ready."

"We can do it right now." Elais said and he felt everyone's heartbeat get a little faster.

"Okay, we should just find a place for you lay down." Eleanor said and Elias could feel she was very nervous.

"I lay down on the ground." Elias said and laid on the ground. "You can start whenever you are ready."

"Okay, this is going too fast." Elija said. "Are you sure you don't want to think about it a little. You just came here and want us to enter your mind, that just sounds too trusting."

"I'm not worried." Elias said. "Elena proved that she cares about me and if you kill me, I just resurrect myself and come back and kill you."

"Wait, you can do that?" Eliot asked with hope in his voice.

"Yeah, I just did that today." Elias answered. "Elena was there when I died. Didn't she tell you about that."

"No, she didn't." Elsa said angrily. "She said you were attacked and managed to repel the attack. She also said you saved wonder woman's friend and she gave you her sword and shield as a way to thank you."

"That didn't happen." Elias said. "I won't say how I died but I died. Some necromancer used the essence of my death to bring back wonder woman's friend and I managed to resurrect myself."

"He is right." Elena said. "I didn't say anything because I was still confused about how that happened. I know magic and powers exist but that is just too weird."

"So, you can never die?" Elija asked.

"I can die but I won't tell you how." Elias said.

"Fair enough." Elija said with a shrug.

"All right, enough talking." Eleanor said gave the cat to Elena and sat beside Elias. "Are you ready to do this?"

"Yeah, go ahead." Elias said.

Eleanor placed her hands on each side of Elias's head and sent her mind inside. Elias didn't just allow her inside, he led her inside. Elias could feel Eleanor's mind wanting to wander but Elias didn't allow her and just pulled her toward his memories.

Elias led Eleanor toward the his oldest memory when he was six. It was when his training started and a year after that he was sent for his first mission. Eleanor stayed there for a while, looking at the memory and then started to dig.

Elias started to see that he had weaker powers than the rest of the family but that didn't make them hate Elias that much. His relatives treated him like shit but his siblings and his parents were very protective of him.

He seemed to be very close with Eliot. Eliot used to be able to create powerful black flame and he could also teleport. Eliot looked up to Elija as a role model and tried to be the same for Elias so they used to play with each other a lot.

Another memory was unlocked where a he was kidnapped by a group of ninja's with the marking of a red three fingered dragon or dinosaur foot. Eliot fought back but he was a child and he lost all of his will to fight when a ninja stabbed Elias in the gut. Eliot was knocked out easily as he was just a kid and the ninja's took Elias.

The leader of these ninja's was someone called shredder and he personally came to take Elias. The shredder seemed to know about Elias's healing power, something that he himself didn't know at that time.

The foot clan seemed to want to keep Elias with themselves as the shredder tried to teach Elias how to fight. Shredder and his clan used a ritual to detect the Elias's spiritual situation and they seemed to realize something very shocking about him that now Elias could guess they found out about him being a child of purgatory.

After learning that, the shredder treated Elias very respectfully and even introduced him to his daughter Karai and started to train him personally. Shredder even introduced himself to Elias as Oroku Saki, something that only high members of the clan knew.

The shredder wanted had Elias's memories erased so he wouldn't remember anything besides foot clan. Elias stayed with the foot clan for almost a year and in all this time, shredder did his best to train Elias and make sure he was very close to Karai.

Oroku Saki's plan went to shit when Alaric stole Elias from the clan. Alaric apologized to Elias and Erazed his memorized of the foot clan. He then gave Elias to the Doomshapers and told them that Elias had potential to be a good but disposable soldier.

"That mother fucker." Elias said and pulled Eleanor out of his brain.

When he got out, he saw Eleanor was holding her head as if she was in pain and it passed quickly. The others were looking at them with anticipation.

'That mother fucker.' Elias thought to himself. 'He planned must have planned all of this. He wanted me dead but my family protected me. I don't know if the foot clan were his plan too but it didn't work since they also saw me as a family. He wanted me to train like a warrior and then die but why. He said people that he wants dead will find me after the first time I die, is that what he wants, me being forced to kill them or die trying.'

"What happened?!" Eliot asked with anticipation. "Is he Elias? Did he manage to resurrect himself the first time or is he lying. Tell me now before I start to burn things."

"It is him." Eleanor said. "He didn't die the first time. His healing power saved him."

Hearing that Eliot dropped to the couch. He looked like a big weight was lifted off of his shoulder. Elsa walked to Eliot while keep looking at Elias and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Okay what now?" Elija asked.

"Now I have more people wanting me dead." Elais said. "After I died I created more enemies for myself so I am going to go and kill that Kano guy for Elena and then find a way to go to Purgatory without dying."