
DC: It’s All Just A Show

Jason Rocks young man who lives in Gotham City. He lost his family when he was seven and lost his all family fortune to his relatives. Since then he was living in street as a street rat. But suddenly everything changed one day when something called [Greatest Showman System]. What system does is draw a lottery. Lottery divided in three type. [Item Draw], [Ability Draw], [Character Draw]. Among them [Character] one was most expensive while [Item] one is cheapest. To draw cards you must collect points. And you will gain points from people is emotions. So from then on DC universe added little showman who like to cause troubles. ••• Please Have A Very Low Exceptions If You Wanna Read It.

Just_XD · Filme
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9 Chs

Ch 8: Against Flying Rat

Gotham City. Police Station. James Gordon's Office.

Harvey and James are hiding in the commissar's office. Just a few minutes ago James and Harvey were talking about the 'Brute' in case. But suddenly someone attacked them. James wanted to go out and see but Harvey stopped him because he said: "If you reveal yourself like this you might die. We need to hide here and wait for the right moment to attack."

James followed Harvey's words but never expected the person who attacked them was the 'Brute' they were looking for. And from footsteps and his words he is heading toward them.

"He must come here soon. When he opens the door we will catch him in surprise." James said and Harvey nodded his head. Then both took the positions they seemed easy to defend and attack. Once the door opens they will end this guy. That was their idea.


The office door slowly opened and both Harvey and James took out their guns same time and shoots at the person who opened the door.

*Bang, bang.*

Two bullets landed a clean hit on the chest of the target. If it's a normal person they will die the moment they are hit by the bullets. And it did the person who was hit by the bullet died. Only it wasn't the person they were expecting.

The person who hit was Micheal of the team Alpha. Jason who absorbed [Agent 47] who was the most perfect hitman in his world of course could hear their little chat. So he used Micheal who was beside him at that time to open the door. And I'm sure you got the rest of it.

"Ohh, thanks, buddy. You saved me there. Hehe." Jason while throwing Micheal's body away like nothing. Seeing they killed the wrong person Harvey and James were in shock for a moment. But that's just enough time for Jason to close the door and hide the raging bullets of the maddened duo of James and Harvey.

Dozens of seconds later gunshot stops and silence covers Police Station.

'Man, that was pretty intense. Thank you, guys. You saved me.' Jason thinks to himself while looking at Jeremy, George, and Alex. Who is filled with bullet holes?

Then Jason throw them away and opened the door. And greeted with the fist of Harvey's head-on. Sadly missed because Jason dodged by tilting his head. And he pushed Harvey down very easily with one hand.


'Ouch, why does everyone attacking me on my head today?' Jason turn his left and saw Gordon who was holding the chair. Not gonna lie this dude is old but still tougher than most.

Jason just hold the chair then pulled it out from Gordon's hands then kicked him in the stomach. Gordon hit the wall behind himself and lost consciousness.


Harvey tried to get up but was knocked out by Jason who hits him with the chair he is holding. Then he placed the chair where it was supposed to be and sits on it. He took the mic and said: "Attention everyone here. It's me guy who raided GPS. First things first. My name is [Showman] not 'Brute' you guys like to call. And remember ladies and gentlemen you are here for one purpose. As bait, we needed to call out our gloomy friend called Batman. As long he comes here you are all free to go. But if he won't show up in half an hour you can only blame him for what I do."

Hearing Jason is wanting their use as bait to call out Batman police members who were held hostage felt a little insulted. After all in the end they are used for just bait nothing more. He even permits them to get out after Batman comes here. It's like he doesn't take them a thing at all.

Some hot-blooded young members clinch their fists while older and experienced ones little calmer. But even so, there is still unnamed anger in their hearts.


Suddenly from the mic, they heirs window shattering sound then.


Someone flies out of the office. The poor door after being riddled with bullets finally broke because Jason flies out of the office. After all, Batman is suddenly flying-kick. Jason get up from the ground while cracking his neck and said: "Well, what do they say? If you don't follow common sense then your enemy could never predict you. And I never expected you to come in by the window of the commissar's office."

Then he looked around everyone and said: "What are you all doing? Batman is here so there is no use for you guys. So c'mon get out of here. You have no use here."

Hearing Jason's words even though they don't like it in the end they left the station. Of course, many people didn't leave because either they can't move because of a drug or already fainted.

Then Jason looked at Batman who was standing in front of the commissar's office at a door. He looked pretty gloomy but Jason feel a strange sense of excitement behind this mask.

"Hehehe, so Batman let's begin our show shall we?" Jason said while taking a strange stance of raising his hand just like wanted to hug something huge. Batman also took a classic boxing stance.

Both of them rushed each other same time. Batman made the first attack. He did a straight punch and aimed at Jason's chin but Jason lowered his head and took the attack on his forehead and tries to catch Batman from his ribs but failed because Batman dodged by jumping back.

Then he throws a few batarangs which is dodged by Jason easily. Then he rushed in front of Batman and send a punch at his face but Batman blocked it and did a low kick on his thigh. Which didn't do much and resulted in his legs being caught by Jason. Batman used that to do a rising knee thrust.

