
DC: Gojo With Vectors

Handpicked by Lucifer Morningstar, a soul from Hell is reborn as Gojo, a demon empowered with the ability to manipulate vectors. Thrust into the DC Universe, Gojo's rebirth takes an unexpected turn as he is given the role of a reaper, tasked with determining the fate of souls deemed unworthy of existence and sentencing them to Hell. Embracing his role as judge, jury, and executioner, Gojo navigates the shadows of the DC Universe.

SIeepyDreamerr · Anime und Comics
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4 Chs


Deep underground, a scene unfolded in an undisclosed bunker.

The faint hum of electronics filled the air. Rows of long desks, each equipped with computers manned by individuals clad in black and white suits, stretched across the room.

At the front of the bunker, a large screen displayed a map of the United States, dotted with various markers indicating potential threats and incidents. The room buzzed with activity, as analysts analyzed data streams and communications intercepted from across the country.



Suddenly, an alert blared from one of the computers, drawing the attention of the room.

A man in camouflage military attire approached the computer, as his gaze was immediately drawn to the screen.

"What do we have?" He demanded, his voice sharp with urgency.

The analyst, a young woman with a headset perched on her head, quickly relayed the information. "Sir, we've detected an airborne object traveling at speeds of Mach 8 above Gotham. It appears to be a humanoid figure."

The man's brow furrowed in concern as he processed the implications. "A humanoid figure?" He repeated, his mind racing. "Are you sure? Could it be some kind of experimental aircraft?"

The analyst shook her head as she responded without hesitation., "No sir, based on the data, we're looking at a high-speed airborne entity with capabilities beyond conventional aircraft. It's either a super-powered human or...something not of this world."

The man nodded grimly, his mind racing with the implications. "Understood. Mobilize a squadron of the 27th Air Combat Wing, I want them in the air ASAP. And alert our counterparts at the other stations, this is probably something much bigger than us."

The analyst nodded, her fingers flying across the keyboard as she relayed the orders to the appropriate channels. Around her, the atmosphere buzzed with focused activity as personnel sprang into action, coordinating the response to the emerging threat.

Meanwhile, the man turned his attention to the large screen, his expression tense as he watched the anomaly's movements. "Keep me updated on any changes," He instructed, his voice firm. "And prepare a detailed report for Amanda Waller."

As the room bustled with activity, the gravity of the situation weighed heavily on everyone present.


Meanwhile, the cause of the pandemonium was flying with a smile.

Gojo's figure could be seen zooming through the sky, as the sun had already come up, showing how long he had been practicing.

'At least now I can fly freely...'

After getting used to controlling gravity, he could now do it effortlessly.

Through the manipulation of gravitational lines, he found himself able to direct his course through the air with precision. And by stretching these lines, he could amplify the power, propelling himself forward at remarkable speeds, effectively granting him the ability of flight.


His flying figure went even faster, as a sonic boom went off, signifying him breaking the sound barrier.

But he didn't slow down, as his speed increased even more, becoming a blur.

This continued, until eventually, his momentum stagnated.

Gojo smirked, "Mach 8.3, in other words, 6,368 Miles Per Hour.... Not bad."

He slowly came to a halt, and aimlessly floated mid-air, as he put a finger under his chin, in a thinking manner, 'After practicing for countless hours, this seems to be my top speed for now, nevertheless it doesn't seem to be my limit. I'll have to train more.'

His gaze then landed down at the city of Gotham, 'Based on the information from Lucifer, this seems to be Gotham. He most likely sent me here because this has got to be one of the most shittiest cities on the planet.'

'Nevertheless, why not explore the city...'

Without hesitation, he suddenly released his control over the gravitational lines, and watched as he descended at a rapid pace.


As gravity took it's hold, Gojo had a small smile playing on his lips, he maintained a relaxed posture, standing tall as he plummeted rapidly towards the streets below.

Hushed murmurs spread among the crowd gathered below him, as citizens took note of his figure.

"Look! Is he... falling?"

"Whoa, he's coming down fast!"

"He's gonna crash!"

"Way to state the obvious, dumbass!"

But as Gojo slowed his descent and seemed to have started to float, the whispers grew louder, mingling with gasps of astonishment.

Eventually, he neared the ground, as he landed gracefully with a soft thud on the sidewalk, drawing the attention of the passersby.

