
DC: Gojo With Vectors

Handpicked by Lucifer Morningstar, a soul from Hell is reborn as Gojo, a demon empowered with the ability to manipulate vectors. Thrust into the DC Universe, Gojo's rebirth takes an unexpected turn as he is given the role of a reaper, tasked with determining the fate of souls deemed unworthy of existence and sentencing them to Hell. Embracing his role as judge, jury, and executioner, Gojo navigates the shadows of the DC Universe.

SIeepyDreamerr · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs


Gojo could be seen sitting inside a Shake Shack with a burger in hand, and an assortment of bags.

In the past 20 minutes, he had entered multiple stores, stealing various clothes and some pocket change money in order for him to actually buy some food.

'Might as well practice my powers while I'm here.' He mused to himself.

Placing his half-eaten burger down on the tray, he focused his attention on a plastic fork lying beside it.

With a subtle movement of his hand, he effortlessly manipulated the gravitational lines around the fork, causing it to lift off the table and hover in the air.

As the fork floated before him, Gojo couldn't help but smile, 'Manipulating gravity has become like 2nd nature to me, not to mention I can effortlessly use it like telekinesis now...' He thought, his determination shining through, 'With enough practice, I'll be able to master even greater feats.'

With that thought in mind, he continued to manipulate the fork, sending it spinning and weaving through the air with precise control.

Fellow customers would watch from a distance, showing apparent bewilderment, as Gojo blatantly practiced his powers, not even attempting to hide it.

He eventually stopped, as Gojo decided to pick up one side of his blindfold, revealing a single eye, as he once again saw the vibrant world.

Their were varying clumps of energy everywhere, and the small spheres of atoms would race across his vision.

Gojo's eyes stopped at one of the most prominent energies that he took note of, 'Kinetic Energy...'

Kinetic energy is the energy an object possesses due to its motion. When an object moves, it possesses kinetic energy proportional to its mass and velocity. The faster an object moves and the heavier it is, the more kinetic energy it has.

To Gojo's eyes, humans looked like blue silhouettes surrounded by more swirling blue energy. They had a shimmering aura, made up of countless atoms moving around. Their movements created patterns in the air, showing how much energy they had in even the slightest motions.

Not to mention the entirety of his surroundings had a blue hue to it, as even the air molecules were constantly moving, emitting kinetic energy from them.

'Fortunately I was decent at Physics, so I get the general gimmick, but I'll need to study more later on...'

Focusing back on the fork, he held it mid air, before slowly levitating it a few feet away from him.

'Let's see if this works.'

He willed the gravity on the fork to launch itself at him, and at his command the fork came flying at him.


But, surprisingly it froze mid-air, only inches away from Gojo's eye.

It may have looked like he stopped it with telekinesis, however it was much more different, as he had essentially stopped the vectors within the kinetic energy from moving.

'And then send it back like this...'

Gojo flicked his finger forward, manipulating the kinetic energy that was generated from the fork's initial motion, and repelled it back.


The fork was sent flying backward, as it softly crashed into the glass window.

Gojo had a bored expression as he sighed, "That was way too easy. Like boringly easy..."

While he was already pretty overpowered, his ability was severely restricted in terms of range. He would need to be in direct contact with the vector, or a few meters away if he wanted to manipulate it.

So he could defend against anything near him, but once he repels the vector, it'll be outside of his control.

He wasn't too sure when it's range would increase, but he could only assume it would do so over time.

"Hmm?" Gojo's attention was piqued as he noticed citizens frantically exiting the restaurant.


Some of their phones would go off as they glanced toward him with worry, before continuing to leave in a hurry.

In mere moments, the restaurant was empty, even the workers had left through the backdoor.

Gojo was unsurprised as he had already sensed the reason why.

In the distance, the hum of engines grew louder, accompanied by the whirring of helicopters overhead and the distant rumble of approaching jets.

"Well, well, let's have some fun." Getting out of his seat, he exited Shake Shack, and noticed the streets were devoid of any citizens.

As he walked, military vehicles approached from all directions. Four helicopters formed a square formation in the sky, tracking his every move.

Ignoring their presence, Gojo strode to the center of the street, where he found himself surrounded by Tanks and Humvees painted in various shades of black and camouflage.

Soldiers quickly swarmed out, taking up strategic positions behind their vehicles or crouching in readiness.

One specific soldier's voice pierced the tense atmosphere, "Stay where you are! Don't make any sudden moves!"

Gojo halted his leisurely stride, turning to face the soldier with an amused expression, "What's the hurry, soldier?"

The soldier hesitated, unsure of how to respond to the seemingly calm individual before him, "You're under arrest for unauthorized meta-human activity. Surrender peacefully, and we won't use force."

