
DC: Celestial Light Human

(That's right...this is a remake.) A tired soul is chosen by God to become his warrior. R18 - If you see * in the chapter title, that means lemon. Disclaimer: - If you are mentally weak, don't read this story. It's very dark, and the mc is NOT a good person. - There's no release schedule. I drop chaps when I feel like it, which can vary from 1-3 times a week.

SwayStar · Anime und Comics
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96 Chs

Impromptu Training Session

Sora could feel her shaking. Adding the constant brushes with death and the adrenaline, the results were obvious. This was why he never told people how to live their lives. Eventually, it would catch up to them.

Grundy could only flail as he waited for his limbs to regenerate. At a further distance, Killer Croc could be seen catching up. His eyes widened upon noticing the maimed killing machine. When he saw White Rabbit hugging the leg of someone new, he frowned.

"Who is that?" He muttered.

For some reason, the reptile felt like this situation was beyond his paygrade. Seeing Grundy without his limbs was enough of a reason. Crocodile silently backed away, deciding to retreat into the sewers. Unfortunately, he didn't go unnoticed.

The lazy man locked eyes with the reptile and smiled. He raised his hand, pointing his finger at him like a gun. A laser immediately shot through Killer Croc's stomach, burning his organs. A hole was all that was left.

"Lizard, if you survive that…you're free to live as you please." Sora muttered.

Even though the two were far away from each other, his words entered Croc's ears. Only then did he fall unconscious. The gang war was still ongoing. Gunshots rang throughout their surroundings. Despite this, it had become much more peaceful to Jaina.

"Sora." She finally spoke.


The rabbit rose to her feet. Her arms wrapped around his neck, and she hugged him with all her might. Sora gently rubbed her back. He had an idea of what she was feeling.

"So? Have you had enough fun for the day?" He mocked. Jaina gave a tired smile.

"Definitely. It was fun at first, but…I might be done for a while."

"I see…there is nothing wrong with that. You'll definitely live longer by doing so." He commented.

Jaina might be slightly off kilter, but she still had common sense. Such a thing was why he knew they'd be great friends. He didn't think they would go much further than that, however.

Sora wasn't normally attracted to those with common sense. He preferred those who ran on chaos. Insanity. Especially those of the broken variety. Of course, only time would tell who he found himself spending time with.

"Thank you. I really owe you." She exclaimed.

"Yes, you do. How will you make it up to me?" He responded.

"Give me some time, and I'll figure it out."

"...Good. Now go home. Your friend over there is getting impatient." Sora spoke.

White Rabbit looked over to see Grundy almost done regenerating. His limbs were reattaching at an incredible speed. The little rabbit froze for a second before grabbing the briefcase full of money. After giving Sora a quick kiss on the cheek, she bolted.

The sleepy man raised an eyebrow as she left. What a sneaky move! Of course, he could've avoided it if he truly wanted to. But why? Why would he do that?

"GRAAHHHH!" Solomon Grundy roared.

It was back in action. Limbs fully repaired and ready to destroy. Sora knew this was his chance to fully refine his way of fighting. Since everything came naturally, he wanted to get a better feel while the stakes were low.

"...I'll just do what feels good." He muttered.


Solomon continued to roar at the sky. He didn't seem to have any motive, just being annoying to the powerful, and terrifying to the weak. Sora rubbed his buzzing ears.

"...Shut up!" He exclaimed.


Sora appeared in the sky where Grundy was looking. He elegantly kicked an explosive beam toward the beast. It exploded in his mouth.

The force sent him reeling. High temperatures burned his tongue and larynx, annihilating his voice box. No more screaming for him.

Catching up to the beast, Sora kicked him in the ribs. There was force behind it, but it wasn't too much. He didn't want to finish it too soon. Still, it was by no means weak.

Grundy smashed through the empty warehouses until he landed in between the two factions. Both sides paused their gunfire upon seeing him. Grundy was the secret weapon of the younger thugs. It was unknown how they controlled him, but they pressed the advantage.

Gunshots rang once more, and the firefight continued. Some bullets hit Grundy, but he was too focused on the man walking through the hole in the wall. Sora's hands were in his pockets.

Bullets bounced off their skins as they charged each other. The grey beast waved his arm, causing the air to whistle. Sora ducked under the swing and swept Grundy's legs. This knocked the figure off his feet.

His hand grabbed the monstrosity's face and slammed him into the ground. A small crater opened up beneath them. Not letting up for a second, he threw Grundy like a baseball. Only then did Sora vanish with a flash of light.


He appeared behind the accelerating beast, and spartan kicked him in the back. Solomon's body folded in a disgusting way. A cracking sound reverberated as his spine snapped in half. The forceful change of momentum scrambled his innards.

Grundy couldn't control his body as he crashed through the warehouse and landed on the pier. He could only lay there, since his motor skills had vanished. Sora leaned against the railing and waited.

'I think that's good enough. My fighting style isn't restricted due to my speed and perception…and kicking feels really good.' He thought. It felt like he was playing soccer (football).

The sound of gunfire was starting to diminish. It seemed that the war had a victor. A young delinquent walked out of the hole and spotted Sora, who was lazing around. He quickly signaled to his leader. The remaining survivors of the skirmish only watched.


Grundy had regenerated again. He rose to his feet, eyeing the sleepy man with vigilance. The beast could finally understand the danger Sora presented. It would have to strike fast, with no wasted movements. Solomon took a step-

"I've gotten tired of you. Disappear." Sora spoke beside his ear.

His leg was already nearing the gray abomination's head. This time, Sora's foot was glowing. It collided with Grundy's face in slow motion.


Solomon Grundy's body turned into a laser as it raced across the ocean. The waves were split in two wherever his body passed. That wasn't all. The glowing light had sunk inside his chest.

Once the body was far enough away, Sora snapped his fingers. Immediately, the night sky brightened up as if it was mid-day. The waters grew chaotic as the explosion seared a hole into the waterbed. All of Gotham was able to witness this scene.

Whatever was left of Grundy, it would take a long time to regenerate. It wouldn't be Sora's problem by then. That beast would most likely be in a different country at that point.

'That's the second person I've sent across the ocean. I need to go lay down…' He thought sleepily.

The lazy man knew that it was time to leave. He'd attracted enough attention for a good while. After glancing at the gobsmacked delinquents, he vanished.


Whazzaaaaaapp !

SwayStarcreators' thoughts