"Did you see that?"

"I think he was flying!"

"Who is he?"

"Maybe he's a new superhero?"

"He's wearing a blindfold! How the hell can a blind man be a superhero! Just shut your trap!"

Ignoring the murmurs of the crowd, Gojo continued on his way, hands casually tucked into his jacket pockets as he strolled down the sidewalk.

As he walked down the street, drawing curious glances from passersby due to his distinctive appearance, he couldn't help but feel a pang of hunger gnawing at his stomach.

Spotting a familiar sight—a 7-11 convenience store—he sighed in relief as he muttered.

"Fortunately they have 7-11.... Nothing can beat some donuts." 

Pushing open the door, Gojo entered the store, the chime of the bell announcing his arrival.

He then scanned the glass case where the donuts usually resided, only to find it disappointingly empty.

Gojo's brow couldn't help but twitch in annoyance, 'Leave it to 7-11 to never have available donuts in any universe...'

He resigned himself to settling for some candy bars instead, and while approaching the cashier desk, a sudden crash echoed from the back of the store.


The cashier stood on his toes as he had a puzzled expression, attempting to see what had happened, "What was that?"

As he was about to ignore it and checkout Gojo, another noise came.


Unable to simply disregard it, the cashier excused himself to investigate the disturbance, "Sorry sir, please give me one second." He said before hurrying off.

With a knowing smile, Gojo watched as the cashier hurried away, leaving the desk momentarily unattended. Seizing the opportunity, Gojo swiftly made his exit, not bothering to wait for the cashier's return.

As he stepped back out onto the streets of Gotham, he glanced up at the CCTV camera mounted above the entrance and mouthed a silent message before disappearing into the crowded city once more.


In the dimly lit room of a blacksite, Amanda Waller stood at the center of the bustling activity, her pink and white suit illuminated by the glow of the computer screens around her, her piercing gaze held a steely resolve.

Beside her stood a few individuals, each focused on the information displayed on the large rectangular table before them. One man, dressed in military attire, stepped forward to deliver a brief report.

"Ma'am, we've tracked the subject's movements since the alert," He began, his tone professional, "He was last spotted entering a convenience store in downtown Gotham."

Waller listened intently, her expression unreadable as she absorbed the information, "And what about our ground forces?" 

The man nodded, "We've deployed teams to intercept him. They're closing in on his location as we speak."

Waller nodded, her mind already calculating the next course of action, "Good. Keep me updated on any developments."

As the man stepped back, Waller turned her attention back to the map displayed on the table. Lines and dots traced the subject's movements, indicating the path he had taken through the city.

"We need to work together with the U.S. military on this," She remarked, her voice firm and decisive, "This isn't just any super-entity we're dealing with. He's a potential threat to national security, and we need to neutralize him before he becomes a problem."

The others in the room nodded in agreement, their expressions reflecting the gravity of the situation.

One of the analysts spoke up hesitantly, "But ma'am, what if this guy is as strong as Superman?"

Waller's gaze hardened as she turned to face the young analyst. "Superman potential threat to national security or not, we have protocols in place for dealing with such situations. We'll handle it accordingly."

The analysts exchanged uneasy glances, if their target was on the level of Superman, they didn't have any hope of this mission being successful. It was a sobering reminder of the potential dangers they faced.

However, she turned back to the map, her resolve unwavering, "Regardless of who or what this individual is," She declared, "Our priority remains the same, so do your jobs."

Waller's figure couldn't help but lean forward, as her was gaze fixed on the map presented on the table screen, "How did we miss this?" She muttered to herself, frustration evident in her voice.

Another of the analysts spoke up, his tone apologetic, "It appears that our surveillance systems were unable to detect him until he entered Gotham City, ma'am. His speed was beyond anything we've encountered before."

Waller scoffed, "We need to do better, this kind of oversight is unacceptable. We can't afford to let threats like this slip through the cracks."

The room fell silent for a moment as everyone absorbed the gravity of the situation. The stakes were high, and failure was not an option.

Finally, Waller turned to the military liaison standing beside her, "Get me a line to the ground forces," She instructed. "I want to know their status and their plan of action."

The liaison nodded, already moving to carry out her orders. She watched him go, her mind racing with the various challenges they faced.

As the room moved with activity, Waller knew that they had their work cut out for them.