Jason took this hit in the face and took a few steps back. Batman then comes in front of him and starts doing combo punches. Jason took all of them on their face. Then suddenly he caught one of Batman's punches then did a sweeping hip throw. Then start punching Batman in the face while he was on the ground.

But you know Batman he always had something on his sleeve. He kneed Jason on the stomach then using the time it buy for him he hit Jason on the neck. Jason let go of Batman and took a few steps back.

Then Batman gets up and clinches his fists suddenly wrist blades appeared. He rushed towards Jason and tires to slash him but Jason blocked it by using a keyboard he just plugged out from someone's work desk. Then kicked Batman but he blocked it. Also resulted in Jason cutting his legs a little bit.

"Woah, why didn't that appear when you were hitting me?" Jason said while pulling out the whole computer screen and then throwing it at Batman. Batman kicked it away but was greeted with a tackle from Jason. Jason tackled Batman down then start beating him like crazy.


Suddenly Jason heard the sound of a motorcycle. He turn around and was greeted with a tire of Batcycle.


Batcycle is hit sending him at least a few meters away. Batman then quickly took out some kind of high-tech knuckles.


He spits out a bloody tooth before getting ready for battle again. Jason also spat out bloody saliva but there weren't teeth. Well, it starts moving already just hasn't fallen yet.

"You know? You have some tech shit right there. I thought it will be pure hand-to-hand I guess I was wrong. Then how about this!" Jason suddenly pulled out [Frag Launcher] and shoots at Batman. Batman dodged it by rolling but Batcycle wasn't that lucky. It brown away at least a few meters away from where it was standing.


Suddenly, Batman, his high-tech knuckles gained electric power. Batman runs towards Jason and punched him but Jason dodged and shoots him again. Batman dodged and bullet hits one of the work desks and blows it into dust.

Batman sends a punch toward him again but it never hit Jason. Jason who saw that [Frag Launcher] wasn't the best weapon in close combat took out the knife he had stolen from someone maybe robbed he doesn't remember.

He tried to stab Batman but it broke because of his armor. Seeing this Jason did an elbow strike but Batman wasn't sitting idle either he punched Jason in the face with his knuckles too.


'Ouch, damn it. That's hurt, man.' Jason thought before kneed Batman on the face. Batman strikes him in the ribs.


Every time he is hit by these damn knuckles he will be zapped by it. And didn't feel good at all. So he decided to play a little dirty. He catches Batman in one hand and did an elbow lock which ended up failing Batman and somehow throws him away from that position. Luckily he didn't forget to drop a grenade.


The explosion made Batman fly away and hit a wall. He fell in front of one of the unconscious policemen. Seeing this Jason starts firing like crazy toward them with [Frag Launcher].

*Boom, boom, boom.*

Batman lifted policemen then start dodging explosions one after another. Seeing it still didn't work Jason let out an angry groan then he switched his weapon with [the Silverballers] and shot toward them. And this time he wasn't aiming towards Batman both unconscious policemen. Batman also noticed this so he pushed down one of the work desks and used it as a shield.

After placing Policemen carefully he runs towards Jason. While dodging raging bullets or blocking them. It made created numerous cracks in his armor but it wasn't much problem after all he is rich. He can buy a new one after ending this battle.

Batman tried to punch Jason but Jason tugged down then. punched him in the guts. Where armor was cracked and shattered it. "Ugh!" this earned him a groan but that's it. Batman then did a headlock and tried to make him faint.

But Jason wasn't idle so he start chocked Batman too. Two of them start choking each other. After dozen or so seconds later both of them let go. Jason also let go but not before doing an elbow strike then broke one of Batman's electric knuckles.

Both of them get up from the ground while panting. "I-I need to say you are truly a tough guy. If it was a normal person they would have died the moment my first hit landed."

Batman still didn't say a word throw away the electric knuckle and then took out the electric collar. Jason looked at him with a 'Dude what the fuck?' face which Batman couldn't see because of the mask.

Seeing Batman take out the electric collar he took out [Fiber wire garrote]. "Wanna see which of us will make the other one wear the collar?"

Batman rushed towards Jason immediately so does Jason. Two of them of tries to tackle each other and in the end, this ended up Batman made him wear the electric collar while Jason strangles him.


A serious zapping sound sounded and Jason greets his teeth in pain. Batman was also gritting his teeth. Feeling pain is getting unbearable little by little he decided to activate [Kim Shin]'s [Painless] skill. And next moment only thing he feels is shaking and itching feeling nothing more. He usually doesn't use this skill after all knowing if you are reaching your limit or not is important.

After a few dozen seconds later Batman was finally knocked out and stopped struggling. After that Jason get up from the ground and checked his points.

[Points: 85609]

'Man, I earned plenty today don't you think Batsy?' Jason said while lifting Batman then head towards the commissar's office. Then throws him beside the unconscious Gordon then left the office.

'Oh right, I forget to disarm the bombs I planted. If I do it quickly whole Police Station will become a fiery fit after about 30 minutes later. Who knows Batman will come here so quickly.' Jason said while start running around Station and disarming bombs he planted yesterday while sneaking in.

After doing this he changed his clothes for the policemen and acted like fainted because of pain. After all, he destroyed all cameras when he was coming in. So nobody will know his face. Like Selina and Artemis asked him for.