Gojo chuckled softly, his hands remaining casually tucked into his pockets. "Sorry, but I'm not one for surrendering." He replied with a smirk.

The soldiers exchanged nervous glances, uncertain of how to proceed.

After a moment of tense silence, one of them gave a nod to the others.

"Fire!" One of them yelled.

With a swift motion, they deployed an electrified net, aiming to immobilize Gojo and render him unconscious.

As the net hurtled towards Gojo, his mind raced with calculations.

'Let's see... the mass of the net is approximately 10 kg, and it's traveling at a velocity of 10 meters per second. That means its kinetic energy is: 0.5 x (10 kg)(10m/s)^2, which equals to....'

'500 Joules of energy!'

Once figuring out the amount of energy required to repel it in a blink of an eye, his mind took action.

Despite the imminent danger, he maintained his composure, his hands still tucked inside his pockets.

With precise control over his surrounding kinetic energy, Gojo waited until the net was mere feet away.

Then, with a swift thought, he redirected the energy surrounding the net, repelling it back with the same force it had approached him.

The soldiers surrounding him watched in stunned silence as the net suddenly reversed course in a blink of an eye, hurtling back towards them at incredible speed.

The one who had fired the weapon barely had time to react before he was struck by the electrified net, sending a surge of electricity coursing through his body.

The soldiers could only watch in disbelief.

"What just happened? How did he do that?"

"I don't know, but he's not like anything I've ever seen before."

"He didn't even move."

Gojo remained still as he was in thought, 'Realistically I don't need to do much calculations, and could just repel the net without even trying to control it, but that would just cause unnecessary harm... Not to mention I need to completely master this power, for it to reach its full potential.'

As the soldiers apprehensively surrounded him, multiple of them started shouting.

"Hands where I can see them, now!"

"Surrender yourself!"

"Do it now!"

Gojo tilted his head with a light smile, "Now, now, gentlemen, let's not resort to violence."

But tensions were high, and a nervous soldier accidentally discharged his weapon.


The sound echoed through the air, and in the chaos that followed, others reacted instinctively, their rifles firing in rapid succession.




Time seemed to slow as hundreds of bullets flew towards him from all directions.

Gojo couldn't help but let out a light laugh at the sudden twist, 'What jokes... If I really wasn't a super I would have been killed, nevertheless I'm happy that occurred, that means I can test my powers without restraint...'

His mind remained sharp, instantly calculating the energy behind each and every bullet, 'The rifles' rounds seem to have a muzzle velocity of around 900 meters per second, with a bullet mass of approximately 0.005 kilograms.'

'The amount of Joules should be about... 2,025.'

As the bullets were nearing his figure, Gojo's calculations were complete.

With precise mental focus, he exerted his power over the kinetic energy of each bullet, suspending them in mid-air with a flick of his will.

The soldiers, caught in a state of shock and disbelief, watched as the lethal barrage of bullets hung motionless around Gojo, seemingly frozen.

Their initial aggression dissolved into apprehension as they realized the futility of their efforts.

"What in the actual fuck!"

"I knew I shouldn't have come to work today."

"Yeah, were done for."

Gojo himself didn't like being shot at, so he couldn't help but smirk a little, 'While I would usually repel the bullets with equal force, that might kill them, so I'll tone down the power a bit...'

With an amused expression, he sent the bullets flying back, but decreased the velocity behind them.



The projectiles whistled with life as they found their way back into the barrels of the soldiers' guns, triggering explosions and damaging their weapons.


"Shit take cover!"

But the other bullets struck the soldiers directly, slamming into their protective vests and knocking them off their feet.

"Shoot the bastard!" Amidst the chaos, a soldier screamed with fervor, firing a rain of bullets at the white haired individual.

This incited others to continue their rain of gunfire.

Nevertheless, Gojo casually repelled them back to those same individuals, either breaking their weapon or incapacitating them.

"Fall back! Fall back!" A commanding soldier's panicked voice pierced the havoc, barely audible over the din of gunfire.


"Halt fire and retreat!"

Immediately after his words, gunfire halted as soldiers quickly backed up, warily watching Gojo's position as they did.

The multitude of ground vehicles quickly made some distance, as the troops followed suit.

"Air support, this is Bravo Team leader. We have a situation here. Requesting immediate backup and authorization for aerial engagement." The soldier barked into his radio, his voice urgent.

An instant later, a voice came from it, "Roger that, leave it us."

Gojo also heard this, as he glanced up and watched as the 4 attack helicopters hovered above him, aiming their weapons downwards.

Without hesitation, one of them released a missile, heading straight to him.


"Well this should be interesting..."